Friday, 10 December 2010
*20 of November - wc closed - please use the one downstairs!
Friday, 19 November 2010
15 of November - Piss washed hair
I woke up from my bed and imidiately an unkown roomate gave me the rest of his pot in a folded magazine sheet. The day's starting off good!- I though to myself.
I thanked him and he left the room with his friend.
The room was quiet, and imitating it I silently dressed my long washed clothes and went downstairs with my backpack, going to the other paralel street through the infamous "Äbraxias" coffeshop and got in "Bob's youth hostel",demanding my included breakfast.One boiled egg, 2 loafs of white bread and 3 peanut butter small hotelish conteiners.I save the peanut butter for later and toast the bread and put it butter in it.I ask the guy for more bread and notice he`s brazilian.In portuguese, I ask him where are the private docks in amsterdam.He looked at the map, pondering what he would say next:"Here on this side there are none, but if you go behind the central station there is a free ferry and there are some docks to the east in the other side"- he said, scribbling a circle with his pen in the part of the map used for advertising."what are you going to do there?""trying to get a ride from a boat".."he that's cool, good luck man, you'll need it!".
He gave me the bread, I ate the 6 more pieces and I checked the internet there.The cool guy from Leiden said he was not at home now, but I could show up because his roomates were.I wrotte down his adress and directions on the blank part of the map and , Grabbing everything I had, I went to the back of the Central station and waited for a Boat.Silent water sounds from motor engines and seaguls filled the air while the ferry was arriving,the deck opening up and lots of people getting in , it was cool it was free, promoting the circulation of people between the two banks.When I arrived there, I asked a woman where were the majority of the boats docked here, and I said also I wanted to go to the UK.She said Amsterdam was not the best place for it, and wrotte in a papper "Hoek van Holland" and gave it to me, a port city near Rotterdam, very close to the southeast britishborder.In anyway, she indicated me the docks and I started going there.They were very far away, and I walked like 2 kilometers with the backpack only to see 2 small sad docks with no boats ready to sail.Only the soft splashing of the waveless river hitting the concrete docks was making noise.Depressed I went back, thinking this wouldn't be an easy task.At the middle of the way my back I couldn't carry anymnore weight so I rested down for a while near a bench by the river, seeing the bed of amsterdam and it's services's buildings and central station.The city looked pretty peaceful, and I zoomed in in front of me and there were some river black ducks hanging out.
There were not many boats in the river, and the majority were mostly local ferries and aid-ships crossing it.I started eating an apple, and once in a while I would spit a piece of it far away,like a canon,into to the river and watch the ducks fighting for it.I started watching them careully.When I would spit out small pieces of apple the nearest and fastest duck would get it and that was it, but if i spit a piece that wasnt small enough for them to eat in one bite, they would try to grab it and swim away from the others so that they could eat the piece in peace, but one duck stood out from the others,the alfa duck ( I called him Alfredo) he would chase the lucky duck and agressively peck him and he would get his piece, and if anybody tried to aproach him he would make an ugly grimace and quack aloud and the other ducks would flee.I enjoyed the scene when I spit out the rest and biggest piece of the apple:First there were major fights with the normal ducks, then they would run away, triyng to peck the piece and the piece would submerge for a moment, when they would peck it again other duck would have swam for it,grabbed it and runned away.But that ended when Alfredo came and bullied everybody, hoovering and running on water pecking his underducks ,taking off their feathers as a use-and-throwaway-souvenir."Quack, quack-quack-quack-Quack!-he was thinking, happily floating in the water enjoyng his meal.But when he saw a shadow covering him he turned back and a giat seagul was standing behind him, the white Mafia seagul wanted the payment.Now.It drily cried out and Alfredo quickly left the scene, the seagul just grabbed the piece and flew away with it, at ease.Hahaha, how much I laughed at Alfredo!Classic ending!
Now that I was more energetic I made the final walking and got on the boat in time, but after seeing other docks to the other side, I quickly rushed to escape from the boat and made it.Went to the other docks but they were the same, with the exeption of a lot of house boats,with mailboxes and everything, which were defenitely not sailing soon.I only saw 2 guys in the docks, but I was ashamed to ask them because they were talking uninteruptively, so I broke on through to the other side by boat, waiting first so the bicicles and motorcicles could get out first.
What would I do now?I decided to hitchhike to Leiden near the hitchhiking sign in Hallemerweg, a big street going out of the city.I slowly walked there, and I started to walk the big street and no sign of the sign.I was walking in the bycycle lane and some times a biciclys would yell to me this lane is only for bikes:''Wtf do they want me to do?There is no sidewalk here!".then i went to the left side of the street and followed a small dike till the road was out of town.Because I didnt saw the sign and was very exausted, I sat by trhe dike eating the rest of the white bread and chocolate butter I had bought.I throwed some pices of bread to the ducks.Here they were more peaceful then the river ducks, and there was a fast duck who got the piece amost everytime.But then a small seagul came and she was so fast even for the fast duck, he could not compete with the seagul flying and catching the piece in midair.Quack!
I turned left and went to a residencial neighbourhood with a lot of immigrants.The children were leaving the day care center, there was repair works on the road- a big people jam.Further I searched for cardboard but instead found a white styrofoam sheet and wrote" Leiden!" in it and went to Hallamerstasse again, when now at 5:30 there was a big slow jam in the street, the best for hitchhiking.I just walked for a minute down the jam and a woman said she could take me half of the way.When she was young she was an acrobat and travelled around the world.She dropped me at the end of the city, not halway, but thats ok, I hitchhike there and got a ride from a catholic priest, which said he was converted to cristianism in his youth hippie times when he had a bad expirience with LSD!He started thinking that if friendship and lovce could exist , god had to exist to create such deep emotional states.Hahaha!, that was a great story, and he was a great guy.Then he droped me off in his village and finally I got a ride from a morrocan family to Leiden.They dropped me of at a Portuguese bar, they said I could hangout with my mates, but I just went to the central station and read the directions to Tommy Quist's house.There wasn't anyone there so I wandered arround the town.I went to a coffe shop at the corner of the same long street and saw the menu and stayed there for a time ,just looking.Mmm, normal wee 7 euros a gram, special ones 8,50.Wow, I was impressed by the amount of people going there!There was like a glass wall between the customer and the emplyee like the one you see at services stations at three in the morning-The people would make a small line and I was amazed again by how fast were they served!with the right money already on their hands, they would order, take the stash and leave just like that.
"Vijf gram superskunk."
"Zes delen dan."
"Tien van Budha haze."
And that was it.3 guys served in one minuteFaster and more expensive then mcdonalds.This guys must make serious money!And they say the dutch don't smoke!Hahahahaha
I went back to house to try my luck but noone was there.But a second after his french roomate,Jordan, was arriving too.He brought me to his place on the 3rd floor and a student athmosfere hovered all around the place .There are more 3 people in the house-another french friend of Jordan , that now was helping him bringing the table from outside to the house, and a couple of friends, and Pete,a Hungarian guy(first i though he was turkish) and a german girl.They seemed to be enjoying one another with a conversation, so I didn't say much and Pete cooked pasta for us and I put Barbecue sauce that was on the table on it.We smoked some xixa after and we had a nice relaxed conversation conversation.Then the french guys had sucessefully brought back the table from outside, but now they had to do a bit of manual labor sisnce they had dismounted(destroyed) the table to bring it in.Jordan told me there was a big student party going on these day, and told me if I wanted to join them and I said yes.He went to get some pizzas with his friend.
When they arrived with the pizzas hee put his projector on beggining trembling with the most offennsivly disturbing movie -Brüno. accompained first with some redbull vodka glasses and then some, I mean, a lot of shared spliffs.At the end of the movie I was pretty well baked up, and I started seeing things diferently, a weird looking atmosphere in the house was building up before my eyes.
The Brüno movie was continuing after its end, with a french guy barechest naked in one side and another one with lady bent legs on the couch, I though I was in the midle of a gay house.The only girl there was by the window smoking and She was surronded by two guys, so I had to watch that circus going on.I didn't say anything.I smoked some more good shit.And then some more.By the time we were going to the party, I was having memory lapses and now I don't nremember half of the story.
The only things I remember is to be seriously fucked up, to arrive at the crouded club and feeling extremely sick, all those people in that restrained enviroment,I just looked at them numbly like i looked at an alien if I've seen it, weird strage people all pretending to be talking with one another in some strage language, for seconds I saw the guys I had came with,then the heat warming up,the sickness arrising evenmore till the point I had to throw up, I faintly asked the people for a bathroom/toilet but they didnt understand me, people blockading exits,I triyng to get everywhere and didnt get to nowhere,my sickess arrive to a boiling point and I couldnt hold it no more, the noise was excrutiating, people looking arround me,shit, I manage to jump 2 people to go to the bathroom, and when I arrived there, the toiled was ocupied.Shit.My vision was blurried,My body was instable, fainting , I just hugged the sink to wash the hands and just knocked on the toiled door sayng helplessly:"help....toilet...I wantugo...".I drank some water getting all wet and then I arrived to the final point, I had to throw up.There was only a comon urinal available with a sink below directing the water to holes.I just neeled myself and throwed up the pizza, the pasta, the apple, the bread, the chocolate all in once.Then I threw a bit more.I though I was ok already, and I washed my mouth and I got out of the bathroom saying "Fuck!".All the people where staring or laughinf at me, guys from the house were asking if I was ok, and in that moment I felt a huge urge to go to the close bathroom again, i runned there and nealed I shocked agains the urinol wall, letting it rest there and then I throwed up again, now a thicker paste, almost dough-like density went out from my mouth while I sufered every millisecond of it, and just next of my face was a dick happily peeing in the common urinal where my head was,and when he left and the automatinc cleaning sistem began.Tchhhhhhhhhstt.schhhhhhh.I couldnt move.I felt the dirty water all over my hair, and then I throwed up, with all the people seeing it yelling "Hooo!!" while gigling afterwards or making a shokcked face.I throwed up the last piece and went to the hand washing sink to drink and clean.Jordan ofered me a tissue and a ride home.I accepted it.I was dead-done and over that night.Me and my reputation in Leiden.Heheheheheee...
I woke up from my bed and imidiately an unkown roomate gave me the rest of his pot in a folded magazine sheet. The day's starting off good!- I though to myself.
I thanked him and he left the room with his friend.
The room was quiet, and imitating it I silently dressed my long washed clothes and went downstairs with my backpack, going to the other paralel street through the infamous "Äbraxias" coffeshop and got in "Bob's youth hostel",demanding my included breakfast.One boiled egg, 2 loafs of white bread and 3 peanut butter small hotelish conteiners.I save the peanut butter for later and toast the bread and put it butter in it.I ask the guy for more bread and notice he`s brazilian.In portuguese, I ask him where are the private docks in amsterdam.He looked at the map, pondering what he would say next:"Here on this side there are none, but if you go behind the central station there is a free ferry and there are some docks to the east in the other side"- he said, scribbling a circle with his pen in the part of the map used for advertising."what are you going to do there?""trying to get a ride from a boat".."he that's cool, good luck man, you'll need it!".
He gave me the bread, I ate the 6 more pieces and I checked the internet there.The cool guy from Leiden said he was not at home now, but I could show up because his roomates were.I wrotte down his adress and directions on the blank part of the map and , Grabbing everything I had, I went to the back of the Central station and waited for a Boat.Silent water sounds from motor engines and seaguls filled the air while the ferry was arriving,the deck opening up and lots of people getting in , it was cool it was free, promoting the circulation of people between the two banks.When I arrived there, I asked a woman where were the majority of the boats docked here, and I said also I wanted to go to the UK.She said Amsterdam was not the best place for it, and wrotte in a papper "Hoek van Holland" and gave it to me, a port city near Rotterdam, very close to the southeast britishborder.In anyway, she indicated me the docks and I started going there.They were very far away, and I walked like 2 kilometers with the backpack only to see 2 small sad docks with no boats ready to sail.Only the soft splashing of the waveless river hitting the concrete docks was making noise.Depressed I went back, thinking this wouldn't be an easy task.At the middle of the way my back I couldn't carry anymnore weight so I rested down for a while near a bench by the river, seeing the bed of amsterdam and it's services's buildings and central station.The city looked pretty peaceful, and I zoomed in in front of me and there were some river black ducks hanging out.
There were not many boats in the river, and the majority were mostly local ferries and aid-ships crossing it.I started eating an apple, and once in a while I would spit a piece of it far away,like a canon,into to the river and watch the ducks fighting for it.I started watching them careully.When I would spit out small pieces of apple the nearest and fastest duck would get it and that was it, but if i spit a piece that wasnt small enough for them to eat in one bite, they would try to grab it and swim away from the others so that they could eat the piece in peace, but one duck stood out from the others,the alfa duck ( I called him Alfredo) he would chase the lucky duck and agressively peck him and he would get his piece, and if anybody tried to aproach him he would make an ugly grimace and quack aloud and the other ducks would flee.I enjoyed the scene when I spit out the rest and biggest piece of the apple:First there were major fights with the normal ducks, then they would run away, triyng to peck the piece and the piece would submerge for a moment, when they would peck it again other duck would have swam for it,grabbed it and runned away.But that ended when Alfredo came and bullied everybody, hoovering and running on water pecking his underducks ,taking off their feathers as a use-and-throwaway-souvenir."Quack, quack-quack-quack-Quack!-he was thinking, happily floating in the water enjoyng his meal.But when he saw a shadow covering him he turned back and a giat seagul was standing behind him, the white Mafia seagul wanted the payment.Now.It drily cried out and Alfredo quickly left the scene, the seagul just grabbed the piece and flew away with it, at ease.Hahaha, how much I laughed at Alfredo!Classic ending!
Now that I was more energetic I made the final walking and got on the boat in time, but after seeing other docks to the other side, I quickly rushed to escape from the boat and made it.Went to the other docks but they were the same, with the exeption of a lot of house boats,with mailboxes and everything, which were defenitely not sailing soon.I only saw 2 guys in the docks, but I was ashamed to ask them because they were talking uninteruptively, so I broke on through to the other side by boat, waiting first so the bicicles and motorcicles could get out first.
What would I do now?I decided to hitchhike to Leiden near the hitchhiking sign in Hallemerweg, a big street going out of the city.I slowly walked there, and I started to walk the big street and no sign of the sign.I was walking in the bycycle lane and some times a biciclys would yell to me this lane is only for bikes:''Wtf do they want me to do?There is no sidewalk here!".then i went to the left side of the street and followed a small dike till the road was out of town.Because I didnt saw the sign and was very exausted, I sat by trhe dike eating the rest of the white bread and chocolate butter I had bought.I throwed some pices of bread to the ducks.Here they were more peaceful then the river ducks, and there was a fast duck who got the piece amost everytime.But then a small seagul came and she was so fast even for the fast duck, he could not compete with the seagul flying and catching the piece in midair.Quack!
I turned left and went to a residencial neighbourhood with a lot of immigrants.The children were leaving the day care center, there was repair works on the road- a big people jam.Further I searched for cardboard but instead found a white styrofoam sheet and wrote" Leiden!" in it and went to Hallamerstasse again, when now at 5:30 there was a big slow jam in the street, the best for hitchhiking.I just walked for a minute down the jam and a woman said she could take me half of the way.When she was young she was an acrobat and travelled around the world.She dropped me at the end of the city, not halway, but thats ok, I hitchhike there and got a ride from a catholic priest, which said he was converted to cristianism in his youth hippie times when he had a bad expirience with LSD!He started thinking that if friendship and lovce could exist , god had to exist to create such deep emotional states.Hahaha!, that was a great story, and he was a great guy.Then he droped me off in his village and finally I got a ride from a morrocan family to Leiden.They dropped me of at a Portuguese bar, they said I could hangout with my mates, but I just went to the central station and read the directions to Tommy Quist's house.There wasn't anyone there so I wandered arround the town.I went to a coffe shop at the corner of the same long street and saw the menu and stayed there for a time ,just looking.Mmm, normal wee 7 euros a gram, special ones 8,50.Wow, I was impressed by the amount of people going there!There was like a glass wall between the customer and the emplyee like the one you see at services stations at three in the morning-The people would make a small line and I was amazed again by how fast were they served!with the right money already on their hands, they would order, take the stash and leave just like that.
"Vijf gram superskunk."
"Zes delen dan."
"Tien van Budha haze."
And that was it.3 guys served in one minuteFaster and more expensive then mcdonalds.This guys must make serious money!And they say the dutch don't smoke!Hahahahaha
I went back to house to try my luck but noone was there.But a second after his french roomate,Jordan, was arriving too.He brought me to his place on the 3rd floor and a student athmosfere hovered all around the place .There are more 3 people in the house-another french friend of Jordan , that now was helping him bringing the table from outside to the house, and a couple of friends, and Pete,a Hungarian guy(first i though he was turkish) and a german girl.They seemed to be enjoying one another with a conversation, so I didn't say much and Pete cooked pasta for us and I put Barbecue sauce that was on the table on it.We smoked some xixa after and we had a nice relaxed conversation conversation.Then the french guys had sucessefully brought back the table from outside, but now they had to do a bit of manual labor sisnce they had dismounted(destroyed) the table to bring it in.Jordan told me there was a big student party going on these day, and told me if I wanted to join them and I said yes.He went to get some pizzas with his friend.
When they arrived with the pizzas hee put his projector on beggining trembling with the most offennsivly disturbing movie -Brüno. accompained first with some redbull vodka glasses and then some, I mean, a lot of shared spliffs.At the end of the movie I was pretty well baked up, and I started seeing things diferently, a weird looking atmosphere in the house was building up before my eyes.
The Brüno movie was continuing after its end, with a french guy barechest naked in one side and another one with lady bent legs on the couch, I though I was in the midle of a gay house.The only girl there was by the window smoking and She was surronded by two guys, so I had to watch that circus going on.I didn't say anything.I smoked some more good shit.And then some more.By the time we were going to the party, I was having memory lapses and now I don't nremember half of the story.
The only things I remember is to be seriously fucked up, to arrive at the crouded club and feeling extremely sick, all those people in that restrained enviroment,I just looked at them numbly like i looked at an alien if I've seen it, weird strage people all pretending to be talking with one another in some strage language, for seconds I saw the guys I had came with,then the heat warming up,the sickness arrising evenmore till the point I had to throw up, I faintly asked the people for a bathroom/toilet but they didnt understand me, people blockading exits,I triyng to get everywhere and didnt get to nowhere,my sickess arrive to a boiling point and I couldnt hold it no more, the noise was excrutiating, people looking arround me,shit, I manage to jump 2 people to go to the bathroom, and when I arrived there, the toiled was ocupied.Shit.My vision was blurried,My body was instable, fainting , I just hugged the sink to wash the hands and just knocked on the toiled door sayng helplessly:"help....toilet...I wantugo...".I drank some water getting all wet and then I arrived to the final point, I had to throw up.There was only a comon urinal available with a sink below directing the water to holes.I just neeled myself and throwed up the pizza, the pasta, the apple, the bread, the chocolate all in once.Then I threw a bit more.I though I was ok already, and I washed my mouth and I got out of the bathroom saying "Fuck!".All the people where staring or laughinf at me, guys from the house were asking if I was ok, and in that moment I felt a huge urge to go to the close bathroom again, i runned there and nealed I shocked agains the urinol wall, letting it rest there and then I throwed up again, now a thicker paste, almost dough-like density went out from my mouth while I sufered every millisecond of it, and just next of my face was a dick happily peeing in the common urinal where my head was,and when he left and the automatinc cleaning sistem began.Tchhhhhhhhhstt.schhhhhhh.I couldnt move.I felt the dirty water all over my hair, and then I throwed up, with all the people seeing it yelling "Hooo!!" while gigling afterwards or making a shokcked face.I throwed up the last piece and went to the hand washing sink to drink and clean.Jordan ofered me a tissue and a ride home.I accepted it.I was dead-done and over that night.Me and my reputation in Leiden.Heheheheheee...
*2 of November - Big hungarian luck above a dead pigeon.
*31 of October - random sights in front of the candle lights
Friday, 5 November 2010
26 of October - The Strange Look in the Akward Room.
I left Helena´s litle house with it´s owner at seven and forty.Today was going to be a loong day, and I knew it, and I was preparing myself mentally for the long journey ahead.
I told Helena if she knew where was the police station, because it was my last day here in München and I had to retrieve my lost Id ticket.She told be there was a Lots&Found office just next to the place where we were going , and I didn´t worry no more.We went to a hip cafe owned by a strong ,modern italian man, who served us 2 lovely sandwiches which I tanked helena for offering me the breakfast, with vapor waves coming out of it, with tomato, melted chese and salami, beautifuly presented in a simple white porcelain plate with a risk of vinegar that looked like chocolate.Not that I didn´t care about how it looked, but with that tastethey could have served that on top of newspapper.Maybe I was a litle hungry because my last dinner yesterday was an apple, but that breakfast went down just thight.I was thinking I wouldn´t eat much in the rest of the day,cuz my food suplies had been depleted in my last travel to münchen, so I ate it like my last meal, just before going to the chair.
I told goodbye to Helena, which gave me her card If I need everything in München(I guess It´s lost by now), and went to the Lost and found Office, Perguntei a pessoas onde era e cheguei la ao office, onde eles disseram que nao tinham informacao sobre a minha carteira, e disseram para eu esquecer ir a policia porque seria como encontrar uma agulha no palheiro, cada esquadra tinha a sua reserva de perdidos e achados e havia milhares em München.
Apanhei o metro ate as saias da cidade.Nao sei porque mas estou sempre mais alerta para o pica quando estou sozinho.O pica nao apareceu e eu fui até uma rua enorme que dava entrada na auto estrada, e comecei a procura de cartão.Nao havia la caixote nenhum e tive de me dirigir a uma perpendicular residencial.tava com azar, os caixotes estavam todos com cadeados.andei uns 700 metros,a suar um pouco e a cansarme,com a mala ja a pesar e finalmente vi uns caixotes do lixo la ao fundo da rua.saquei um cartao longo e escrevi com letras bonitinhas "Rosenheim" .Voltei à estrada principal a pedir boleia à campeäo, à medida que andava na direccäo da auto-estrada, e ao fim da rua quando estava a chegar a estacão de servico uma carrinha apitou para mim e já tinha boleia.
O homem que a ia a conduzir saiu para lavar os vidros primeiro na area de servico e perguntou se eu queria alguma coisa para beber com a simples expressão "Drink?" com um forte sotaque turco,eu ri-me e disse que sim e ele sacou dois rebulles do frigorifico com a sua mão esquerda.Ele era turco,com barba-mosca e não falava ingles, por isso tivemos alguns problemas de comunicacão, mas comunicamos o importante sem problema.Abri o redbull e com o som "Tchhhk!" da abertura da lata o turco arrancou com a carrinha para rosenheim, a uns 100to e poucos kilometros a este de Munique.tivemos uma viagem sussegada na autoestrada, até ao momento que ele ouviu um seu colega no radio ,ficou com uma espressão seria na cara e disse: "polizei, trei kilometre!" and he turned to the national road exit beforehand to not get cought by the police control.We passed by some small german villages built arround churches with towers which were good sniper nests during secondworld war, I guessed.When we got out in one of those villages, 3 kilometers after I heard a loud Burst from below, the truck started moving sobbily and the driver had to make a quick stunt ,parking the truck on the right side of the road.
"Scheize!"he said,impotent.He got out of the truck and started making phonecall.I got out to see what had happened.The right front tyre of the truck was completely fucked up.I went back inside and opened the cover from the midle of the cabin and I found some drinks and some notes of 50 euros.I noticed the trust of the turkish truckdriver when he left me alone in his cabin.I could steal his money just like that, and he would not notice it.But I drew my book out of my backpack and started reading it.
He came in and said that help would come after an hour or so, and he gave me a tangerine to eat.
After 40 silent minutes he said help would only come in half an hour and that he would have to go back to Munich , he wouldn´t go to Rosenheim.I said it was ok, put my things on my back, said goodbye to him and went 50 meter further down the road thumbing,when a expensive jeep stopped in a short while and honked and I went there.
It was the first ride I had got from an "expensive" car driver, and I was a bit suspicious,because usually those drivers dont give rides,But after a"do you speak english?"noe."parla italiano?"no."habla espagnol?" and when he awnsered "sim", I knew that the guy was brazilian, and we started speaking Portuguese.The guy was very nice, he was a dark sknined emigrant living there for 8 years,He had a german wife and said that he didnt speak portuguese for quite a while, and words didnt come as fast as in the past.I said it was the same with me.We laughed.He asked me if I was hungry and if wanted to go to his place to eat something or take a shower, and I said yes.There was an awkward athmosphere sometimes in our talk, but I deduced it was because we didnt speak portugese for quite a while or that we were from two diferent portuguese speaking countries.Often the brazilian have a hard time understanding the Portugese.Jorginho, his name, lived in a village near there.The area was just pure, behind the german alps, with some snow showing here and there,tradicional houses, a big sunny day infecting all surfaces in a million diferent ways.
There was a castle in the vilage, a nice Schloss, and he told me that in the 19th century, a duchess had lost it in just one gambling night.That´s what centuries of incests and luxuries would lead up to.We crossed the village, because he lived 2 km from it.The mountain landscape was just amazing.There was a small snow frost covering the land, with a yellow golden forest with bald trees here and there,fuck, I wish I hadn´t lost my glasses in france so I could see it to the lowermost detail,I said to the man.He giggled and made a short "pfff".
He stoped the car in front of a gate and said we had arrived, and I could only see a nice church."You live here?"I said pointing to the church, incredulously. "Yes,yes, hehe.Thisi wasi a schooll churchi in former nazi taimes, you see dji pond theri was yused to collecte water from dji mountain so they could djrink it"he said with a brazilian accent, while the automatic gate opened.Waaaaw.I couldn´t believe that the guy lived there.we parked in front of the house and I stepped into the snow, and I could see now that the brasilian guy was pretty tall and well built.He opened the big old door of his house and I saw he didnt lock it and just let the key rested there.I felt better.he lifted the baby cat they had and We got to the second floor of the house with few but expensive ornaments and I said to him he lived quite well in this palace "Quite well bad"he replied"Itis cold in tgy winter and very isolayted from djy city".I wouldn´t mind living there.At ALL.Jorginho offered me a pizza, putting it in the oven to unfrost and bake.He went away from the kitchen and brought back an expensive french wine, his boots slowly hitting the dry old woden floor.I saw it wasn ncessary but he offered me a glass anyway and when it was a third full he filled it up again.We talked lightly and when I was started drinking my third glass of wine he asked me if I had any girlfriends.I said I had two, one in portugal and one abroad,I dint know why I had said that, because I had none, but I felt a lot confortable after that."Girlfriendjs or boyfriendjs?"he asked me with a twisted grin.I didnt feel confortable at all now...Was he impliyng I was gay or what?"Girlfriends.GIRLfriends!"I repeated myself, with a manly tone.After a silent awkward moment he said "Houuh, it would be a shamy if you didn´t have any girlyfriendjs" he said to me while playing with his wine and looking at me with his head down.I didn´t roger that.I drank a bit more and he quickly poured more into my fancy cup.The oven was humming monotony when he sudently said "You siee, I have a woman but I don´t care, for me both sexes are the same" In that moment I felt like a grenade had just blown up besides me.
"I like men".
I couldn´t think but I kept cool.Man, that guy wants to fuck me!It all made sense now. After he said" I don know how will you react now, because some people don´t react really well to this".
"no, for me it´s ok, We have to respect other people and their ways and beliefs.Homosexuality is a natural thing, people are born already with their sexuality defined."-I said truthfully and with confidence, but hiding a litle sense of unrestlessness inside.
"Haaa, okey.Have you ever tried it?"he said , with a hoping look on his face.
"No i didn´t......Actually I have tried it when I was litle, and I didn´t like it AT ALL"I said after thinking twice just to take out of his mind his erotic ideas.Shit.That guy wanted to FUCK ME.fuck me!And I was alone with him in his house, now a bit dizzy from the wine.I got a litle unconfortable and paranoid,and I started cheking for defence weapons everywhere, for if the alchool would went up to his brain and he decided to aproach me with more-than-friend intencions.Ok. knife on the top of the table, rolling pin in the drawer, Ho! two axes in a frame in the hallway!
Now that I was feeling more safe and less paranoid, I asked him if he didn´t mind if I drew him, he said ok because he had sometime in the afternoon after going back to the city to do some stuff, so we went to his livingroom, with lot´s of rococo furniture and expensive leopart oil paintings, big crystal chandeleers and a radiant light hitting half of our faces from outside, creating a nice contrast to draw.
I began drawing him in an A4 and we began talking.He was looking at me weird when I was drawing him, and he kept licking his lips.Sheee-it.I just wanted o finish that and go away, but somehow the wine gave me confort.He said the pizza was ready,he would go pick it up and because he had a narrow way to go through he almost rubbed his butt in my face.Wow!No-no.He brought me the pizza and he sat again, and I premeditating carefully swerved ,not to get hit in the face by his butt.When my wine was out he kept pouring more and I was thinking, fuck it,Haha, I´ll get drunk and forget about it, but then he kept pushing me and sayng "Hoouh, but you havy to try agaain to see if you like it!". I gulped the wine.He was testing me to see if the wine was enough for me to say yes.I kept awnsering him negatively.No can do.He got sadder again and he asked no more and then we talked kinda talked normally, and I could see he was just a lonely guy here in Germany, the germans had put him apart because him being black and emigrant, he talked with pratically nobody and his brazilian peers were the worse, when he was ilegal in the country they wanted to snitch him out to the police to fuck him up.Then he got married with his wife half by interest half by love, and he said in Brazil marriages were playfull, "brincadêra"-he said.
I finished eating my pizza and started to finish the drawing, sayng to him that his eyes looked quite sad always, almost as if he had a permanet tier in his eyes.He said peple werre always sayng that.I finished the drawing and he liked very much, although I though I could have done better.I finished my fourth glass of wine and finished the litle rest in the bottle.Let´s go?I said to him.He said Ok.On the way out he kindly asked if I wanted a chocolate to go on the trip, I said yes and he gave me one.When we wered driving to the service station, near the castle he said "HO, i´m so sorry, I forgot my wallet, we have to go back"-"No problem!"I said, with the wine laughing for me.When he went back, he searched in the back seat and found out that the wallet was there.He asked for forgiveness"No problem, happens to everybody!".
And then he rode me to the service station, and I shook his hand sayng it was nice to have met him, and I was being sincere.I think it was quite good experience, and I wont be so paranoid and with prejudices in my head next time I meet a bi or gay guy.
I was half drunk there, and realised I had to hurry for a ride before th sun goes to the other side of the planet.I had to piss, but they chrged 50 cent for a bathroom there.That´s Cowshit.I should have pissed in from of the bathroom so they could learn not to charge money for a portuguese to piss, but I went to the back of th building, watering the trees.
I started "Autoschtoping" as they say and an Austrian guy picked me up, kinda sinister, kinda nice , kinda old, kinda cool.He was 50 years old and he was coming back from holland.He said he could let me 90 kilometers from there in a big service station near the border.
when I arrived there I had still 1 hour till the sun goes down.
There weren´t many people there, so I started asking people for a ride.I got to a family and a sked a guy if he could pick me up.he noticed I had an accent and awnsered me in portuguese.He asked me in my born language if I had a drivers license there, I said no and he explained to me his situation:He was driving his truck with his romanian friends when the police seized his driver´s licence, and he couldn´t go any further.He asked me if I had a telephone so he could call his friends and I said sure.I standed there with them and the romanina man offered me cigarettes which I gently refused and then the romanian woman asked me "Coffe?" I said ok and she brought me a litle coffe whih she said was for 2 and a half euros.The portuguese guy ended his call sayng they only would come tomorrow, and asked me if he could call his mother.He was 10 minutes tryng to dial her number and then I helped him with the indicative, but she didn´t awnsered anyway.He was a simpatic emigrant and said if i didn´t get a lift I could sleep in their van.I thanked him.
It was getting dark and cold and I had to hitchhike.
I put my "kona"wollen hat and my thick black jacket turned upsidedown so it was white to improve my chances of getting a ride, went to the end of the complex .Where the biforked road would unite I was there, hithhikingt with the right tumb when cars coming from the right and vice versa, always clumsily reading a book while doing it.I didn´t read it at all.
Got dark and colder and didn´t like the situation.Somebody called and was his brother.I told him to hold on , I runned to macdonalds where he was but he had already hung up.I was with 3 cents on the celephone, but I said anyway for him to keep the telephone, if I get a ride I wold come to get it.
Got back to the spot, and after some frosty forthy minutes a guy stopped fter me!Hurray!!"Just one minute!I will run to get my phone back!"-I told the guy without knowing if weather he spoke english.I joyfully runned like a cheetah up the hil to catch my high tech resistless prey.I asked if his brother had called and he said now, I said I had a lift and We greeted eachother adn told good luck mutually.I runned even faster to the car,going cooler at the end when I saw they were still there.I put my stuff at the back of the car and off we went to Vienna.The guys were hungarian, were going to Budapest and didnt speak much of inglish.We were in the other side of Austria, we would need 3 and a half hours to get to wien.I was really exausted so I took a nap.When I woke up, i cleaned the drible line with the back of my hand, and took me a litle while to realize I was in Vienna ALreaDY!They droped me off at a macdonald´s in the outskirts of the town. Walked a bit and asked a policeman for the train, it was right in front.It was coming in 15 minutes and I had some time to chill out.I saw cnnabis posters and cannabis tea drinks from Swiss in a drinking vending machine , wtf?22 oclock.When I hoped in on the train,the center was further away then I though, it took 12 stops to get there.Jakob texted me sayng to get out in Karlsplaty and take the green line subway to Landstraße.And so I did.No one in the streets.
When I arrived to the station and climbed up the stairs, there he was , with arms on his sides, and made a look of surprise and waved his arms up like a marionete.Jakob was 6 foot tall college student that was studying in Wien as an Electrical Engeneer,and he talked exitedly and tremblingly about how he saw a portuguese guy needed shelter in Vienna group forum and how he had to return the hospitality that he had recieved in Portugal, so he said I could come there.He had recently moved to the city, he had lived in the countryside all his life.He seemed a bit geeky, but he was a cool kind of one, as I got to know him after.
We climbed his old building till the third floor.he said he payed a third of the rent others payed, because it belonged to his ancle and he had an old contract with the landlord because he couldn´t change it.He prepared me a nice english breakfast for dinner.we ate it vigurously while talking.I asked if he had any siblings, and he sadly said no, frowning he bent his head.I asked why his parents didn´t wasnt to have any more children and then he stopped hidding and told me:The day before today, on the national independence day of Austria, 26 of October, His litle sister of 16 was runned over by a train.His eyes were watered and nervously twitching as he spoke and he was raged when speaking about this and I could see he was still struggling with himself over the loss of her sister still.Shit.I had touched in a wound that hadn´t been healed.Wow I though,I don´t know what I would do if my litle-big brother died.He said that the train company wanted to state it has suicide and charge the family with huge amounts of money for the cleaninga and other bills, but they proved it otherwise, but still Jakob was very pissed off by the way the train company had proceded.He never took the train again .He said he felt a lot of rage if he did so, he only wanted to destroy the machine.An akward silence felt upon the room.He looked at me with sad, akward eyes and I didn´t know what to do.I slowly tryed to get the conversation litgher, and when I asked him about his travels he slowly began telling me his adventures. we talked till 2 in the morning about Portugal,he was very fascinated and had gone there twice, I was impressed h could understand so well the portuguese written language, he had studied latin had that was a major help.We talked about my trip, his girldfriend and his not-so-nice second trip to Portugal with her.
He showed me my room and I slept like a dead fly there.
I left Helena´s litle house with it´s owner at seven and forty.Today was going to be a loong day, and I knew it, and I was preparing myself mentally for the long journey ahead.
I told Helena if she knew where was the police station, because it was my last day here in München and I had to retrieve my lost Id ticket.She told be there was a Lots&Found office just next to the place where we were going , and I didn´t worry no more.We went to a hip cafe owned by a strong ,modern italian man, who served us 2 lovely sandwiches which I tanked helena for offering me the breakfast, with vapor waves coming out of it, with tomato, melted chese and salami, beautifuly presented in a simple white porcelain plate with a risk of vinegar that looked like chocolate.Not that I didn´t care about how it looked, but with that tastethey could have served that on top of newspapper.Maybe I was a litle hungry because my last dinner yesterday was an apple, but that breakfast went down just thight.I was thinking I wouldn´t eat much in the rest of the day,cuz my food suplies had been depleted in my last travel to münchen, so I ate it like my last meal, just before going to the chair.
I told goodbye to Helena, which gave me her card If I need everything in München(I guess It´s lost by now), and went to the Lost and found Office, Perguntei a pessoas onde era e cheguei la ao office, onde eles disseram que nao tinham informacao sobre a minha carteira, e disseram para eu esquecer ir a policia porque seria como encontrar uma agulha no palheiro, cada esquadra tinha a sua reserva de perdidos e achados e havia milhares em München.
Apanhei o metro ate as saias da cidade.Nao sei porque mas estou sempre mais alerta para o pica quando estou sozinho.O pica nao apareceu e eu fui até uma rua enorme que dava entrada na auto estrada, e comecei a procura de cartão.Nao havia la caixote nenhum e tive de me dirigir a uma perpendicular residencial.tava com azar, os caixotes estavam todos com cadeados.andei uns 700 metros,a suar um pouco e a cansarme,com a mala ja a pesar e finalmente vi uns caixotes do lixo la ao fundo da rua.saquei um cartao longo e escrevi com letras bonitinhas "Rosenheim" .Voltei à estrada principal a pedir boleia à campeäo, à medida que andava na direccäo da auto-estrada, e ao fim da rua quando estava a chegar a estacão de servico uma carrinha apitou para mim e já tinha boleia.
O homem que a ia a conduzir saiu para lavar os vidros primeiro na area de servico e perguntou se eu queria alguma coisa para beber com a simples expressão "Drink?" com um forte sotaque turco,eu ri-me e disse que sim e ele sacou dois rebulles do frigorifico com a sua mão esquerda.Ele era turco,com barba-mosca e não falava ingles, por isso tivemos alguns problemas de comunicacão, mas comunicamos o importante sem problema.Abri o redbull e com o som "Tchhhk!" da abertura da lata o turco arrancou com a carrinha para rosenheim, a uns 100to e poucos kilometros a este de Munique.tivemos uma viagem sussegada na autoestrada, até ao momento que ele ouviu um seu colega no radio ,ficou com uma espressão seria na cara e disse: "polizei, trei kilometre!" and he turned to the national road exit beforehand to not get cought by the police control.We passed by some small german villages built arround churches with towers which were good sniper nests during secondworld war, I guessed.When we got out in one of those villages, 3 kilometers after I heard a loud Burst from below, the truck started moving sobbily and the driver had to make a quick stunt ,parking the truck on the right side of the road.
"Scheize!"he said,impotent.He got out of the truck and started making phonecall.I got out to see what had happened.The right front tyre of the truck was completely fucked up.I went back inside and opened the cover from the midle of the cabin and I found some drinks and some notes of 50 euros.I noticed the trust of the turkish truckdriver when he left me alone in his cabin.I could steal his money just like that, and he would not notice it.But I drew my book out of my backpack and started reading it.
He came in and said that help would come after an hour or so, and he gave me a tangerine to eat.
After 40 silent minutes he said help would only come in half an hour and that he would have to go back to Munich , he wouldn´t go to Rosenheim.I said it was ok, put my things on my back, said goodbye to him and went 50 meter further down the road thumbing,when a expensive jeep stopped in a short while and honked and I went there.
It was the first ride I had got from an "expensive" car driver, and I was a bit suspicious,because usually those drivers dont give rides,But after a"do you speak english?"noe."parla italiano?"no."habla espagnol?" and when he awnsered "sim", I knew that the guy was brazilian, and we started speaking Portuguese.The guy was very nice, he was a dark sknined emigrant living there for 8 years,He had a german wife and said that he didnt speak portuguese for quite a while, and words didnt come as fast as in the past.I said it was the same with me.We laughed.He asked me if I was hungry and if wanted to go to his place to eat something or take a shower, and I said yes.There was an awkward athmosphere sometimes in our talk, but I deduced it was because we didnt speak portugese for quite a while or that we were from two diferent portuguese speaking countries.Often the brazilian have a hard time understanding the Portugese.Jorginho, his name, lived in a village near there.The area was just pure, behind the german alps, with some snow showing here and there,tradicional houses, a big sunny day infecting all surfaces in a million diferent ways.
There was a castle in the vilage, a nice Schloss, and he told me that in the 19th century, a duchess had lost it in just one gambling night.That´s what centuries of incests and luxuries would lead up to.We crossed the village, because he lived 2 km from it.The mountain landscape was just amazing.There was a small snow frost covering the land, with a yellow golden forest with bald trees here and there,fuck, I wish I hadn´t lost my glasses in france so I could see it to the lowermost detail,I said to the man.He giggled and made a short "pfff".
He stoped the car in front of a gate and said we had arrived, and I could only see a nice church."You live here?"I said pointing to the church, incredulously. "Yes,yes, hehe.Thisi wasi a schooll churchi in former nazi taimes, you see dji pond theri was yused to collecte water from dji mountain so they could djrink it"he said with a brazilian accent, while the automatic gate opened.Waaaaw.I couldn´t believe that the guy lived there.we parked in front of the house and I stepped into the snow, and I could see now that the brasilian guy was pretty tall and well built.He opened the big old door of his house and I saw he didnt lock it and just let the key rested there.I felt better.he lifted the baby cat they had and We got to the second floor of the house with few but expensive ornaments and I said to him he lived quite well in this palace "Quite well bad"he replied"Itis cold in tgy winter and very isolayted from djy city".I wouldn´t mind living there.At ALL.Jorginho offered me a pizza, putting it in the oven to unfrost and bake.He went away from the kitchen and brought back an expensive french wine, his boots slowly hitting the dry old woden floor.I saw it wasn ncessary but he offered me a glass anyway and when it was a third full he filled it up again.We talked lightly and when I was started drinking my third glass of wine he asked me if I had any girlfriends.I said I had two, one in portugal and one abroad,I dint know why I had said that, because I had none, but I felt a lot confortable after that."Girlfriendjs or boyfriendjs?"he asked me with a twisted grin.I didnt feel confortable at all now...Was he impliyng I was gay or what?"Girlfriends.GIRLfriends!"I repeated myself, with a manly tone.After a silent awkward moment he said "Houuh, it would be a shamy if you didn´t have any girlyfriendjs" he said to me while playing with his wine and looking at me with his head down.I didn´t roger that.I drank a bit more and he quickly poured more into my fancy cup.The oven was humming monotony when he sudently said "You siee, I have a woman but I don´t care, for me both sexes are the same" In that moment I felt like a grenade had just blown up besides me.
"I like men".
I couldn´t think but I kept cool.Man, that guy wants to fuck me!It all made sense now. After he said" I don know how will you react now, because some people don´t react really well to this".
"no, for me it´s ok, We have to respect other people and their ways and beliefs.Homosexuality is a natural thing, people are born already with their sexuality defined."-I said truthfully and with confidence, but hiding a litle sense of unrestlessness inside.
"Haaa, okey.Have you ever tried it?"he said , with a hoping look on his face.
"No i didn´t......Actually I have tried it when I was litle, and I didn´t like it AT ALL"I said after thinking twice just to take out of his mind his erotic ideas.Shit.That guy wanted to FUCK ME.fuck me!And I was alone with him in his house, now a bit dizzy from the wine.I got a litle unconfortable and paranoid,and I started cheking for defence weapons everywhere, for if the alchool would went up to his brain and he decided to aproach me with more-than-friend intencions.Ok. knife on the top of the table, rolling pin in the drawer, Ho! two axes in a frame in the hallway!
Now that I was feeling more safe and less paranoid, I asked him if he didn´t mind if I drew him, he said ok because he had sometime in the afternoon after going back to the city to do some stuff, so we went to his livingroom, with lot´s of rococo furniture and expensive leopart oil paintings, big crystal chandeleers and a radiant light hitting half of our faces from outside, creating a nice contrast to draw.
I began drawing him in an A4 and we began talking.He was looking at me weird when I was drawing him, and he kept licking his lips.Sheee-it.I just wanted o finish that and go away, but somehow the wine gave me confort.He said the pizza was ready,he would go pick it up and because he had a narrow way to go through he almost rubbed his butt in my face.Wow!No-no.He brought me the pizza and he sat again, and I premeditating carefully swerved ,not to get hit in the face by his butt.When my wine was out he kept pouring more and I was thinking, fuck it,Haha, I´ll get drunk and forget about it, but then he kept pushing me and sayng "Hoouh, but you havy to try agaain to see if you like it!". I gulped the wine.He was testing me to see if the wine was enough for me to say yes.I kept awnsering him negatively.No can do.He got sadder again and he asked no more and then we talked kinda talked normally, and I could see he was just a lonely guy here in Germany, the germans had put him apart because him being black and emigrant, he talked with pratically nobody and his brazilian peers were the worse, when he was ilegal in the country they wanted to snitch him out to the police to fuck him up.Then he got married with his wife half by interest half by love, and he said in Brazil marriages were playfull, "brincadêra"-he said.
I finished eating my pizza and started to finish the drawing, sayng to him that his eyes looked quite sad always, almost as if he had a permanet tier in his eyes.He said peple werre always sayng that.I finished the drawing and he liked very much, although I though I could have done better.I finished my fourth glass of wine and finished the litle rest in the bottle.Let´s go?I said to him.He said Ok.On the way out he kindly asked if I wanted a chocolate to go on the trip, I said yes and he gave me one.When we wered driving to the service station, near the castle he said "HO, i´m so sorry, I forgot my wallet, we have to go back"-"No problem!"I said, with the wine laughing for me.When he went back, he searched in the back seat and found out that the wallet was there.He asked for forgiveness"No problem, happens to everybody!".
And then he rode me to the service station, and I shook his hand sayng it was nice to have met him, and I was being sincere.I think it was quite good experience, and I wont be so paranoid and with prejudices in my head next time I meet a bi or gay guy.
I was half drunk there, and realised I had to hurry for a ride before th sun goes to the other side of the planet.I had to piss, but they chrged 50 cent for a bathroom there.That´s Cowshit.I should have pissed in from of the bathroom so they could learn not to charge money for a portuguese to piss, but I went to the back of th building, watering the trees.
I started "Autoschtoping" as they say and an Austrian guy picked me up, kinda sinister, kinda nice , kinda old, kinda cool.He was 50 years old and he was coming back from holland.He said he could let me 90 kilometers from there in a big service station near the border.
when I arrived there I had still 1 hour till the sun goes down.
There weren´t many people there, so I started asking people for a ride.I got to a family and a sked a guy if he could pick me up.he noticed I had an accent and awnsered me in portuguese.He asked me in my born language if I had a drivers license there, I said no and he explained to me his situation:He was driving his truck with his romanian friends when the police seized his driver´s licence, and he couldn´t go any further.He asked me if I had a telephone so he could call his friends and I said sure.I standed there with them and the romanina man offered me cigarettes which I gently refused and then the romanian woman asked me "Coffe?" I said ok and she brought me a litle coffe whih she said was for 2 and a half euros.The portuguese guy ended his call sayng they only would come tomorrow, and asked me if he could call his mother.He was 10 minutes tryng to dial her number and then I helped him with the indicative, but she didn´t awnsered anyway.He was a simpatic emigrant and said if i didn´t get a lift I could sleep in their van.I thanked him.
It was getting dark and cold and I had to hitchhike.
I put my "kona"wollen hat and my thick black jacket turned upsidedown so it was white to improve my chances of getting a ride, went to the end of the complex .Where the biforked road would unite I was there, hithhikingt with the right tumb when cars coming from the right and vice versa, always clumsily reading a book while doing it.I didn´t read it at all.
Got dark and colder and didn´t like the situation.Somebody called and was his brother.I told him to hold on , I runned to macdonalds where he was but he had already hung up.I was with 3 cents on the celephone, but I said anyway for him to keep the telephone, if I get a ride I wold come to get it.
Got back to the spot, and after some frosty forthy minutes a guy stopped fter me!Hurray!!"Just one minute!I will run to get my phone back!"-I told the guy without knowing if weather he spoke english.I joyfully runned like a cheetah up the hil to catch my high tech resistless prey.I asked if his brother had called and he said now, I said I had a lift and We greeted eachother adn told good luck mutually.I runned even faster to the car,going cooler at the end when I saw they were still there.I put my stuff at the back of the car and off we went to Vienna.The guys were hungarian, were going to Budapest and didnt speak much of inglish.We were in the other side of Austria, we would need 3 and a half hours to get to wien.I was really exausted so I took a nap.When I woke up, i cleaned the drible line with the back of my hand, and took me a litle while to realize I was in Vienna ALreaDY!They droped me off at a macdonald´s in the outskirts of the town. Walked a bit and asked a policeman for the train, it was right in front.It was coming in 15 minutes and I had some time to chill out.I saw cnnabis posters and cannabis tea drinks from Swiss in a drinking vending machine , wtf?22 oclock.When I hoped in on the train,the center was further away then I though, it took 12 stops to get there.Jakob texted me sayng to get out in Karlsplaty and take the green line subway to Landstraße.And so I did.No one in the streets.
When I arrived to the station and climbed up the stairs, there he was , with arms on his sides, and made a look of surprise and waved his arms up like a marionete.Jakob was 6 foot tall college student that was studying in Wien as an Electrical Engeneer,and he talked exitedly and tremblingly about how he saw a portuguese guy needed shelter in Vienna group forum and how he had to return the hospitality that he had recieved in Portugal, so he said I could come there.He had recently moved to the city, he had lived in the countryside all his life.He seemed a bit geeky, but he was a cool kind of one, as I got to know him after.
We climbed his old building till the third floor.he said he payed a third of the rent others payed, because it belonged to his ancle and he had an old contract with the landlord because he couldn´t change it.He prepared me a nice english breakfast for dinner.we ate it vigurously while talking.I asked if he had any siblings, and he sadly said no, frowning he bent his head.I asked why his parents didn´t wasnt to have any more children and then he stopped hidding and told me:The day before today, on the national independence day of Austria, 26 of October, His litle sister of 16 was runned over by a train.His eyes were watered and nervously twitching as he spoke and he was raged when speaking about this and I could see he was still struggling with himself over the loss of her sister still.Shit.I had touched in a wound that hadn´t been healed.Wow I though,I don´t know what I would do if my litle-big brother died.He said that the train company wanted to state it has suicide and charge the family with huge amounts of money for the cleaninga and other bills, but they proved it otherwise, but still Jakob was very pissed off by the way the train company had proceded.He never took the train again .He said he felt a lot of rage if he did so, he only wanted to destroy the machine.An akward silence felt upon the room.He looked at me with sad, akward eyes and I didn´t know what to do.I slowly tryed to get the conversation litgher, and when I asked him about his travels he slowly began telling me his adventures. we talked till 2 in the morning about Portugal,he was very fascinated and had gone there twice, I was impressed h could understand so well the portuguese written language, he had studied latin had that was a major help.We talked about my trip, his girldfriend and his not-so-nice second trip to Portugal with her.
He showed me my room and I slept like a dead fly there.
*22 of Octobre - Quacking Ducks of The Conspiracy Movement
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
15 of October
Güten Downhill ; Downtown smokin
Eating 3 slices of French Brioche I still had left with gingerberry butter I quickly left the house, with the first destination being the last host, which I had forgotten to deliver him the keys,some 400m further from the house of the sisters.I was glad I took the Big Fat Michelin jacket and the red scarf outside, it was starting to be a fresh cold day in Berne.With my pants dropping while I walked , trying to get them up again,I arrived to his house, leaving the key there.
After I went to the city center, to the free bike shop, a nice shaq where you can get a bike leaving your id card e a melodica quantia de 20 francos, que comecavam a descontar dai se leva-se a bicicleta normal por mais de 4 horas e a bicicleta elétrica por mais de 2, aquela que eu estava a levar, a qual a hora extra seria cobrada a 2 francs hora, uns 1.65 euros.
Levei a bicicleta electrica , que nunca tinha experimentado, e la vou eu na velocidade auxiliar maxima.Ao principio ate estranhei, a bicicleta parecia que tinha vida e ao pedalar eu parecia o super homem!Aquela bicicleta andava sozinha praticamente, e eu ia depressa para chegar a Gürten e subir o seu grande monte, e so tinha 2 horas para fazer isso.O senhor disse que era puxado, mas eu tentei na mesma.Mas ia na descontra, demorei os meus 30 minutos ate chegar ao inicio do monte.
Berne e impressionante, chegando as suas delimitacoes , num momento estou na cidade e no outro vejo cavalos e vacas am pequenos prados verdejantes, ligeiramente ingremes,com as casas tradicionais tipo telhado de tartaruga, todas em madeira.
Depois dos prados iam ficando cada vez mais ingremes ate que davam lugar á floresta do monte Gürten,um monte de estatura media para uma montanha piquena,com um ar afrescalhado com cheiro a oxigenio.Comecei com as mudancas do motor auxiliar no maximo e a normal na mais pesada, sempre com o motor electrico a dar-lhe com forca monte acima.Ja tinha gasto meia bateria,mas achava que ia chegar la acima.Meti-me por entre a floresta, num simpatico trilho de pedra branca poeirenta, e comecei a subi-lo letamente, o contador nervosamente nos 7, 8 km/h, a cumprimentar os poucos alemaes que iam a descer.Eles comprimentavam-me com um grunhido e eu lanca-va um grunhido tambem, as vezes aumentava o volume do grunhido e roncava como um porco, conseguindo esbugalhar os olhos aos transeuntes alemaes por um momento.A meio mudei para as mudancas mais leves pois a subida comecou a ficar seria, e eu com o meu casaco preto estufado gordo comecava a germinar suor dentro dele.
Na curva do zigue-zague da subida, parei para tirar o casaco cheiinho, dando uma mija primeiro, ao lado do sinal inclinado a dizer "Gurten".Puz o casaco no cesto na parte de tras da bicicleta e o cascol aseguir tambem,como se fosse uma padeira tentar enfiar muinta massa numa panela media.
Agora estava teso , com energias, pus-me a pedalar o caminho que agora ficava mais que serio.Quando cheguei ao inicio do fim, estava estufadamente estafadinho e a ultima parte fi-la de bicicleta á mao, a andar,bicicleta pesada como ó caralho, pois o motor prendia as rodas nestas situacoes.Quando cheguei ao cimo,deparei-me com um cenario inocente , parecia a terra do nunca, so via criancas a brincar e a rir e a gritar.Criancas numa casa da arvore gigante, criancas a andar de comboio miniatura, criancas a jogar xadrez, ou criancas a jogar no xadrez talvez.Fiquei parado com a bicicleta, a espera que o maquinista de 8 anos do comboio passase a linha com ele,e quando este veiculo engracado passou comecei a pedalar ate ao monte mais alto, onde tinha uma torre sem paredes onde se podia ver tudo.
Tranquei la a bicicleta, Vesti o casaco e pus o cascol a medida que subia os degraus da torre, proprios para a neve, num ritmo forte e conciso.
Quando cheguei la ao cimo estava fraco e zonzo e por isso comi uma maca a contemplar aquele cenario digno de uma foto mental.
Apesar de estar um ligeiro nevoeiro que ficava espesso ao longe,conseguia ver a cidade toda, desde o centro tabelado ate Schliren, passando por Köniz e Bümplitz, ate aos bairros mais a norte onde estava agora a morar.O nevoeiro deixava-me ver uns 20 kilometros de raio.Checo as horas -14:25.Tenho de entregar a bicicleta as 15:15, por isso tinha-me de despachar.Quando estava a subir vi uns caminhos radicais para descer e agora ia-me meter neles.
Mas nao sabia no que me estava a meter.
Cheguei la a baixo em menos de 3 minutos com o coracao aos pulos, acabando num travansso digno de holywood ,e apesar de nao acreditar no solo ajoalhei-me e beijei-lo á mesma, nao sei como nao morri ali, naqueles caminhos ingremes e estreitos, cheios de rasteiras de arvores ao virar das curvas com valas a espera de um tanso para cair nelas, eu ganhava uma velocidade desgracada e saltava de valeta em valeta, desviando-me de precipicios com aquele travao bom directo a roda , como o dos carros.Agora desviando-me das pessoas, fazendo uma curta bencao a futebolista, sai do monte por uma quinta privada a abrir,passando dentro de um estabulo com os cavalos fora dele, e mais tarde pelas pastagens inclinadas, onde vi um cavalo malhado disfarcado num grupo vacas.Pergutei a direccao a um gajo e ele disse-me que era so seguir a direccao das "tramwaylines".Disso sabia eu , mas quando eu queria saber a direccao certa para o centro ele ja ia a milhas, e eu fiz um-dó-li-ta e ao fim de 15 minutos a pedalar em planicie cheguei ao terminal de comboios para fora do centro da cidade. Coco.
Vi as horas- 14:53.Porra. tinha 22 minutos para chegar a barraca das bicicletas que estava a uns distantes 6 km no outro lado da cidade.Agora pedalava como nunca pedalera na vida, com o motor electrico a ajudar, andava mais que alguns carrros e passava-os todos no vermelho pela passadeira, com o motor auxiliar no maximo, passei no meio de rotundas pela linha do comboio,passei os vermelhos estupidos e parei nos precisos, quando o sinal dos peoes ficava amarelo ja estava eu no outro lado da estrada, chegando ao centro, subi pedalando ao maximo que eu podia até Zeignsterastrasse ou la o que é, nomes bem fudidos com o dobro de letras necessarios para distrair um portugues menos atento.
Eram 15 horas e 17 minutos quando cheguei a barraca das biclas.FDS.Ja ia pagar mais por isso e o meu Dybbuk judeu dentro de mim ja pensava em maneiras de escapar daquela, arrancando o pára-lamas da bicicleta e matando o homem careca com a parte bicuda do plastico so para nao pagar 1 euro e meio extra.
Dei a chave ao homem, que olhou para mim de sobrancelhas levantadas e cabeca baixa, enquanto baixava os olhos para ler o papel com a minha hora de partida, mas depois riu-se ao ver a minha cara de preocupacao e deu-me os 20 francs e o BI.
o Dybbuk Suspirou de alivio e deixou o meu corpo e eu suspirei de cansaco ao mesmo tempo, e com o meu casaco preto que nao era magro a comer outra peca de lego, fruta,fui passear pelos mercados da cidade a pe, vendo os precos inflacionadamente suicos, indo ate ao parlamento, só velhotes a jogarem xadrez gigante e Jovens ao lado noutro jogo tb.Sentei ao lado dos velhos e pensei-agora e que uma ganza vinha mesmo a calhar.Fui ate ao jardim ao lado, onde vi 3 meninas gordas a enrrolar uma, e andei mais um bocado onde me sentei num sitio pacato á frente de uma igreja gótica a ler o livro "The Road".Passado um bocado, oico dois rapazes a falarem alemao a virem na minha direccao e sou interrompido e pergunta-me em alemao um rapaz preto de 20 e muintos anos.
You speak english? -I said.
EngliSH! Ho ENGlish! OK! Is the book that you´re reading the same book I have here?The Art of peace?!-he said exitedly
No, its the road.what´s your book about?
Man!You wont believe this shit!my book is about the universe, the starst and all the things, man!It´s abouT how all the things are one, how the energy that flows in us is the same, how we came from the same matter, in this reality..!!" he discursed, with a lot of frenetic entusiasm and hand gestures.
Ok, that´s great!
He seated in another bench with his indian friend.I was curious and I wanted to talk with that exquisit guy, with a basketball suit and black painted nails, but wasnt feminine at all.
I came to them and saw that his friend was rolling a joint, and I asked what was the name of the book he was reading again.
HyEAh??! You want to know the name of the book A´m Readin?Wright it down, man!
Shoot!-I said, with a pen ready to write in my arm.
No man, I have a card here!Look, I´ll writte this to you!Man and I write to you another good book man!The Art of War, written by a fukin chinese, Sun Tzu man!
I know this one, what is about?-I continue to make conversation, while the indian friend passes the spliff to him.
*puff* *puff*...It´s about strategy, MAn!-he said, giggling, with smoke coming out of his mouth.
"Its about how to master the attack and how to master the defence!!When you have mastered attacking, your opponenthas no I-DEA where you will going to attack,you know all the tecniques, so you have the upper hand , the element of surRISSE!- he cried entusiasticaly, starting to writte again with a grin and mad eyes, with the papper stuck in his face.
Where did you learn to speak english so well?
I was in London man, and in books, I only read books in english man, makes you think,changes your perception of reality, you become stronger, You see the LIGHT MAN!!- he told me, all speeded up and frenetic
Thatś why Iḿ a BeatBOxer!he stated out of nothing ,waving his cigarette in his hand and making rythms with his mouth after which were good actually
You smOuke?-he looked at me and at the joint in his mouth, crooking his eyes to do so.
Only spliffs man"I said grinning
"Ho YEAH! Cuz we ar smoking a SpliFFF!I let you smoke, youŕe my friend!
While I was smoking, his friend asked me where was I from and I gave him the splif while I said I was from everywhere,thn told him my trip and the black guy said
Man, you have courage man!I wanted to do that man, travel the world and shit!I read that courage is a very important thing man, you only acomplisg your goals if you have it to get it started, Hahaa MAN!RespecT!-and he continued after smoking-"Hehehehe, I also wrotte you books about power man, The power of seduction!I read this books and now Iḿ an expert pick up artist, maN!How to attract them, how to seduce them, how to talk to them!Thereś a lot to know about it, man!Hey, look, we don have any more smoke, we have to go, he said a bit sadly
Itś ok, I didn want to smoke, I wanted to talk
you WAnted to TALK!he repeated, laughing.
Stay well, man, and good luck!-he said whille greeting me with a dude handshake, and off he went with his friend.
I was very surprise by what had just happened.I wanted to continue reading the book, but i just couldn´t.I said to myself I was in a much higher state to read the book and I started to wander the populated rush hour streets of the center, at 6, I noticed that there is a barrier between the people.No, there is a barrierbetween the people in rapid motion, the "bussy ones" ,walking fast and running and driving the car.I felt that if I wanted to talk with them I couldn´t, they would ignore me or negatively say no even before I ask something.I became aware of this hostile citadine enviroment , and then I saw that the more slow people are, the more open they are .Smiling without knowing the reason I asked a couple stopped in the street where was the street which I already knew about, and they awnsered me and tchitchated with me a bit.I did that with a fastwalking-in-the-other-directon person and she didn´t even look at me twice and went on her way.
I arrived home and Florihana said she was taking a nap so I Imitated her and lied down on the sofa, high.
I woke up with the sounds of water pouring from the sink and knifes cutting and water boiling, and I asked what was she cooking and she strangely seemed not to understand a word of what i said and I only captated from her "Talk to me when you´re awake."
hEHE, i think my rapid awake and rise made a break of tension with the sleepiness and bakedness I couldn´t even spell words propely.I went and took a very pleasant shower,feeling the water drops in my face.
At night, me and Florihana went to an alternative place, full of street art on the outside and cool ambince inside.we got inside with a friend of her.She was swiss, but I saw whe she spoken she had grown up in Italy.After that , we went to another place,an old ginasium that now had become a cool club-pub , with soft dark lightening and nice chillout with beat music.It was a nicely crouded place, and I met there a guy from the CS meeting and we talked a bit with him.Even though I said I didnt want nothing, her friend brought me a wine glass, and we had a pleasant talk outside and with my thick jacket I was feeling good there, in the soft cold soft lighted tree with a soft talk with 2 girls in the swiss night in Bern.
Güten Downhill ; Downtown smokin
Eating 3 slices of French Brioche I still had left with gingerberry butter I quickly left the house, with the first destination being the last host, which I had forgotten to deliver him the keys,some 400m further from the house of the sisters.I was glad I took the Big Fat Michelin jacket and the red scarf outside, it was starting to be a fresh cold day in Berne.With my pants dropping while I walked , trying to get them up again,I arrived to his house, leaving the key there.
After I went to the city center, to the free bike shop, a nice shaq where you can get a bike leaving your id card e a melodica quantia de 20 francos, que comecavam a descontar dai se leva-se a bicicleta normal por mais de 4 horas e a bicicleta elétrica por mais de 2, aquela que eu estava a levar, a qual a hora extra seria cobrada a 2 francs hora, uns 1.65 euros.
Levei a bicicleta electrica , que nunca tinha experimentado, e la vou eu na velocidade auxiliar maxima.Ao principio ate estranhei, a bicicleta parecia que tinha vida e ao pedalar eu parecia o super homem!Aquela bicicleta andava sozinha praticamente, e eu ia depressa para chegar a Gürten e subir o seu grande monte, e so tinha 2 horas para fazer isso.O senhor disse que era puxado, mas eu tentei na mesma.Mas ia na descontra, demorei os meus 30 minutos ate chegar ao inicio do monte.
Berne e impressionante, chegando as suas delimitacoes , num momento estou na cidade e no outro vejo cavalos e vacas am pequenos prados verdejantes, ligeiramente ingremes,com as casas tradicionais tipo telhado de tartaruga, todas em madeira.
Depois dos prados iam ficando cada vez mais ingremes ate que davam lugar á floresta do monte Gürten,um monte de estatura media para uma montanha piquena,com um ar afrescalhado com cheiro a oxigenio.Comecei com as mudancas do motor auxiliar no maximo e a normal na mais pesada, sempre com o motor electrico a dar-lhe com forca monte acima.Ja tinha gasto meia bateria,mas achava que ia chegar la acima.Meti-me por entre a floresta, num simpatico trilho de pedra branca poeirenta, e comecei a subi-lo letamente, o contador nervosamente nos 7, 8 km/h, a cumprimentar os poucos alemaes que iam a descer.Eles comprimentavam-me com um grunhido e eu lanca-va um grunhido tambem, as vezes aumentava o volume do grunhido e roncava como um porco, conseguindo esbugalhar os olhos aos transeuntes alemaes por um momento.A meio mudei para as mudancas mais leves pois a subida comecou a ficar seria, e eu com o meu casaco preto estufado gordo comecava a germinar suor dentro dele.
Na curva do zigue-zague da subida, parei para tirar o casaco cheiinho, dando uma mija primeiro, ao lado do sinal inclinado a dizer "Gurten".Puz o casaco no cesto na parte de tras da bicicleta e o cascol aseguir tambem,como se fosse uma padeira tentar enfiar muinta massa numa panela media.
Agora estava teso , com energias, pus-me a pedalar o caminho que agora ficava mais que serio.Quando cheguei ao inicio do fim, estava estufadamente estafadinho e a ultima parte fi-la de bicicleta á mao, a andar,bicicleta pesada como ó caralho, pois o motor prendia as rodas nestas situacoes.Quando cheguei ao cimo,deparei-me com um cenario inocente , parecia a terra do nunca, so via criancas a brincar e a rir e a gritar.Criancas numa casa da arvore gigante, criancas a andar de comboio miniatura, criancas a jogar xadrez, ou criancas a jogar no xadrez talvez.Fiquei parado com a bicicleta, a espera que o maquinista de 8 anos do comboio passase a linha com ele,e quando este veiculo engracado passou comecei a pedalar ate ao monte mais alto, onde tinha uma torre sem paredes onde se podia ver tudo.
Tranquei la a bicicleta, Vesti o casaco e pus o cascol a medida que subia os degraus da torre, proprios para a neve, num ritmo forte e conciso.
Quando cheguei la ao cimo estava fraco e zonzo e por isso comi uma maca a contemplar aquele cenario digno de uma foto mental.
Apesar de estar um ligeiro nevoeiro que ficava espesso ao longe,conseguia ver a cidade toda, desde o centro tabelado ate Schliren, passando por Köniz e Bümplitz, ate aos bairros mais a norte onde estava agora a morar.O nevoeiro deixava-me ver uns 20 kilometros de raio.Checo as horas -14:25.Tenho de entregar a bicicleta as 15:15, por isso tinha-me de despachar.Quando estava a subir vi uns caminhos radicais para descer e agora ia-me meter neles.
Mas nao sabia no que me estava a meter.
Cheguei la a baixo em menos de 3 minutos com o coracao aos pulos, acabando num travansso digno de holywood ,e apesar de nao acreditar no solo ajoalhei-me e beijei-lo á mesma, nao sei como nao morri ali, naqueles caminhos ingremes e estreitos, cheios de rasteiras de arvores ao virar das curvas com valas a espera de um tanso para cair nelas, eu ganhava uma velocidade desgracada e saltava de valeta em valeta, desviando-me de precipicios com aquele travao bom directo a roda , como o dos carros.Agora desviando-me das pessoas, fazendo uma curta bencao a futebolista, sai do monte por uma quinta privada a abrir,passando dentro de um estabulo com os cavalos fora dele, e mais tarde pelas pastagens inclinadas, onde vi um cavalo malhado disfarcado num grupo vacas.Pergutei a direccao a um gajo e ele disse-me que era so seguir a direccao das "tramwaylines".Disso sabia eu , mas quando eu queria saber a direccao certa para o centro ele ja ia a milhas, e eu fiz um-dó-li-ta e ao fim de 15 minutos a pedalar em planicie cheguei ao terminal de comboios para fora do centro da cidade. Coco.
Vi as horas- 14:53.Porra. tinha 22 minutos para chegar a barraca das bicicletas que estava a uns distantes 6 km no outro lado da cidade.Agora pedalava como nunca pedalera na vida, com o motor electrico a ajudar, andava mais que alguns carrros e passava-os todos no vermelho pela passadeira, com o motor auxiliar no maximo, passei no meio de rotundas pela linha do comboio,passei os vermelhos estupidos e parei nos precisos, quando o sinal dos peoes ficava amarelo ja estava eu no outro lado da estrada, chegando ao centro, subi pedalando ao maximo que eu podia até Zeignsterastrasse ou la o que é, nomes bem fudidos com o dobro de letras necessarios para distrair um portugues menos atento.
Eram 15 horas e 17 minutos quando cheguei a barraca das biclas.FDS.Ja ia pagar mais por isso e o meu Dybbuk judeu dentro de mim ja pensava em maneiras de escapar daquela, arrancando o pára-lamas da bicicleta e matando o homem careca com a parte bicuda do plastico so para nao pagar 1 euro e meio extra.
Dei a chave ao homem, que olhou para mim de sobrancelhas levantadas e cabeca baixa, enquanto baixava os olhos para ler o papel com a minha hora de partida, mas depois riu-se ao ver a minha cara de preocupacao e deu-me os 20 francs e o BI.
o Dybbuk Suspirou de alivio e deixou o meu corpo e eu suspirei de cansaco ao mesmo tempo, e com o meu casaco preto que nao era magro a comer outra peca de lego, fruta,fui passear pelos mercados da cidade a pe, vendo os precos inflacionadamente suicos, indo ate ao parlamento, só velhotes a jogarem xadrez gigante e Jovens ao lado noutro jogo tb.Sentei ao lado dos velhos e pensei-agora e que uma ganza vinha mesmo a calhar.Fui ate ao jardim ao lado, onde vi 3 meninas gordas a enrrolar uma, e andei mais um bocado onde me sentei num sitio pacato á frente de uma igreja gótica a ler o livro "The Road".Passado um bocado, oico dois rapazes a falarem alemao a virem na minha direccao e sou interrompido e pergunta-me em alemao um rapaz preto de 20 e muintos anos.
You speak english? -I said.
EngliSH! Ho ENGlish! OK! Is the book that you´re reading the same book I have here?The Art of peace?!-he said exitedly
No, its the road.what´s your book about?
Man!You wont believe this shit!my book is about the universe, the starst and all the things, man!It´s abouT how all the things are one, how the energy that flows in us is the same, how we came from the same matter, in this reality..!!" he discursed, with a lot of frenetic entusiasm and hand gestures.
Ok, that´s great!
He seated in another bench with his indian friend.I was curious and I wanted to talk with that exquisit guy, with a basketball suit and black painted nails, but wasnt feminine at all.
I came to them and saw that his friend was rolling a joint, and I asked what was the name of the book he was reading again.
HyEAh??! You want to know the name of the book A´m Readin?Wright it down, man!
Shoot!-I said, with a pen ready to write in my arm.
No man, I have a card here!Look, I´ll writte this to you!Man and I write to you another good book man!The Art of War, written by a fukin chinese, Sun Tzu man!
I know this one, what is about?-I continue to make conversation, while the indian friend passes the spliff to him.
*puff* *puff*...It´s about strategy, MAn!-he said, giggling, with smoke coming out of his mouth.
"Its about how to master the attack and how to master the defence!!When you have mastered attacking, your opponenthas no I-DEA where you will going to attack,you know all the tecniques, so you have the upper hand , the element of surRISSE!- he cried entusiasticaly, starting to writte again with a grin and mad eyes, with the papper stuck in his face.
Where did you learn to speak english so well?
I was in London man, and in books, I only read books in english man, makes you think,changes your perception of reality, you become stronger, You see the LIGHT MAN!!- he told me, all speeded up and frenetic
Thatś why Iḿ a BeatBOxer!he stated out of nothing ,waving his cigarette in his hand and making rythms with his mouth after which were good actually
You smOuke?-he looked at me and at the joint in his mouth, crooking his eyes to do so.
Only spliffs man"I said grinning
"Ho YEAH! Cuz we ar smoking a SpliFFF!I let you smoke, youŕe my friend!
While I was smoking, his friend asked me where was I from and I gave him the splif while I said I was from everywhere,thn told him my trip and the black guy said
Man, you have courage man!I wanted to do that man, travel the world and shit!I read that courage is a very important thing man, you only acomplisg your goals if you have it to get it started, Hahaa MAN!RespecT!-and he continued after smoking-"Hehehehe, I also wrotte you books about power man, The power of seduction!I read this books and now Iḿ an expert pick up artist, maN!How to attract them, how to seduce them, how to talk to them!Thereś a lot to know about it, man!Hey, look, we don have any more smoke, we have to go, he said a bit sadly
Itś ok, I didn want to smoke, I wanted to talk
you WAnted to TALK!he repeated, laughing.
Stay well, man, and good luck!-he said whille greeting me with a dude handshake, and off he went with his friend.
I was very surprise by what had just happened.I wanted to continue reading the book, but i just couldn´t.I said to myself I was in a much higher state to read the book and I started to wander the populated rush hour streets of the center, at 6, I noticed that there is a barrier between the people.No, there is a barrierbetween the people in rapid motion, the "bussy ones" ,walking fast and running and driving the car.I felt that if I wanted to talk with them I couldn´t, they would ignore me or negatively say no even before I ask something.I became aware of this hostile citadine enviroment , and then I saw that the more slow people are, the more open they are .Smiling without knowing the reason I asked a couple stopped in the street where was the street which I already knew about, and they awnsered me and tchitchated with me a bit.I did that with a fastwalking-in-the-other-directon person and she didn´t even look at me twice and went on her way.
I arrived home and Florihana said she was taking a nap so I Imitated her and lied down on the sofa, high.
I woke up with the sounds of water pouring from the sink and knifes cutting and water boiling, and I asked what was she cooking and she strangely seemed not to understand a word of what i said and I only captated from her "Talk to me when you´re awake."
hEHE, i think my rapid awake and rise made a break of tension with the sleepiness and bakedness I couldn´t even spell words propely.I went and took a very pleasant shower,feeling the water drops in my face.
At night, me and Florihana went to an alternative place, full of street art on the outside and cool ambince inside.we got inside with a friend of her.She was swiss, but I saw whe she spoken she had grown up in Italy.After that , we went to another place,an old ginasium that now had become a cool club-pub , with soft dark lightening and nice chillout with beat music.It was a nicely crouded place, and I met there a guy from the CS meeting and we talked a bit with him.Even though I said I didnt want nothing, her friend brought me a wine glass, and we had a pleasant talk outside and with my thick jacket I was feeling good there, in the soft cold soft lighted tree with a soft talk with 2 girls in the swiss night in Bern.
12 of Octobre
I lazily walked downstairs, and saw 2 kids whatching television.I talked a bit with them in French-English, and I got t know they were brothers of Albertine.I greeted albertine´s mother , that was having breakfast in her diningroom and said to me to eat something.I draged the chair in front of albertine´s mother and had a nice conversation with her about her daughters and my travels and the travels of her daughters.She was really nice.I asked her for atractions in berne and she made some circle in my city map.
At midday I was preparing to leave, when Albertine´s father came.I went upstairs to get my backpack and asked her mother if she had something for the cold.I still had transparent snot in my nose and a strange feeling on my forehead.She gave me vitamin C in powder and I drank it in a glass of water.Against my will, she gave me 2 francs for the bus.And I said goodbye and went on my way to the bus station in that light grey fresh day.At the busstation I got to know a small swiss boy of my age, who said that controls on the busses were rare, and I saved my francs.I went to Zeightraden, where the swiss girl said I could get a bike for free for some time.I asked the guy what I had to do to rent a bike, and he said I had to give him my id and 20 francs, which would be returned after I delivered the bike in 4 hours maximum, then 1 franc would be taken for each extra hour.Ok, its a good deal.I had a talk with Sandro, the guy renting the bikes, and he was chilledout and nice tall swiss with a lower jaw like an old man and thick glasse on his face.I went to the central station nearby.I exanged 15 euros to get 18 francs, and with my 2 francs I had enought money to rent the bike.
I went to sandro, talked with him a bit about my travels, and he said "Haha, crazy kid!" and gave me the bike"have fun, dont forget to come here at 5!".I said ok and put my backpack on the backet on the back of the bike, still hanging on it with the straps around my waist.
I rode throught the center of the town,through the neat expensive sall market in the streets, following the road untill the eastern bridge, where I dismounted from my bicicle and walked with it while contemplating the bears down on the right on the side of the bridge."The city of Berne means Bear, and the Bears are an important symbol of the city, And the people prey a lot thei´r city´s bears.
It was at the same time a bit sad, the humans had hunt the bears in the region till exaustion, now only 3 bears left to entertain the turists.
I rode up the hill in the other side of the bridge, and saw a beautifull perspective of the hole city center of Berne.Ho!, I remembered I had to pick up My winter clothing at Sabine´s place, and looked at the map and saw the name of the canton was Bümplitz.I rode a bit to the west, arriving to an industrial area, I asked a guy in English, and realising he had a familiar accent I asked him in portuguese and he replied the same language.He didn´t know where it was, but said to me that at the end of the street there were some portuguese guys in the construction works.I went there by bicycle and asked a big guy if I he was portuguese, and he was happy to reply in his natural language.He was one of the few portuguese who gave me a full description of the way I had to go, clearly and in good portuguese.He said He spoke & languages, and that he was there for a long time.Hehe, a portuguese speaking 6 languages working in construction, if he was in Portugal he weould be the president for sure!He was very nice and said that If i waited till 5pm he would take me there, but I thanked him aniway and got on my way.He said it would be a 30 minute ride with bycicle,and sure it was a bit far.I followed his descriptions correctly, exept when i went up the bridge instead of under.I realised my error, but what would I do now?I saw a step descent on the right of the bridge, that would go to the street under it, where I shoulg go.The descent was pretty steppy, with thorn threes and bushes, but I ventured in it.I droped my backpack on the tp of the descent, and took the bycicle by the seat, trying to get it slowly downhill, making a lot of strengh to do the final 5 meters I was slipping with my boots and unintentionally let go the bycicle, and it landed safely flatly on the ground.I dont know how it didnt broke any peace in the fall,but I am glad for it.
I went up the hill to grab the backpack, went down and pulled my bicicle and went on my way.
I arrived at Sabine´s place, and after a short talk with food monitoring it, I went downstairs with her and saw the clothes she had for me.I tryed some warm fat jackets and they fitted me perfectly.In the end I had got a black michelan like jacket, a white warm pullover,black sky pants, a red scarf and a warm hat.I thanked sabine and she told me how to get to the city center:" Just follow the tram line!Bye and have a good trip".
I followed her tips and the tram line , and 15 minutes after I was there at time to return the bike.I talked a bit with sandro, and he said he was*****
I lazily walked downstairs, and saw 2 kids whatching television.I talked a bit with them in French-English, and I got t know they were brothers of Albertine.I greeted albertine´s mother , that was having breakfast in her diningroom and said to me to eat something.I draged the chair in front of albertine´s mother and had a nice conversation with her about her daughters and my travels and the travels of her daughters.She was really nice.I asked her for atractions in berne and she made some circle in my city map.
At midday I was preparing to leave, when Albertine´s father came.I went upstairs to get my backpack and asked her mother if she had something for the cold.I still had transparent snot in my nose and a strange feeling on my forehead.She gave me vitamin C in powder and I drank it in a glass of water.Against my will, she gave me 2 francs for the bus.And I said goodbye and went on my way to the bus station in that light grey fresh day.At the busstation I got to know a small swiss boy of my age, who said that controls on the busses were rare, and I saved my francs.I went to Zeightraden, where the swiss girl said I could get a bike for free for some time.I asked the guy what I had to do to rent a bike, and he said I had to give him my id and 20 francs, which would be returned after I delivered the bike in 4 hours maximum, then 1 franc would be taken for each extra hour.Ok, its a good deal.I had a talk with Sandro, the guy renting the bikes, and he was chilledout and nice tall swiss with a lower jaw like an old man and thick glasse on his face.I went to the central station nearby.I exanged 15 euros to get 18 francs, and with my 2 francs I had enought money to rent the bike.
I went to sandro, talked with him a bit about my travels, and he said "Haha, crazy kid!" and gave me the bike"have fun, dont forget to come here at 5!".I said ok and put my backpack on the backet on the back of the bike, still hanging on it with the straps around my waist.
I rode throught the center of the town,through the neat expensive sall market in the streets, following the road untill the eastern bridge, where I dismounted from my bicicle and walked with it while contemplating the bears down on the right on the side of the bridge."The city of Berne means Bear, and the Bears are an important symbol of the city, And the people prey a lot thei´r city´s bears.
It was at the same time a bit sad, the humans had hunt the bears in the region till exaustion, now only 3 bears left to entertain the turists.
I rode up the hill in the other side of the bridge, and saw a beautifull perspective of the hole city center of Berne.Ho!, I remembered I had to pick up My winter clothing at Sabine´s place, and looked at the map and saw the name of the canton was Bümplitz.I rode a bit to the west, arriving to an industrial area, I asked a guy in English, and realising he had a familiar accent I asked him in portuguese and he replied the same language.He didn´t know where it was, but said to me that at the end of the street there were some portuguese guys in the construction works.I went there by bicycle and asked a big guy if I he was portuguese, and he was happy to reply in his natural language.He was one of the few portuguese who gave me a full description of the way I had to go, clearly and in good portuguese.He said He spoke & languages, and that he was there for a long time.Hehe, a portuguese speaking 6 languages working in construction, if he was in Portugal he weould be the president for sure!He was very nice and said that If i waited till 5pm he would take me there, but I thanked him aniway and got on my way.He said it would be a 30 minute ride with bycicle,and sure it was a bit far.I followed his descriptions correctly, exept when i went up the bridge instead of under.I realised my error, but what would I do now?I saw a step descent on the right of the bridge, that would go to the street under it, where I shoulg go.The descent was pretty steppy, with thorn threes and bushes, but I ventured in it.I droped my backpack on the tp of the descent, and took the bycicle by the seat, trying to get it slowly downhill, making a lot of strengh to do the final 5 meters I was slipping with my boots and unintentionally let go the bycicle, and it landed safely flatly on the ground.I dont know how it didnt broke any peace in the fall,but I am glad for it.
I went up the hill to grab the backpack, went down and pulled my bicicle and went on my way.
I arrived at Sabine´s place, and after a short talk with food monitoring it, I went downstairs with her and saw the clothes she had for me.I tryed some warm fat jackets and they fitted me perfectly.In the end I had got a black michelan like jacket, a white warm pullover,black sky pants, a red scarf and a warm hat.I thanked sabine and she told me how to get to the city center:" Just follow the tram line!Bye and have a good trip".
I followed her tips and the tram line , and 15 minutes after I was there at time to return the bike.I talked a bit with sandro, and he said he was*****
Sunday, 17 October 2010
11 of October - Hooker chess
Check the cell clo'ckove - 6:30 in the morning.With all the 4 angled windows, going down the road of grey lightness to the attic pavement and reflecting above.I was on 2 matresses on the floor, the blanket clover all on the floor.Go downstairs to the kitchen of the famous savory unpredictable flummeries and delicious deserts.Now surprinsingly clean and empty of delightful ,now half lighted from the moitey mid morning rise.-It looks like Im the first one to arrive!take some bread from the dirty clothing drawir for long
baguetes, put the first of the last nutella still left on the opened white bread.
Louise comes after 10 minutes, childlichly funny as ever.She drove me till the cemetery and I
got out, saing goodbye to her and retributing goodluck for her studies in Monreal.
Walked a quarter km to the sweet hitchhiking spot and studied it to spot some carton.
Went to the other side of the road, were there was a carton box next to the trashbin of a car
seller park.With my black penkife i cut one wall of the box, writting "Suisse" on it with cute
letters.There was still a space bellow the letters, so I drawed a slice of cheese and
mountains.I was really optimistic, so I turned on the celephone radio on the K6FM, and with
some cool french agitated music I Crossed the road and went thumbing with it.I laughed and
smilled to everyone, but At 7:45 It was harsh too see that that smile wouldnt come back, the
majority of times.Some didnt even look at me, with a upsidown smile and a depressing look
on their eyes, to fulfill another morning routine to do another boring 9 to 5 job,that they didnt
dreamed about when they were kids.
At 9 I had of it, and did a break eating a slice of brioche
Louise had given me this morning, put the backpack on and went further down the road, only
to find that there is no better spot, when the roads all come together I couldnt manage to
thumb there, because it was a fast beggining of the highway.As I go back again to the service
station at the outline of the city, passed over the road steel protection and I smell
something.Shit.I stepped onto a dog trap, and my left shoe scrapped on my lower right pant.
Cursing all the dogs and all the jerk dog owners in the world.I blowed out my nose and my
pants and my shoe,wich had a thick and sticky brown snot, taking the shitted handkerchief for
a walk of 200meters,.It danced and giggled to the flavor of the wind, and I just wanted to throw him out in the neares garbage station.
When I did it, I found out that I still smelled like shit, there was still some entrenched shit in my pants that didn't want to leave for good.So I drew my swett spray out hand sprayed the shitted area in my pants and shoe with white snow like fumes.MMMhh, know I should smell OK, i though.And as if the driver could smell my newly scent of fresh mountain luck,I got a ride within 2 minutes to Dole, a small town 20kms of Dijon, In a white van with open box.The midle aged grey hair man was once a professional german soccer player, and he showed me the towns i had to jump in in order to get to Bern, Suisse.
There my luck didnt worsen and after sticking the thumb out for 5 minutes a midle aged tided women gave me a ride to her home town, bencanson.Although she had glasses in her face she couldnt hide her expression of shitty smell detected' , and I realized I was still smelling like a shit hole, and opened my window.But even if i smelled like it, she was kind and gave me her card. said that if I ever visited Bencanson to give her a call, that she would show me arround the city.She had hitchhicken when she was young, and sshe dropped me at the place where she had done it, a cool road by the river.
As I was writting "Portalier" in the other back of the carton, I saw a guy thumbing just 10meters in front of me.Another fellow hitchhiker!I went to talk with him, and I simpathised right away with my french homonym friend, Joan, wich was going to the same place as I, his hometown."Voy a lavar la ropa sucia a casa de mis padres!"He said with a grin, after knowing I was portuguese.I asked him if it was a problem if I could go with him."no, qureo que no ha problema".And after 3 minutes a black cougar car stopped in and I got inside with Joan, me cosily thight in the back with the 2 backpacks besidesme.and with a cheesy music in the cougar car of the young metalworker, we went at high speed to portalier, 15km of the Swiss border.
When I got there it was really sunny day, and taking off the overlayers of clothe while Joan told me the best place to hitchhike in town.So with my portuguese t-shirt, I hitchhiked a while, only then realising that I had a post office right in front of me, where I could send my letter to the portuguese court.I asked there if I could send it to portugal with the french chiken postal, which she replied sayng that I had to pay an extra 17 cents to the correct one, which the old woman promply gave to me some the change she was still putting it in her old woman wallet,but a fancy french one.I thanked her for the kindness and went to the zebra crossing testing my luck, when a french teenager talked to me in french, and I understood that the best spot to go to was in front of the service station, a bit further down the road to the right.He was going that way, and I managed to talk with him in french, about his studies, my trip, the music he likes.I thought he was my age, and I got perplexed when he said he was 14."Putan!tu es grand pour ton âge!"I said to him.He smilled at me, and after he told me he was in a professional school and he workerd as an aprentice butler.And actually he had the looks of it, And I couldn't stop imagining him slicing and choping the meat 20 years from now, with the fat in his harm shaking everytime he'd hit the meat,cutting fatless pieaces of meat to the grandma next door.As he was going to shcool, I waved at him and continued to the service station.
That area already had some swiss air and look to it.It was fukin hot for that region, E eu divertia-me a ver a cara que alguns condutores fayiam.Fodasse, se algumas pessoas vissem a cara que eles fazem quando veem um gajo a pedir boleia,ou pelo menos quando estam a conduzir, faziam uma plastica completa a cara por inteiro:uns olham-me de pescoco torcido, dobrado para me ver melhor por baixo do retrovisor e com cara de violador esbugalhado, outros viram o sorriso ao contrario, desnivelando aas sobrancelhas e franyindo o queicho, outras olham para como se fossem princesas assustadas bechigosas e ainda outros, gordos de duplo queicho, olham para mim com cara de cagalham encravado, com um olho semi aberto e um ar desalmado.I had no luck there.The 14 kid came and said today he had a brake in school, and he went away for good.After a while I got a ride from a always smiling bearded man, that was going close to the border.I was starting to see the beauty of the swiis landscape, com as suas escarpes e vales, montes com castelos antigod e arvores coniferas, algumas ja com as folhas aloiradas para cumprimentar o outono.Ele deixoume num parque perto da fronteira, e la eu fiz quatro cortes no meu cartam e prendio a parte de tras da mala, e quando pus a mala para comecar a descer o monte ate a fronteira um carro parou logo em meu auxilio.Eram um casal de velhos suicos calados e simpaticos, que me deram entrada naquele pais maravilhoso(sem controlo de fronteira quando passamos), sem lixo e com paisagens saidas das maquetes dos comboios em miniatura.
Apos uma curta viagem Cheguei a Berne-magnifica capital de 200 mil habitantes, com o rio a contornar o centro da cidade, pessoas de bicicleta e telados engracados, acabei por chegar a estacao central de berne, onde pedi para ser deixado.Quando estava a sair do carro e a despedir-me dos cotas, O velho disse:"good luck for your travels and always keep safe"ele disse numa voz calma idosa.E depois oulhou-me de alto abaixo e acrescentou"and always keep clean if you have the possibility".Porra, com aquele comentario aprecebi-be que ainda cheirava a merda e eles tinham vindo a comer todo aquele cheiro, de janelas fechadas desde a fronteira.O seentido de culpa logo passou, e com um "Que sa foda" vi que tinha chegado ao mesmo destino, e depois de ndar um pouco pela estacao fiquei mesmo entusiasmado por estar na suica, agora ja parecia mesmo que estava a respirar o ar da Europa!
Preparava-me para telefonar aos meus hosts, quando vi que nao tinha pausinhos na pilha de bateria do telemovel.Fodasee.Perguntei a um rapaz na rua e ao gajo das farturas la do sitio que so falavam em alemao.Porra tou fudido.Fui ate a uma loja e finalmente encontrei uma pessoa que sabia falar "a litle bit of english".Suspirando, perguntei onde e que podia arranjar algum sitio com uma tomada para carregar o meu telemovel, e ela respondeu que la em baixo, na Swisscom, podia.Entao desci as escadas e fiquei um bocado a nora, naquele mar de gente apressado e aqueleas lojoas de nome esquisito nao detectei a Swisscom.
"excuse me?"Uma rapariga suica bonita virou-se para mim.Hora esta, era a mesma que estava a tras de mim na loja."do you know where swisscom is?"ela disse."no,hehe.Can you help me finding it?""sure!"ela disse piscando os olhos.Andamos uns vinte metros ate a loja, onde ela falou a rapariga do balcao em alemao e depois eu deilhe o meu carregador e o meu telemovel e o meu nome, e ella disse que dentro de 1, 2 horas passava la para busca-lo.Great!Falei um bocado com ela e conteilhe que tinha chegado mesmo agora.Ela era mesmo nice.Com cabelo e olhos nem ruivos, nem castanhos, tipicamente suicos , carinha de boneca,era uma boa reccepcao à cidade de Berne.contei-lhe um pouco sobre a viagem que estava a fazer e ela pareceu muinto interessada, e perguntou se eu nao queria esperar em casa dela ate o telemovel estar carregado.Com certeza!.Estavamos a passar a alta ponte sobre o pequeno rio e ela disse:"Diss hotel is where where i work.I'm 18 so they dont pay me much, because i'm still learning.Its great, because I live very near, in a house with my boyfriend, just some 500 meters from where I work!Istn that great?" Acenei com a cabeca.Fodasse, ela tem namorado,pensei.Hehe, tambem nao querias a sorte grande , nao?mas nao ha problema, e so a primeira hora aqui na suissa e as coisas ja comecam a correm bem....
Falei mais um pouco com ela e vi que ela tambem fumava das suas,e contou-me uma cena muinto fixe sobre a suica:na suica,os moradores de cada bairro, podem votar sobre especificos lugares como ruas ou parques no seu bairro para nesses lugares ser permitido fumar erva.Se a maioria ganhar, entao esse parque torna-se um parque "verde".Chegamos a casa dela e la estava o namorado dela, que nao falava muinto de ingles mas era bacano curtia jogar computador, jogos bacanod como call of duty ou gta4, com legendas em alemao.Ela perguntou se eu queria agua e eu disse-lhe que sim, e ela pos-se em biquinhos dos pes para buscar um copo de plastico que estava la em cima do armario, e eu vi que ela tinha um rabo mesmo jeitoso e a medida.Fodasse, que pena ela ter namorado, pensei.Ela oferceume bolachas com chocolate ,e, bebendo a agua e bebendo as bolachas da gula, passei os meus pensamentos para o ecran.onde o seu namorado jogava um jogo de terror interessante.Depois os dois jogaram Gta4, onde ele disse"She drives the car like a bitch!".Hehe, e era verdade, se aquela miuda tirasse a carta de conducao limpava o sebo a 5 gajos na primeira rua que ela pussesse a segunda.Ela conto-me que eles alugavam aquela casa num bairro para pessoas que teem pouco dinheiro financiado pelogoverno, e achei muinto bom dois jovens adultos poderem ja ser independentes com pouco dinheiro que ganham.Troquei o contacto com ela e fomos todos para a estacao, porque o namorado dela queria comprar roupa nova.Fomos buscar o telemovel e despedime deles.

Eu vi o papel que tinha escrito em Franca,com os contactos e moradas suicas, e vi que a morada da Albertine Schellenberg estava um pouco confusa, e dedusi que era em Shlirën.fui a estacao de turismo e pedi um mapa, e shliren nao se encontrava nele.Perguntei a mulher e ela disse que era na direccao sudoeste da cidade, e tinha de passar por Köniz primeiro.Como so ouvi estes nomes, eles soaram-me estranho ao ouvido, e tive de repeti-los varias vezes para ficar com eles na cabeca.Tentei ver onde era a casa de banho, e vi uma seta para "Mcclean", com WC escrito aseguir.Wtf?pensei.Segui a seta e nao queria acreditar.A casa de banho tinha virado privada,da companhia da Mcdonalds, e tinha de pagar 1 franc ( uns 70 centimos) numa maquina electronica para a usar.O que?eu pensei.Porra, devia mase mijar na maquina e fuder o circuito a esta merda, e deichar um presentinho a porta para eles aprenderem a nao porem portagens em tudo.Conversei com umas miudas sorridentes e perguntei onde havia um sitio para mijar (piss) enquanto fazia gestos e o som de gargolejar, para elas perceberem melhor.Elas riram-se e apontaram para uma barraca moderna vermelha, do tamanho de um contentor, mesmo ao lado da estacao.Fui la, tranquei a porta e mijei na sanita de aluminio, e fiquei muinto impressionado que a mesma bacia para defecar era a mesma para lavar as maos, a agua asim reutilisada para lavar a pia,uma ideia inteligente que nao me tinha atravessado ainda a minha cabeca.Saindo da casa de banho um pouco mais iluminado,Segui com a mala as costas na direccao sudoeste,perguntando sempre as pessoas por shlirin, ou shiren.Berne era uma cidade europeia muinto fixe, com o centro historico engracado, com os seus mercados cheios de flores e queijos e presuntos e barracas de chines com massas quentes saborosas.Tabuleiros de xadrez gigantes pintados nas ruas das cidades, com pecas a condizer para as pessoas jogarem,parques limpos e um rio pequeno mas com caracter que se curva perante o centro da cidade, onde no verao os locais e os turistas mergulham e deixam-se levar pela corrente, ate se cansarem da pasmaceira e subirem a ponte baixa para saltarem outra vez
It was almost dark and I only had left the center, and I passed under a autobridge near the river
and I heard a whistle.I look around and saw, leaning on the window, in a red lighten room, an appealing black women.When she saw me, she energetically shaked her boobs and called me over, and I started laughing until I couldnt on the randomness and awkwardness of the situasion.
I wasnt laughing body was screaming inside,I was preety tired from the back from carrying the backpack for 2 kilometers now. asked and asked and asked the swiss people, and they would guide me with their directions, and I finally ended up in Köniz, where I saw that schliren was a neighbourhood at the top of a big hill in front of köniz.I walked up the hill, all my back muscles sayng:Rest!stop this madness!But I would´nt rest until I got to my final destination.When I finaly climbed up the cold hill, it was 9 pm, no one in the street, and me desesperate because I didnt fnd any sign sayng schliren.I was all wet and I was tryig asking the cars entering the roundabout, but they didnt even bothered to open their window.Fuck!
Finally at the end of some escrutiating 15 minutes, I saw a boy with a pretty girl´s face, and asked him where schilen was"We are in schilren"he said.Fiew, I exaled in relief.I was here.I asked the guy If he knew where his street was, while I searched for the name of the street in the papper in my pocket.The papper wasnt there, so I said to the doll boy to wait a minutewhile I was searching in the other pockets.I searched better on the right pocket.It wasnt there.I throwed the stuff on the ground.On the pocket on the left of the pants it wasnt too.I throwed all the stuff there to the ground.On the back pockets I only found rubish paper and a clip.To the ground again.I searched the pants, the sockets, the jacket, the other jacket,the upper pockets and cracks and after 5 minutes I hadnt found the papper, the guy still waiting and a big pile of papper ad shit on the floor.I searched in the interior pocket of the jacket, in the pocket inside that pocket and FINALLy I found that shitty papper with the adress.
"*sight*, do you know this street?Hasssenstrass?(why the fuck all the "s"´s)"I said."wait a minute" he told me, while he drew his new age phone from his pocket, accesing the wireless network and going to online maps, where he put the adress and said:"this adress is in Köniz". way....NO FUCKING WAY!! "wait.I thought it was in Schliren!let me see!"I said and looked at his phone.He was right.Shit.I had walked all the way to the end of Köniz and hiked 1km up to Schiren only to find out that the adress was at the beggining of Köniz!I laughed at the situation and at myself.I sickly thanked him, grabbed all the crap from the ground, put the backpack and like a defeated mule I went down the big fucking hill to köniz again.Well, descending all the holy saints help, that´s what my grandmother says.And it was kind of easier then hiking up.When I arrived at Köniz I still had to walk 2 kilometers to the house.I still didnt know the exact location, so I did an extra kilometer going further then going back again to the right bus stop, where there I read the nice coordinates made by albertine:
"*sight*, do you know this street?Hasssenstrass?(why the fuck all the "s"´s)"I said."wait a minute" he told me, while he drew his new age phone from his pocket, accesing the wireless network and going to online maps, where he put the adress and said:"this adress is in Köniz". way....NO FUCKING WAY!! "wait.I thought it was in Schliren!let me see!"I said and looked at his phone.He was right.Shit.I had walked all the way to the end of Köniz and hiked 1km up to Schiren only to find out that the adress was at the beggining of Köniz!I laughed at the situation and at myself.I sickly thanked him, grabbed all the crap from the ground, put the backpack and like a defeated mule I went down the big fucking hill to köniz again.Well, descending all the holy saints help, that´s what my grandmother says.And it was kind of easier then hiking up.When I arrived at Köniz I still had to walk 2 kilometers to the house.I still didnt know the exact location, so I did an extra kilometer going further then going back again to the right bus stop, where there I read the nice coordinates made by albertine:
;)wen your at
te busstop, cross te
rod,tak te rod lef
from te hairdressr,
n ten turn right
nex to te divin
shop, nex lef"
Turning left at the diving shop, I read the name on the board, joyfuly out loud "Buschweg! BUSCHWEG CARALHO!!HEhehehe!!"a dog walking his man strangely looked at me.I continue to the left to the poor lighten rich street.I walk some bit and after seeing the number 19, I realised I had walked a litle much and went back a few steps to the famous Buschweg 17.Buschweg 17 was a nice big house with a nice garden.Finally, the door at the end of the tunel!!I ring the door and a tall man with ponytail welcomes me:"please, come in!"he said.He was the father of albertine, and he guided me to the secon floor of the house were I would sleep in abertine´s older sister´s room.He left me alone, sayng I could do whatever I wanted now, and he came back with an orange juice box and a glass, sayng I should probabily be thirsty from all the walk I had made.I thanked him and when he was gone, I drank the juice like I had a timed period to do it.When I dropped the backpack I realised and started to feel the bruises from me epicly stupid journey.I rotated my shoulders for a bit and when I was better I went for a shower.After I finished it and dressed myself, I went downstairs to talk with her parents, but they were going to bed and told me goodnight, so I went upsters and contemplated the foto´s on the wall abertine´s sister had taken.
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