Sunday, 15 August 2010

10 of august

Me and a german girl arrived at 7 rios in lisbon by hitchhicking.She wanted to go to the north, but she didnt know where to hitchhicke so i said to her to come to my place so that she can check the internet.We went to the zoo but only saw the expo which were free-the crocodiles next to mcdonalds.

We went to my house by bus and I made tuna with beans and she loved it.Then she went to north o portugal and I said good-bye to her.

I went to nuno's place to say hi to him.He invited me to smoke with him next to the 25 of April bridje and i said ok.I sended a mensage to Ziva to ask her where was the squat house.She said it was near cabo Ruivo, expo. Fuck.That far?no problem. I went to the Metro station, but because of my actual state of highness, I missed the stop where i should exit.No problem.I had a fun time apreciating a sculpture on the last stop of the subway then went back again.I went up the big street as she said then turned left to another big was like 20:00.Dark as hell.Me alone and no one in the street.only black cars passing by.I was feeling a bit scared a bit and tired from the travel.But at the same time I was exited to go to the party at the squat house.As I started walking downards the big street I started to see more and nmore abandoned industrial buildings with graffiti on them and broken windows,But no,one with lights and yellow."when you see a small street turn left".

Must be this one.

As i walk the street I begin to hear the dogs barking.After that i see shades of people.than a litle light from a Fireplace and people sitting in sofas outside the complex."hey guys!"-i said ,uneasy,because I was not sure that those were the hitchickers i knew."HI!"-I get the awsnser back."Hey, I took a bit long because....i smoked a spliff first you know?"-than everyone discomposed themselfs in laughts.I still could see shit.I seated next to what i though was polona.As My eyes were adapting to the surrondings i could start to see the faces.Polona, the belgium guy, ziva, felix, the 2 austriac Stephans and the other people living there.There was wine in the table and food.there was only one spoon and polona gave me the food herself, like i was a litle baby.I drank a bit then after a moment there was a stiff but calm party.At 3 am I was a bit sleepy and I said that I would go to bed.The building was an huge industrial complex .It looked like some house from fallout occupied by punks.the door entrance of the squat was pulled horizontally, to reveal an anarcho style house, with beer botles as furniture in the first floor, graffiti as a wallpaper and white concrete as a floor.I climbed up the stairs.In the second floor i saw a nice living room and and an untidy kitchen.I kept climbing.some levels were empty.finally ,after 6 floors I reached the flat roof.It was midle of the summer in portugal, but it was nor hot nor cold to sleep outside.I asked one of the stephans for a sleeping bag, and I beggan to prepare my bed.I put a carpet under the sleeping bag to serve me as a matress.Polona climbed up and said she had to leave because she had to catch a plane to Barcelona.We gave each other a warmth hug, And I ,a bit drunk, asked her where she was going, what will sh do in eslovenjia and other stuff."Just shut up.".She hug me harder then left.I slept like a baby that night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joao, it's Doro the German girl. I just made tuna salad (which, disappointingly, is not as good as yours at all). It's good to find your blog! I'll look forward to following your travels.
    I made it home well, though I had a hard time leaving Portugal -- not because I didn't get rides, but because I really didn't want to go back. Eventually I left on Thursday, and then went home in record speed (24 hours non-stop hitchhiking from the Portuguese to the German border, and then the rest of the day traffic jams in Germany,,,) Now I just want to come back.
