Sunday, 10 October 2010

4 of October - The Englishman

   Wake and bake for Bene's sake! I was starting to have a chilled (bad?) morning routine, while listening to bob marley and marvin gaye's vynils on the gramophone in the living room,with Giome and Bene.Bene went working on the "aquarium" and I had a nice talk with giome, about his teathre teachings and consumist society.Then He said today he would like to clean the place up, so I helped him cleaning the dust in the livingroom with a broom.

   I had arranged that I would meet Antoine in the centre, this afternoon, so I went by bike to the centre, the plaza of the "arc of thriumph" of dijon, parc Darcy.Locked the bike there and after greeted Antoine, who came rolling a cigarrete.The majority of the French smoking youngsters breath the fumes of tobacco through rolled cigars, because a pack of cigarrettes is way expensive, 5 and something euros.We went to a cool coffe shop Antoine knew but quickly became bored so we went to grab a bus to his school ,in the suburbs, he said.It was 4  and peaks when we got to his school, and he said his friends leave classes, so we wandered a bit till they friends came out.I talked to his friends and then a curly haired girl, friend of Antoine said she would buy some weed, to come with them and so I did.We got to a japanese style nice park near the school, there were some friends of them chilling and tagging in a bench,and I got to speak portuguese with a sun of emmigrants.The seller wasnt ther , so we went to a tiny bandstand to hangout with his friends.He had some nice female friends,but they were to shy to speak english or something,so after a while I went home by bus.

  While arriving home I noticed I had losted the phone.Fuck,again it's the fourththis year.I dont earn for this shit!In the living room there were the guys and gals of the usual smoking.I said I lost the phone, and a house friend  tantivily gave me his phone so I could call mine.Silence was made in the room, and against all odds a french woman answered, and I passed to Louise, that nodded a couple of times, smiled to the woman in the and and said she could take me to the street were the woman was,so i went by car with Louise.When we got to the place, Louise called her to see where was she,but she rised her ezbrows while talking and said that another girl had already picked up the phone.Strange, we though, must be Heloudie or Marion that went there.When we got home Heloudie was there with my phone."A person in the street said to call a number,because that number knew where my friend's phone was".Wtf?

  Explaining us wath had happened, we looked in awe to realise that such strangely lucky event had happened.A woman had grabbed my phone in the street, saw the last person i had texted (Antoine) and called him and Leticia, the doctor, which then called Helouise's number, because she had it still in her phone.

    When the natural whent out and the artificial ilumination whent in,Me, Heloudie and Cami went to the downtown, to a midieval like pub, in a tradicional wodden house, with few lights and a warm athmosphere.They said that the place had the best beers in Dijon.Hehe I dont like beer, but its ok, I said,looking at the menu with the pricetable.FFshit!beers at 19 euros, a glass of wine 5 euros, this people are crazy spenders!"It's normal here"-Heloudie said, inertic.Although I insisted I didnt want anything, heloudie insisted evenmore and after a while there was 2 beers, a glass of wine and bread and chorizo on the table.I embarassedly thanked her for the wine and food, and we had a nice moment there.Bene was coming later, but the first guy who opened the pub's door was not Bene, but a british looking fellow, and another guy behind him, a ugly and gibbous fellow, much like his bended left arm,grabing the leash of a husky dog without ballsThey seated besides
 us, and after a failed "hello"talk with the girls, they bought us another round of drinks!some weird happening,thats
 sure.The beers came along with the two awkward men,dragging the chairs to our table.The gibbous man sat next
 to me, puting his smaller bent arm on the top of the back of the chair, in a "cool" laid back position to hide his 
obvious deficiency.Starting to talk, I asked the blond man if he was english"yeah Im defenitely
 from great britain,Hèhè"said the man in a thin and haggish voice.Bene came a litle bit after that,with a incognit look on his face while seeing the new friends we had made.the ambient was not very entertaining, so after a moment we and them "had" to go."this uwine it's bery good!"-said the ugly man, droping the empty glass on the table "And girls are like wine,hein?"I said, in a joking manner "No, food is food, woman is a woman.I hav Much respect for girl."the man dictated, with a frowned face with the upper lip hidden in the other.

    wE went outside, and bene had brought rollerskates for heloudie and a bike for me.We started racing home.Jebus, how gracious were those 2 french on shoes with wheels! gently bowed to the front, with the hands on they're back, there they go, swinging they're feet in V motion, crossing the asfalt at an astouding velocity.I had to pedal hard on the bike to keep up with them,and sometimes it was impossible.Bene looked like he was born on rollerskates.He skated backwards, he jumped, he raced , he turned like a balerina in kIEV.

   Arriving home, we went to the kitchen with the seeds and the plant pots.They picked out the good ones, smacking them to see if they were hollow inside.If they were not, they were good.Then he wrotte on the kitchen board, in french "At 23:47, the twins were born, with 300grms each.Its our responsability to feed the baby with water and nutrients, so that he could grow up to be a big budded cannabis plant."putting the pots near the fireplace.

   We smoked a spliff in front of the babies and another twin spliff in the attic, were there were matresses for everyone and bene slept there , for his house was far away and he was too baked to go away.

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