3 Of October- the Aquarium
Marion let me sleep in her bed because she was going to her boyfriend's, so I woke up there with the sunlight, finding odd that the windows had no blinds.It was 10 in the morning,and after I sit in the sofa in the livingroom, a dude with a berret and thick glasses appears.He sat in the next sofa and introduced himself ,while rolling a spliff, as Bene.He was a brother of Simiaux which was living in this house but I hadnt meet him yet.He seemed like a cool guy, although he didn't speak much of english, we talked about reggae, his hometown,his work and studies,my trip,everything blured with a gentil pleasant fog.
A friend of Bene came, and they started to build up a lamp kit for the aquarium,they said.with bright thin long lamps."Wow, what a giant aquarium you have!what kind of fish will you put inside?"I asked;"For the moment it will only host plants" -saidBene's friend.Hehe, ok I'll let you do you job, I'm going to check out the library.I prepared a snack of a carrot hotdog and an apple for luch,I searched for the keys in my big pocket, put my glasses on and took a good look at Louise's bike:It was a nice, low seat orange old school bike,a bit old and rusty, with fucked up brakes, just to give it an even more old school look.I began to ride it and I liked it, but after a moment I saw that the tires were a bit flat.No worries, I'll pump them up in the gast station, just right at the boulevard.I pumped the tires and went sightseeing with the bycicle.I wasn't riding fast at all, I had all the time in the world, to comtemplate the maisons in Dijon,with their beautifull trees, just goldening up to meet autum,with the gentil breese of the wind transforming the millions of shadows of it's leaves into millions of patterns with light, changing again to shadow, looking like sparkling beauties, the people in dijon living their lifes, with their distinctive mannerisms, a big man walking guided and pushed by a magical cane,a kid pushing his mother's skirt to a candy shop,a beautiful woman in sport suit running with his dog and mp3.Haaa, so beautiful the world can be when you have your glasses on and a baked mor-ning.arriving to the center of dijon, I explored and cutted the litle ancient streets,in pleasant wandering wonder, discovering the Biblioteque,parked the bicycle in a steel arc for the purpose, took a while to put the lock and got inside the big old wooden arced door of the library.
At 5 and a half I left the library,now acostumed to the azerty keyboard,now with a cloudy sky dropping miniature rain I unlocked the mecanism and biked home,through the populated shoping street "de la liberté" ,a street that apart from the shopping consumism as a tremend beauty,with rich stone buildings, with dollhouse roofs with windows peaking throught them and medieval style houses,with flags on them from all the noble families of Burgundy, creating a vivid colorful atmosphere .
Arriving, I layed the bike in the garage, and I heard some sounds coming from below,a door in the garage was open, a door the girls hadn't showed me before.Went down the stairs, arriving to a concrete basement, with a place where a door was suposed to be to the left, I peaked there and saw the dark Bene and his friend smiling at me "This is our aquarium!" "Nice, a grow box!?"
"Yeah, we finished to put the lights, now we have to make the walls for it".Finding it funny,after smoking with them I went upstairs and took a bath.After a while the Louise came with another pretty girl, resident in the house,Heloudie,who brought mushrooms from her parent's.She was very nice, student of medicine also.I asked Louise if she still wanted to come to the medieval martial art but she said she was tired, but Heloudie said it was no problem she would go.I said I had still some vegetables the girls from estonia had given me in Italy, so me and her prepared the dinner, those estonian vegetables with tomatoes,mushrooms,chourizo and some spices,mixed with a bit of water.At the midle of the dinner making, we recieved a spliff from the living room, that we accepted with good intencions.the strange cooking was acidly delicious, and at 7:30 she said we should hurry, because it was at 8 and campus was still a bit far by bicycle.Putting the rain coat on, I was grabing the old school bike when Heloudie said "Take this one!"pointing to a new bicycle.It was very fast, and stoned it looked like I was going at the speed of light, following helouise , being hit by rain drops in the face, it was a very fun dark long ride to the campus, south of dijon."where do we go now?"asked heloudie"to the south, till the roundabout then turn right"I said more asserted then I really was.
When we got to the south of campus, it wasn't there."Hehe, shit I messed up, but no problem, I'll call leticia...can you talk with her?I think its faster"i said truthfully"Ok, no probleme."she said".When she finished the call, she said smiling "It's north of campus".Wtf, I though to myself,but no problem.after a while we got to the assumed place, we asked a girl with a long thin leather case on her back if this was the place where the medieval martialart pratice was"Oue, Oue!"she said nodding.Leticia said that she was almost certain that the teacher would like that we join to see, but she said it's still better to ask the teacher.So without knowing who was the teacher, i said outloud, in english that we would like to assist the class, and a long haired man said in perfect english it was ok.
I went to the man's dressing room to change(don't know why,I had no clothes to change,Hoh! I was high ,that's why!).Hehe this is going to be fun!I went to the big training room and joined the blacked or white dresse persons.the majority where male,lots with long hairs,defenitely a geek majority.
We began with exercises to warm up, a tipe of catch, then the cool long haired teacher with star wars black socks said for us to hold hands and extend ,then he told us to drop the hands when they were fully streched and guess what,all of that just to make a perfect circle!hahaha.We began to streching ,then we began to do push ups, arm push ups and all kinds of exausting exercises, at the end everyone was swetting red.
Then the teacher frenchly explained the exercises to do in pairs, me catching nothing of it of course.The last one was that your oponent had to chain his hands, putting them in the back of your head , while resting the head on the chest of the adversary.My cheeks became red when I had to do this with my pair, Heloudie.I saw that the others were doing this with people from the same sex.
Then the star wars fan began to teach tecniques to overthrow the adversary, and he picked a helpless skinny nerd to be his victim.
When we had to pratice this, I had some dificulty in imitating what the teacher did, and heloudie explained me.After being overthrown by a girl several times, we began to pratice this tecniques with rolled magazines rolled with brown tape and red tape in the point.They said that was a dagger,but for me it looked like a cuban cigar, but anyway, a guy taught us how to do the moves and we imitated.then I praticed with a french guy of my stature, but a lot stronger i think,and he was a sort of expert I guess, so good he asked a guy to be his translator,so you see his power.
After a hard sweating training, we had time to stop and see the pro's fighting, with quickly tuned up kento swords so that they resemble medieval ones, and wearing fencing head protecction and riot police "hockey" chest protection.The teacher had a cool but static rawshark helmet, and his "chick" a devil one.At the end of the class I was really happy for it, it was fun and interesting.
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