12 of Octobre
I lazily walked downstairs, and saw 2 kids whatching television.I talked a bit with them in French-English, and I got t know they were brothers of Albertine.I greeted albertine´s mother , that was having breakfast in her diningroom and said to me to eat something.I draged the chair in front of albertine´s mother and had a nice conversation with her about her daughters and my travels and the travels of her daughters.She was really nice.I asked her for atractions in berne and she made some circle in my city map.
At midday I was preparing to leave, when Albertine´s father came.I went upstairs to get my backpack and asked her mother if she had something for the cold.I still had transparent snot in my nose and a strange feeling on my forehead.She gave me vitamin C in powder and I drank it in a glass of water.Against my will, she gave me 2 francs for the bus.And I said goodbye and went on my way to the bus station in that light grey fresh day.At the busstation I got to know a small swiss boy of my age, who said that controls on the busses were rare, and I saved my francs.I went to Zeightraden, where the swiss girl said I could get a bike for free for some time.I asked the guy what I had to do to rent a bike, and he said I had to give him my id and 20 francs, which would be returned after I delivered the bike in 4 hours maximum, then 1 franc would be taken for each extra hour.Ok, its a good deal.I had a talk with Sandro, the guy renting the bikes, and he was chilledout and nice tall swiss with a lower jaw like an old man and thick glasse on his face.I went to the central station nearby.I exanged 15 euros to get 18 francs, and with my 2 francs I had enought money to rent the bike.
I went to sandro, talked with him a bit about my travels, and he said "Haha, crazy kid!" and gave me the bike"have fun, dont forget to come here at 5!".I said ok and put my backpack on the backet on the back of the bike, still hanging on it with the straps around my waist.
I rode throught the center of the town,through the neat expensive sall market in the streets, following the road untill the eastern bridge, where I dismounted from my bicicle and walked with it while contemplating the bears down on the right on the side of the bridge."The city of Berne means Bear, and the Bears are an important symbol of the city, And the people prey a lot thei´r city´s bears.
It was at the same time a bit sad, the humans had hunt the bears in the region till exaustion, now only 3 bears left to entertain the turists.
I rode up the hill in the other side of the bridge, and saw a beautifull perspective of the hole city center of Berne.Ho!, I remembered I had to pick up My winter clothing at Sabine´s place, and looked at the map and saw the name of the canton was Bümplitz.I rode a bit to the west, arriving to an industrial area, I asked a guy in English, and realising he had a familiar accent I asked him in portuguese and he replied the same language.He didn´t know where it was, but said to me that at the end of the street there were some portuguese guys in the construction works.I went there by bicycle and asked a big guy if I he was portuguese, and he was happy to reply in his natural language.He was one of the few portuguese who gave me a full description of the way I had to go, clearly and in good portuguese.He said He spoke & languages, and that he was there for a long time.Hehe, a portuguese speaking 6 languages working in construction, if he was in Portugal he weould be the president for sure!He was very nice and said that If i waited till 5pm he would take me there, but I thanked him aniway and got on my way.He said it would be a 30 minute ride with bycicle,and sure it was a bit far.I followed his descriptions correctly, exept when i went up the bridge instead of under.I realised my error, but what would I do now?I saw a step descent on the right of the bridge, that would go to the street under it, where I shoulg go.The descent was pretty steppy, with thorn threes and bushes, but I ventured in it.I droped my backpack on the tp of the descent, and took the bycicle by the seat, trying to get it slowly downhill, making a lot of strengh to do it.at the final 5 meters I was slipping with my boots and unintentionally let go the bycicle, and it landed safely flatly on the ground.I dont know how it didnt broke any peace in the fall,but I am glad for it.
I went up the hill to grab the backpack, went down and pulled my bicicle and went on my way.
I arrived at Sabine´s place, and after a short talk with food monitoring it, I went downstairs with her and saw the clothes she had for me.I tryed some warm fat jackets and they fitted me perfectly.In the end I had got a black michelan like jacket, a white warm pullover,black sky pants, a red scarf and a warm hat.I thanked sabine and she told me how to get to the city center:" Just follow the tram line!Bye and have a good trip".
I followed her tips and the tram line , and 15 minutes after I was there at time to return the bike.I talked a bit with sandro, and he said he was*****
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