Saturday, 9 October 2010

2 of October - Welcome, Joào!

    I packed my things and cheked the itinerary on the interet.I still had a lot of time till going but I wanted to check it first.It wasnt very far away but it wasnt very near on foot also.I would have to walk some loong 40 minutes with the backpack on.We had a nice luch of meat with onions and pasta, then we went cheking a place for énd hand items, outside of dijon ville.The place was huge!people could donate their stuff there and then they would sell it for a cheap price, that would fund an associacion to integrate homeless people.Leticia bought 2 pairs of funny lady shoes for 6 Euros.When we came back, I packed up, say goodbye then walked the roads again.I had an itinirary, but it was so bad I couldn't follow it after the first turn , so I headed there on my own way.At the midle of the way I was fucked up already,but I followed the boulevard till I saw the sign "Rue de la Charmettes" and I started wondering female charmanders dancing Mulan rouge style.The Impassé of Ferrieres was just a droit.I saw a house with a big bush fence, impenetrable.It was the first one and it had no name on to the short  open gate I widrawed some of the bush to show the number 1-haha, it's right this one.I'm glad because my back could'nt handle much more.I walked into it and behind the thick bush I start to see a trafic sign with a grim reaper, old bycicles and apples.I knock on the door and a girl open's it:"come in!"-she said smiling.I walked into it and dropped my heavy bag  by the hall ,where I saw there was a big untidy living room and a kitchen at the right.There were two beautiful girls in the house, Louise and Cami; cutting apples to make a kind of cake, they said.I asked them for Marion, and they said she was coming.I rested a while while they were preparing the food.My back were a bit weared by the long walk.Louise was a short brown haired short french girl, and cami had looked like a bit of an indian.Cami was mixing the butter with the flour while Marion walks in.She is a nice girl that's studying medicine,her laugh looks like a laugh of my old friend Salles, I found that funny .Giome came in to say hi ,the oldest member in the house,that's a teathre teacher.All of the others are universitarians.

       Marion and Louise showed be the place-It was a big one!2 bathrooms on the 1st floor, 3 rooms, a garage,climbing up the stairs I saw 2 rooms and 2 toilets,and in the end a super large attic"This place is good for party fiesta!"Louise said.I saw 8 or so matresses, a drum kit,lots and lots of theatre acessories, dingeridoos,plastic guns,a telvision,clothes driyng up,yeah it was a cool place.

      After the pomme cake was baked, I tried it and it was exelent.I started to draw Louise but I recieved a call from my mother, beganing to draw without conscience, ending the drawing with a witch.

     I asked them if they had a bike I could lend and Louise gave me the key to the lock of her bike."Be careful, because it has no brakes!it's dangerous!" - Louise said

      I asked them were I would sleep, and they said Heloudie only would come tomorrow ,so I could sleep in her room.

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