20 of Setember- Peakocks , Trucks and dogs
The harsh morning sunrays that escaped through the semi open window of my bedroom travelled my room at lightspeed , just to hit my semi-woken half-dead ugly face in the morning, which led to me to defenitely get out of bed."Today is the day"- I said to myself.The house looked awkardly silent, the clock was lazily on the 8:16 , my feet slinkily walked on the wooden pavement, after a short sightseeing though the house I found out that my brother and mother had already left the place.I wanted to say goodbye to my mother,she defenitely wouldn't leave the place without saying goodbye to me, because I told her the night before what were my plans for today.She must be pretty pissed to leave home without saying goodbye, I though to myself while remembering the talk 5 hours ago about how rot my decision was and what would my father do to me if he was alive.
"No mom, my father would never punish me or beat me because of this decision I made!"- I uttered, closing my bedroon door in front of the point of the nose of my mother.
That was the last thing I said to my mother, 5 hours ago.Now here I was, in my house, with the company of morning city sounds and the construction noises of a nearby building.I got a strangling feeling all over my body and I quickly realized this - I have to get out of this!Chop-Chop and hit the road, Jack!
My mind accelarreted my drowsy body in a matter of seconds, no need for coffe.There were 3 big breads in the kitchen, chiken leftovers from the last day and a dirty cloth in the counter of my kitchen.I ripped the chiken apart and put it inside the 2 cut breads, and with the other one I quickly made an hotdog with the sausages in the fridge and some Pala-Pala chips.I wrapped the 3 sandwiches in transparent cooking wrapping paper, then headed to my bedroom and put it all inside the backpack, together with the clothes.I also Put 2 noodles on the side so not to break them with the weight of the bag.I had a dry cereal with chololate milk promptly breakfast and looked again in the kitchen closet for an extra meal to carry.I curved myself to see if there was any Nutella left from yesterday, and I got the blues when I saw that it was neatly cleaned on the inside by a gluttonous finger.Damn, I sighted.And when I lay down the empty cup back in the place I see another full 400grms Nutella glass that was behind the empty one!!Fuck YEah!!I cheared out loud in joy.The day is starting good, I wondered while putting the heavy backpack on my bag.
Got out of the house and spent 25 seconds in the busstop as I see the bus aproaching.didn't had any pre-paid ticket, so I vexedly paid the 1,50euro cost of the boar ticket,for sorrow of my Jewish Dybbuk inside me.
Had some time to rest in the bus before exiting it in Calvario, Next to the bridge.I found out a carbox and cut the biggest rectangle of it with my black penknife my aunt had given to me.
With the cardboard on my hand and the backpack on ,I climbed up the hill, through the neighbourhood close to the bridge, walked under it till I get to the spot where I first hitchhiked.I saw a open van with é guys seated on the opening and one standing.I went to the men and asked them if they were going to the other side of the bridge.The nice working man said that the Van of their was out of refrigirating liquid, so a van of the same company was coming to attest the deposit with liquid.They might had a spot in their van, but I had to wait,he said sympathetically."I have all the time in the world"- I said, smilling to the man.I waited with them some time, reading my book and then the helper van came.
They opened the front of the van and started to suffocate the refrigirating compartment of the van, only when they stopped choking her the van had time to breathe ,so I saw the air bubbles coming out of the reservoir.After being fully attested, I asked the short bearded guy if it was possible for me to go with them, and he agreed to let me off in Almada.
I was taken to the end of Almada as they said, and I took off the backpack from their trunk, while waving at them.
Went to the bathroom at a local bar-restaurant,and then went to the last traffic light in almada, writting "Setubal" with a thick black marker on the cardboard.Started to put my left thumb up by the zebra crossing.It was 10:46 am and I was Full of energy.15 Minutes later I got a ride, but I was glad I suddently realized he was going in the opposite direction.Thanked him and came back to the spot ,where 18 minutes later I heard somebody whisteling, looked around and saw a guy getting himself ready at a carpark nearby, waving at me.I quickly came to him and he said he could take me near setubal.I accepted the ride and off we go to the highway.The 40 year old bald guy was really nice, he had been a hitchhiker himself when he was about my age,and he did artwork on ortrich eggs.He droped me at a roundabout in a national road.
I stuck my thumb there and after 5 minutes a woman Picked me up; saying she passed twice there, qnd she got pitty of me because I could be the age of her son.She was nice qnd heavily maked up,she was about the age of my mother.She took me to the entrance of the highway and wished me good luck; but I didn't had any luck there so I snaily walked 500 meters to a roundabout of a national road, with dry earthsand, restaurants and a chicken farm around me.HItchhicked there for a bit with a sign saying "badajoz",the spanish city near the border.became full of joy when a truck stopped in my back,hearding it because of the loud noise of the suspension stopping:"SHHHHHHHHHhhh!".
"Cam'on in!"- he said in a southern portuguese accent.He was a young, skinny truck driver who had the same first name as I, Joao.Right after we parted he readily offered me a rectangular slice of pizza he had ther, and I couldn't refuse.We had a nice journey of 3 and a half hours till he left me in a gas station at the end of the town of Badajoz."Well, see you around Joao, and I gUess I'll still see you when I load and go, 3 hours from now."he said, joking with me."No way!, I will get a ride right away!"and with this I left,taking a small cement sidwalk, with wild vegetation groing from it,that was leading to the highway.
With a sign sayng "MADRID!", I had a boring tima hitchhiking there, thinking about a place to sleep there in the dry grassland fields just outside of town if I didn't get a ride.I was standing at the end of a spanish road with 300 meters, and I could see the cars at the right turning to the left; deflecting me and staying away from me 250meters in advance.FFFFFFffssshit.It's going to be a loooong day in the spanish plains.
When I was loosing moral and ready to quit, a spanish guy stopped saying he was not going to Madrd, be he was going the way of Madrd, and he could drop me at a service station 9km outside of town.Yeah, anything is better than this lousy place!, I though ."ok, vamonos!"- I said and jumed to his car.He was a fun positive spanish driver, he had hitchhiked and grabbed a few guys, and when we were at the gas station I left him with the couchsurfing site and "zeitgeist" written on a sheet of papper.
4:18 pm - I was full of energy and positivism, so I started to ask the truckdrivers, one by one, if they were going to Madrid or north of spain and if they could take me.There were not few trucks but not as many, the quantity I like.I would look the truck's plate first and then talk to the driver in his respective language.There were a lot of Portuguese Truckdrivers, so I thought I would get lucky, but as the time went by, I only get awnsers like "No" ,"going the opposite diirection lad, sorry" or "I'll go there, but I can't take you".I had asked all the truckdrivers in the area, so i went to the service station's bar-restaurant, no luck there too.Now I was tinking: apart of the boredom of staying here for a night ,I would be pretty fine.As I depleted all my sources for transportation, I went for a walk, where behind the restaurant I began to see funny birds-Peackoks! what the hell?Lying in the concrete there were a big family of orage beak ducks, that were all staring at me.I got a bit ansious, and when I start walking to them I heard a big barking dog.Fiew, glad it's inside a fence.then another even bigger dog jumps in the scene, next to the peockoks, barking even louder.This dog wasnt inside the fence but had a leash.I didn't know the actual range of the metal chain leash, so I carefully kept my distance.I went back to the resttaurant and it was now
9:45.With the mind already set to stay there, I searched in the backpack for the chiken bread I had prepared and ate it.After I began to read a book called the monk and the executive.After a while it began to look like a lot of bestseller bullshit, so I went again to ask the drivers, again with no luck.
11:39- i quit from asking and began to search a spot to sleep.I found out I could have done this earlier with the light of the sun, now with artificial light only iluminaating the service station I wouldn't adventure further.There were a big line of trucks parked, and as I walk the line i saw a sweet small sheltered spot, between 2 giant trucks and equidistant of the 2 nearest sources of light, so It was the darkest spot available-Nice.I put my backpack on the ground, withdraw the matress and the sleeping bacg and had an average night of camper's sleep.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Sunday, 19 September 2010
17 of Setember - Adeus Felipe! Slow down you crazy cow!
3rth day in Lisbon.
Last 2 nights were pretty crazy but chilled out, with the company of some of my best friends,just hanging out and ceising the day.I told my mother I wanted to ask for a refund or a change for my backpack which was rippen of at the airport.I wanted to go to the place I bought it, so when my mother came from work we went there with my brother too.In the store they said they would send it to the manufactor, and they would probabily get me another one, but it would take time.I wasn't expecting this and i got exalted in the moment, because I had plans to leave Lisbon soon.What the hell, I'll have to buy another one,or i'll ask to my cousin if she can lend me the one she has.
We went to a near place to dinner, and we choose a pizzeria.My mother knew what I wanted to do, but we only began to talk about it at the end of the conversation, and every time we talk about this it doesn't end well.By the time we got home, my mother was sobbing and sayng I should have had been beaten more when I was a child, that I wasn't worthy of all the things she gave to me.
Glad I had plans, but I guess I would quickly made them up just to get out of the house ,to escape my mother's sorrowful eyes.
I went to etnology museum, were the guys said they would be.There was almost everybody there from the closest friends,some would come later and only Carlos would miss the night because he had to go with her parents to visit his grandma.We were 8 there, and after a while Salvador came to save us from boredom, and Nuno and "the Boss" made each one a spliff to start the night.we changed the spot to the old one, the stairs by the museum, and Nuno Recicled the half drunk Ice tea carton and put inside it a strong but nice mix of warm beaverages.Then Mike came with his two girls, Mariana and Vera, and Morroida suddently appeared out of nothing, just like a Pokémon.
The Modifiyng Conciousness Consumable Items were being passed in circles throughout the group,circling ,swinging, turning, like they were racing with each other in a circuit till they die.
The Last one to die was the liquid, the ice tea bottle, much bigger and substancial than his solid state burning mates.
Tomas, the youngest one, was the last to arrive. we greet him and decided to go down to meet Carlota which lived next to nuno's house, and It was still a long way there, but we were in a good mood so it passed quickly till we got to Belém.The group was scattered and had breaken up into 2 groups, so the first one waited a bit for the other in the center of Belém.We had to make a praxe to the youngest one so while waiting for the others, we though tomas was still pretty sober, so he drank 6 shots from the vodka bottle cover. He said he could take even more, so when all the group had arrived we told tomas to lie down and when we were all around him, Nuno put the vodka bottle turned down right above Toma's mouth, and the poor thing had to swallow all that was being offered to him.He gave some nice 4 gulps and we stopped.That guy is going to be fucked up tonight alright, we said to each other.
Now that everybody was in a good mood, we went to Nuno's neighbourhood, and me, him and Morroida went to meet Carlota at the park.She said she was going to be there, but instead there was only one brother of her that Nuno had meet."Hi,what's up? have you seen Carlota?"nuno, asked, greeting him with a dude handshake"I think she's at home, let me check"and the pleasant dude did us the favor of going there to see if his sister was home".We waited a bit with his friends, and I noticed that there were two guys with 2 earings and strange manners.Mmmm.I hope their house is near.He came back after 15 minutes, saiyng his sister was not at home.
Crap.Who we will meet then?Nuno knew another girl that he was close friends with.Paula is a nice person, he said,but Carlota is prettier and fun.So me and morroida waited in a spot right of the park while Nuno went to Paula's house to ask her to join the party.After a while carlota's brother went to us and said she was at home, but she was having a bath and preparing to go out, so it would take a bit.We said it was ok, we would part right away when Nuno and Paula came.And so we did, sfter 5 minutes Nuno was back with Paula, that tonight was Beautiful in her silk translucid package.She had make-up, but her beuty still could not be compared to Carlota's.At the end it's what's inside that counts, so everything is all right.We went to the place were the guys were, in the parks at the coast, next to the docks.Paula was shy, but she started talking heavily in the pedestrian bridge to the park.Most of the guys knew Paula already, but everyone liked her right from the start.Although she was the only female in the group(the girls had left to go home), she was very open and garrulous, always talking with other people, and she talked to everyone and everyone was happy!! Only Gil didn't had the opportunity to meet her because he slep right away on the stone pavement, with a botle of martini between his spoony mouth and his hinged hand.
We were standing next to a stopped slow train ."tchhhhhk-tchhhhk.TchhhHPFFF"- the train's engine starts moving, dragging along his carriges, accelaratting very slowly. Mike arose and yelled running- "Let's GO!".Half of the group joined him and cought the empty train in acellerated movement..I was one of the last,having troubles getting in because there was no stair in sight.I jump on the oppen plataform putting my upper body part on the empty goods's train and just dragged and pulled my legs upwards.I stood up on the train while it was getting speed, and my adrenaline runned faster too.I felt the wind blowing stronger every second,its wheels rustly accelareting at a steady passe, I saw mike jumping out ,so I did the same.The train wasn't slow at the time of the jump, so I gently squanted and jumped to the concrete line separating the rails, and my body strongly leaned forward, I had to continue to run and dorcing my body up as to not to fall down.I managed to stand up after a few seconds.Now everybody was out of the train, exept the rotten drunk Tomas, which was happily jumping on the Train, like a fool.He bounced a bit, before jumping badly out of the train, falling with the two legs together, with his back to the train, causing him to fall harshily to the right, with his face on the ground.AAAAWWw!!I laughed so hard until I couldn't , but then I realised that this wasn't a youtube video and I quickly runned to aid him(we should have taped it.).
He was fucking drunk, so the pain would only come tomorrow, but he was felling pretty sick from alchool so when we came back to the circle we told them what had happened.Tomas was seating on the grass,in a funny position like .We noticed he was very pale and after a while he began to throw up.I really like Tomas, he is a really nice true friend, but at the time the situation only made me laugh!!why am I laughing so hard?When he was over he pulled himself up, but I don't know why but his pants and underpants didn't arise with him, so he stood walking with his ass showing!!I kept laughing and laughing until i couldn't!I knew Tomas was passing through a hard time(which I had passed many times, some even worse that his), but I couldn't keep quiet.then he came back from his short walk, realized his pants were down and lifted his dirty trousers up, and then nealed himself while leaning his chest forward with his arms awkwardly bent and his face dull has a cow.HAHAHAH!!It was one of the strangest positions to stand, I though, it looks like he's meditating!
3rth day in Lisbon.
Last 2 nights were pretty crazy but chilled out, with the company of some of my best friends,just hanging out and ceising the day.I told my mother I wanted to ask for a refund or a change for my backpack which was rippen of at the airport.I wanted to go to the place I bought it, so when my mother came from work we went there with my brother too.In the store they said they would send it to the manufactor, and they would probabily get me another one, but it would take time.I wasn't expecting this and i got exalted in the moment, because I had plans to leave Lisbon soon.What the hell, I'll have to buy another one,or i'll ask to my cousin if she can lend me the one she has.
We went to a near place to dinner, and we choose a pizzeria.My mother knew what I wanted to do, but we only began to talk about it at the end of the conversation, and every time we talk about this it doesn't end well.By the time we got home, my mother was sobbing and sayng I should have had been beaten more when I was a child, that I wasn't worthy of all the things she gave to me.
Glad I had plans, but I guess I would quickly made them up just to get out of the house ,to escape my mother's sorrowful eyes.
I went to etnology museum, were the guys said they would be.There was almost everybody there from the closest friends,some would come later and only Carlos would miss the night because he had to go with her parents to visit his grandma.We were 8 there, and after a while Salvador came to save us from boredom, and Nuno and "the Boss" made each one a spliff to start the night.we changed the spot to the old one, the stairs by the museum, and Nuno Recicled the half drunk Ice tea carton and put inside it a strong but nice mix of warm beaverages.Then Mike came with his two girls, Mariana and Vera, and Morroida suddently appeared out of nothing, just like a Pokémon.
The Modifiyng Conciousness Consumable Items were being passed in circles throughout the group,circling ,swinging, turning, like they were racing with each other in a circuit till they die.
The Last one to die was the liquid, the ice tea bottle, much bigger and substancial than his solid state burning mates.
Tomas, the youngest one, was the last to arrive. we greet him and decided to go down to meet Carlota which lived next to nuno's house, and It was still a long way there, but we were in a good mood so it passed quickly till we got to Belém.The group was scattered and had breaken up into 2 groups, so the first one waited a bit for the other in the center of Belém.We had to make a praxe to the youngest one so while waiting for the others, we though tomas was still pretty sober, so he drank 6 shots from the vodka bottle cover. He said he could take even more, so when all the group had arrived we told tomas to lie down and when we were all around him, Nuno put the vodka bottle turned down right above Toma's mouth, and the poor thing had to swallow all that was being offered to him.He gave some nice 4 gulps and we stopped.That guy is going to be fucked up tonight alright, we said to each other.
Now that everybody was in a good mood, we went to Nuno's neighbourhood, and me, him and Morroida went to meet Carlota at the park.She said she was going to be there, but instead there was only one brother of her that Nuno had meet."Hi,what's up? have you seen Carlota?"nuno, asked, greeting him with a dude handshake"I think she's at home, let me check"and the pleasant dude did us the favor of going there to see if his sister was home".We waited a bit with his friends, and I noticed that there were two guys with 2 earings and strange manners.Mmmm.I hope their house is near.He came back after 15 minutes, saiyng his sister was not at home.

We were standing next to a stopped slow train ."tchhhhhk-tchhhhk.TchhhHPFFF"- the train's engine starts moving, dragging along his carriges, accelaratting very slowly. Mike arose and yelled running- "Let's GO!".Half of the group joined him and cought the empty train in acellerated movement..I was one of the last,having troubles getting in because there was no stair in sight.I jump on the oppen plataform putting my upper body part on the empty goods's train and just dragged and pulled my legs upwards.I stood up on the train while it was getting speed, and my adrenaline runned faster too.I felt the wind blowing stronger every second,its wheels rustly accelareting at a steady passe, I saw mike jumping out ,so I did the same.The train wasn't slow at the time of the jump, so I gently squanted and jumped to the concrete line separating the rails, and my body strongly leaned forward, I had to continue to run and dorcing my body up as to not to fall down.I managed to stand up after a few seconds.Now everybody was out of the train, exept the rotten drunk Tomas, which was happily jumping on the Train, like a fool.He bounced a bit, before jumping badly out of the train, falling with the two legs together, with his back to the train, causing him to fall harshily to the right, with his face on the ground.AAAAWWw!!I laughed so hard until I couldn't , but then I realised that this wasn't a youtube video and I quickly runned to aid him(we should have taped it.).
He was fucking drunk, so the pain would only come tomorrow, but he was felling pretty sick from alchool so when we came back to the circle we told them what had happened.Tomas was seating on the grass,in a funny position like .We noticed he was very pale and after a while he began to throw up.I really like Tomas, he is a really nice true friend, but at the time the situation only made me laugh!!why am I laughing so hard?When he was over he pulled himself up, but I don't know why but his pants and underpants didn't arise with him, so he stood walking with his ass showing!!I kept laughing and laughing until i couldn't!I knew Tomas was passing through a hard time(which I had passed many times, some even worse that his), but I couldn't keep quiet.then he came back from his short walk, realized his pants were down and lifted his dirty trousers up, and then nealed himself while leaning his chest forward with his arms awkwardly bent and his face dull has a cow.HAHAHAH!!It was one of the strangest positions to stand, I though, it looks like he's meditating!
7 of Setember - Strangest Conversation I've ever had
"Joao, wake up!"-said a strange familiar voice.I was drowsy, feeling an awkward taste in my mouth. I was seeing everything very strangely.I took 10 seconds to focus my eyes to see the person."daniele..."I lazely replied, stuffing my head in my pillow again."-"come on Joao, only 5 minutes left till breakfast!" he insited.He won.My hungry kami inside me was craving for food, and I had to obey.I quickly dress myself in yesterday clothes and I notice my swimming shorts were wet, and that sensation quickly dawned in my memory some of the ongoings from last night.I felt a substancial weight on the poket of my shorts.I open them and I see that my phone is wet.Fuck! I went swimming last night with my phone!After a sad moment, I grinned for a bit.
These summer, I had went to swimming and From that I had already lost 2 phones, 15 euros in notes and 5 euros in coins.I'm really dumb or I have a really fucked up memory.Well, I have to get another one.With half of my pupils showing and my salty messy hair I went downstairs and quickly filled up my cup and took some bread and crackers.When I sat down I realised that I was still a bit drunk from last night.I put coffe inside the cup and juice inside the bowl.I told people what had happened with my phone.Some felt sorry for me, and my cousin said she had 2 phones and that she would give one to me.
After the breakfast I went a bit to the living room to chill a bit and talk to people.Luca, my roomate and the organizator of the exchange told me in front of everybody I had throwed up last night right of my bed and to clean it.I felt really embarased.Why the hell didn't I noticed it? I went upstairs to the room and cheked the vomit there.I saw a brown line stained in the pillow, but no vomit was on sight.After a while , I discovered where it was.Almost under my bed, an almost transparent, odorless liquid rested.That's why I didn't noticed, it's because it's too litle and didn't smell!I quickly cleaned that with a mop and cleaned also the pillow and the comon bathroom, which by now had a sty like pavement on it.I put the pillow drying next to my socks outside, and I paused there for a bit to enjoy the calm mediterranean view from the balcony.
We went to the bus to go and check other breathtaking villages and landscapes in the region,Ravello and Amalfi, Vincenso's hometown.We went through big sunny cliffs, we passed gorgeous Forests covering mountains to the top(why aren't they burned?) we saw imense plains after the mountains we were in, we saw giant peaks that would continue till their support rocks would fall on the blue, sunshined water,were the fisherman of the village bellow throws his net with a short, muted blessing.
We went through small roads in the thin air of mountains of napoli,where the bus had to wait so the cars which were coming in the oposite direction would pass by, so the bus could continue through the small road with 2 ways but only space for 1 venhicle.
When we arrived to Ravello, we see the familiar mountains covered with forests, but as we enter the gaps in the mountain we see a paradise hidden in the verdure and safety of the mountain. Ravello can only be explained if you had seen it.Small village with breathtaking views to it's land surrondings and the ocean, with houses made of creepers, with a thousand years old, beautiful gardens that lead us to The balcony with one of the most amazing views that the eye can percieve - the balcony of infinity.It is named like that because if you stand in the semicircle of the balcony you see only two palletes of blue, divided by a blurred out horizontal line, the sea and the sky, and you don't know where one stops and the other begins.If you look at the sides, you see the big -mountains penetrating the big blue.If you look at the bottom, you see a 100 meter vertical fall to the sharp rocks below.what a lovely place to comite suicide, I wondered.After the sharp rocks, you see the seaside area where boats make wedding dress like waves and a straight line of foam when they pass by.Those waves are perfect that they can be written in a simple mathematical formula,I'm sure of it.
To see more photos from ravello, click the above link.
When we got to the bus, a french woman which I hadn't met yet seated next to me, with her legs bent supported by the back of the frontchair.She was optimistic and smiling all the time.Her name was Alicia, and I found out she was 27 and had done volunteer work in a foster's home in armenia for 9 months. I asked what sign was she and she replied virgin in french, and i said I was pisces.I asked her if she believed in that and she said so-so."Then tell me how fishes are!" I said ,joking."Well, fishes are creative, unstable,they are scatterbrains- their heads are in the clouds most of the time,and they listen to others"Alicia said.Mmm, interesting.
She wore big glasses so I couldn't see her eyes, but I noticed when she started talking again she went rigid with her mouth "It will seem a bit strange to you, but I notice when I see you that you have some kind of problems haunting you, you seem confused.Like you said, you speak with everybody, but nobody knows you, you hide something true from others, and inside you fight with yourself."Her mouth started to deform in a frowning kind of manner "I don't have this connection with all the people, I only had it with four, five people, and some I didn't even told what I felt because some were my colege workers, it would be too awkward.I was unsure whether or not I would tell to you, but I think you ought to know that.for me it's really dificult to say this"-she said.I was surprised with this sudent change in her conversation, and she noted that and said "Are you scared?do you think I'm crazy?"she said , with a grin in the end.
"No,not at all, I'm just surprised and very confused.How can you know all this.You seem to know me but you don't know me, you know?"-I asked,feeling funny."Yeah, it's kind of strange.But I don't get this with all the people.Most of the people I can see only..."while she was talking she was waving her arm creating an horizontal plan."Superficialy?""Yes Superficialy!"-she'd agreed"Most people I can only see superficially, but you, you I can see that you strugle on the inside, you're like shattered(she told me , gesturing her hands like she was ripping something appart).You feel like you're the only one going through this , but there are many more - children, people with your age or even older that feel lost in this world, are struggling with themselves and feel alianated.I saw a boy at the orphanage which had so much issues, he had had such a hard background"she said with a clear sad look on her face.
"But how can you know all this?why am I struggling and shatered?"I asked."I don't know how exactly, but I can feel it and I see it in your expression that you are triving with a problem and you haven't found the solution, you're lost.".After moment, I opened myself and told her my problems and issues, what I was going through and my plans for travelling throughout this year.I asked her what was her opinion about this and she said "I think you are confused, and you'll have a long path in life till that fades.the period which you are passing through will not cease tomorrow, it will take time, but you will find your way in life, that I'm sure.I think your travel will be the best you do, you can't stay in your house with your family like that,you will stay angry, it will harm you and them"she said ,determined."I think you are kind, you can't hurt or be violent to others on purpose, but with you, with yourself,you can be harsh and cold,and that's not good for you".
I was very surprised with this, and I talked to her, asking a bit more about her sayings.I had a rational way of thinking, and the only rational way that what she had been saying was true was that she was a very good people's reader.I asked her if she was a psicologist and she told she had read a lot about it about it.
We stopped in a area of pre-made houses that were used to shelter the people that lost their houses from the last erupcion of Mt. Vesuvius, near Pompei.The houses were made of wood and were in bad condition.There wasn't anybody there, so we continued our way to Cava de' Tireni, where we got a huge traffic jam, but the time went quickly because we had a fun time listening to Henrique's jokes and 10 ways to say dick in napolitan.We listen to Vincenzo singing the old version of Papa Americano to Maria singing I will survive (better then tremulant Vincenzo)
We went to a 55 chair pizza restaurant for us.It was the last time I've ever sat in the midle of a group of Italians.Next time, I seat at the corner with an mp3 in hand or a book or something,because i don't capito nothing when italians talk to each other at the speed of lightening.To compensate the boredom and fretness of the moment, I had a good time eating pizzas and drinking red wine.in Itally, they eat pizza in a peculiar way-they grab the pizza slice and they bend it in the midle, grabing it by the bread.I ate a total of 3 pizzas.Pizzas kept cominng, two at a time, and at the end of 10 seconds they were gone.I tasted 5 or 6 diferent flavors of pizzas, including the traditional most popular pizza in italy-margaritta, to a pizza whithout tomato, only cheese and potatos and sausages, to pizzas with anchovies and olives.The Italians next to me started to rais the tone of the conversation,and the more wine I drank the more strange their conversation seemed.In the end, I only saw a bunch of mild angry italian guys praying and waving their hands to each other while talking loudly.I felt like I was going through a roller coaster when they talked.
After the dinner,we got on the bus , but Vincenzo asked the litle pen he used in his pda that he had lent to me, and I said I had left it in the restaurant, so I went there really fast because everyone was waiting for me.I was already a bit happy, but I managed to go there and find the little pen.There was a full glass of wine standed next to the pen.I was very full, but i said Fuck it to myself and drank it all at once.Trying to look normal, I went back to the bus, and everybody clapped at me, because they though i was missing.
The bus stopped in front of a complex all lit up, and we went there to the youth association in Cava, where the party would be.There were some Italians which I already knew there, and we had a good time there dancing and enjoyng the last true night out in the napolitan region to us.
"Joao, wake up!"-said a strange familiar voice.I was drowsy, feeling an awkward taste in my mouth. I was seeing everything very strangely.I took 10 seconds to focus my eyes to see the person."daniele..."I lazely replied, stuffing my head in my pillow again."-"come on Joao, only 5 minutes left till breakfast!" he insited.He won.My hungry kami inside me was craving for food, and I had to obey.I quickly dress myself in yesterday clothes and I notice my swimming shorts were wet, and that sensation quickly dawned in my memory some of the ongoings from last night.I felt a substancial weight on the poket of my shorts.I open them and I see that my phone is wet.Fuck! I went swimming last night with my phone!After a sad moment, I grinned for a bit.
These summer, I had went to swimming and From that I had already lost 2 phones, 15 euros in notes and 5 euros in coins.I'm really dumb or I have a really fucked up memory.Well, I have to get another one.With half of my pupils showing and my salty messy hair I went downstairs and quickly filled up my cup and took some bread and crackers.When I sat down I realised that I was still a bit drunk from last night.I put coffe inside the cup and juice inside the bowl.I told people what had happened with my phone.Some felt sorry for me, and my cousin said she had 2 phones and that she would give one to me.
After the breakfast I went a bit to the living room to chill a bit and talk to people.Luca, my roomate and the organizator of the exchange told me in front of everybody I had throwed up last night right of my bed and to clean it.I felt really embarased.Why the hell didn't I noticed it? I went upstairs to the room and cheked the vomit there.I saw a brown line stained in the pillow, but no vomit was on sight.After a while , I discovered where it was.Almost under my bed, an almost transparent, odorless liquid rested.That's why I didn't noticed, it's because it's too litle and didn't smell!I quickly cleaned that with a mop and cleaned also the pillow and the comon bathroom, which by now had a sty like pavement on it.I put the pillow drying next to my socks outside, and I paused there for a bit to enjoy the calm mediterranean view from the balcony.
We went to the bus to go and check other breathtaking villages and landscapes in the region,Ravello and Amalfi, Vincenso's hometown.We went through big sunny cliffs, we passed gorgeous Forests covering mountains to the top(why aren't they burned?) we saw imense plains after the mountains we were in, we saw giant peaks that would continue till their support rocks would fall on the blue, sunshined water,were the fisherman of the village bellow throws his net with a short, muted blessing.
We went through small roads in the thin air of mountains of napoli,where the bus had to wait so the cars which were coming in the oposite direction would pass by, so the bus could continue through the small road with 2 ways but only space for 1 venhicle.
To see more photos from ravello, click the above link.
When we got to the bus, a french woman which I hadn't met yet seated next to me, with her legs bent supported by the back of the frontchair.She was optimistic and smiling all the time.Her name was Alicia, and I found out she was 27 and had done volunteer work in a foster's home in armenia for 9 months. I asked what sign was she and she replied virgin in french, and i said I was pisces.I asked her if she believed in that and she said so-so."Then tell me how fishes are!" I said ,joking."Well, fishes are creative, unstable,they are scatterbrains- their heads are in the clouds most of the time,and they listen to others"Alicia said.Mmm, interesting.
She wore big glasses so I couldn't see her eyes, but I noticed when she started talking again she went rigid with her mouth "It will seem a bit strange to you, but I notice when I see you that you have some kind of problems haunting you, you seem confused.Like you said, you speak with everybody, but nobody knows you, you hide something true from others, and inside you fight with yourself."Her mouth started to deform in a frowning kind of manner "I don't have this connection with all the people, I only had it with four, five people, and some I didn't even told what I felt because some were my colege workers, it would be too awkward.I was unsure whether or not I would tell to you, but I think you ought to know that.for me it's really dificult to say this"-she said.I was surprised with this sudent change in her conversation, and she noted that and said "Are you scared?do you think I'm crazy?"she said , with a grin in the end.
"No,not at all, I'm just surprised and very confused.How can you know all this.You seem to know me but you don't know me, you know?"-I asked,feeling funny."Yeah, it's kind of strange.But I don't get this with all the people.Most of the people I can see only..."while she was talking she was waving her arm creating an horizontal plan."Superficialy?""Yes Superficialy!"-she'd agreed"Most people I can only see superficially, but you, you I can see that you strugle on the inside, you're like shattered(she told me , gesturing her hands like she was ripping something appart).You feel like you're the only one going through this , but there are many more - children, people with your age or even older that feel lost in this world, are struggling with themselves and feel alianated.I saw a boy at the orphanage which had so much issues, he had had such a hard background"she said with a clear sad look on her face.
"But how can you know all this?why am I struggling and shatered?"I asked."I don't know how exactly, but I can feel it and I see it in your expression that you are triving with a problem and you haven't found the solution, you're lost.".After moment, I opened myself and told her my problems and issues, what I was going through and my plans for travelling throughout this year.I asked her what was her opinion about this and she said "I think you are confused, and you'll have a long path in life till that fades.the period which you are passing through will not cease tomorrow, it will take time, but you will find your way in life, that I'm sure.I think your travel will be the best you do, you can't stay in your house with your family like that,you will stay angry, it will harm you and them"she said ,determined."I think you are kind, you can't hurt or be violent to others on purpose, but with you, with yourself,you can be harsh and cold,and that's not good for you".
I was very surprised with this, and I talked to her, asking a bit more about her sayings.I had a rational way of thinking, and the only rational way that what she had been saying was true was that she was a very good people's reader.I asked her if she was a psicologist and she told she had read a lot about it about it.
We stopped in a area of pre-made houses that were used to shelter the people that lost their houses from the last erupcion of Mt. Vesuvius, near Pompei.The houses were made of wood and were in bad condition.There wasn't anybody there, so we continued our way to Cava de' Tireni, where we got a huge traffic jam, but the time went quickly because we had a fun time listening to Henrique's jokes and 10 ways to say dick in napolitan.We listen to Vincenzo singing the old version of Papa Americano to Maria singing I will survive (better then tremulant Vincenzo)
We went to a 55 chair pizza restaurant for us.It was the last time I've ever sat in the midle of a group of Italians.Next time, I seat at the corner with an mp3 in hand or a book or something,because i don't capito nothing when italians talk to each other at the speed of lightening.To compensate the boredom and fretness of the moment, I had a good time eating pizzas and drinking red wine.in Itally, they eat pizza in a peculiar way-they grab the pizza slice and they bend it in the midle, grabing it by the bread.I ate a total of 3 pizzas.Pizzas kept cominng, two at a time, and at the end of 10 seconds they were gone.I tasted 5 or 6 diferent flavors of pizzas, including the traditional most popular pizza in italy-margaritta, to a pizza whithout tomato, only cheese and potatos and sausages, to pizzas with anchovies and olives.The Italians next to me started to rais the tone of the conversation,and the more wine I drank the more strange their conversation seemed.In the end, I only saw a bunch of mild angry italian guys praying and waving their hands to each other while talking loudly.I felt like I was going through a roller coaster when they talked.
After the dinner,we got on the bus , but Vincenzo asked the litle pen he used in his pda that he had lent to me, and I said I had left it in the restaurant, so I went there really fast because everyone was waiting for me.I was already a bit happy, but I managed to go there and find the little pen.There was a full glass of wine standed next to the pen.I was very full, but i said Fuck it to myself and drank it all at once.Trying to look normal, I went back to the bus, and everybody clapped at me, because they though i was missing.
The bus stopped in front of a complex all lit up, and we went there to the youth association in Cava, where the party would be.There were some Italians which I already knew there, and we had a good time there dancing and enjoyng the last true night out in the napolitan region to us.
6 of Setember -
This day we had free time in the morning and afternoon, the sun was shining so we went to the small cosy rock gravelled beach.
At night would be the Portuguese and French night, so we had to prepare the presentacion in the afternoon.We would make a Carnival style game where you throw a ball to a stacked bottle piramid, and if you throw them all you'd recieve a prize.We did'nt had balls, so we went outside with recicled paper and put some sand in it, wrapping it around with scotch tape.Then, we had the brilliant idea to put the balls inside cut balloons, and we put 2 cut ballons of 2 diferent colors, green and red in each ball so it would make the portuguese flag.
We also had brought a lot of tradicional food:chourizo, portuguese bloodpig sausage, ham, cheese, wine, moscatel, paté, so the ones we had to prepare we did it in the afternoon.
With wine, apples, peaches, pears, grapes, sprite grape juice, a 20 gallon recipient and the imense help of the nuns we made Sangria.We asked the nuns if they could put it in the fridge till after dinner, and they said ok.It was all set, so We had a lovely dinner of pasta and we started to put all the things in the big central highceiling room.It was an epic journey from the kitchen when I had to lift the 20 gallons of fresh sangria to the big room.I though I wouldn't make it,
I would splatter all that drink on the floor,all the floor was red,the people would start laughing at me and I would start laughing at myself, and everyone would thirstly start to slurp the drink from the ground, sucking and licking the drink like starving drunken man,all our clothes were stained with blood like color from our position of be lyied down on the floor drinking sangria.If a nun would see that, a bunch of european people with their clothes soaking in blood I think she would die from an hearth attack.but I was slow delivering it, step, by step, and in the end I managed not to let that show happen.
Now it was the Time of the French Presentation:there was a power point general info about france, Maria singing edith Piaf to the surprise of everyone and in the end, magrot sat on top of Mathilde, with mathilde faking the arms of margrot, and she started talking about the tradinional food and drinks from france, while mathilde would put the food she was saying wildly in margrot's mouth, or make silly moves, or drinking from the bottle.It was really funny.
We started with me introducing portugal as the fairy tale's land, and then I signaled daniele to turn off the light and we runned this:
This day we had free time in the morning and afternoon, the sun was shining so we went to the small cosy rock gravelled beach.
At night would be the Portuguese and French night, so we had to prepare the presentacion in the afternoon.We would make a Carnival style game where you throw a ball to a stacked bottle piramid, and if you throw them all you'd recieve a prize.We did'nt had balls, so we went outside with recicled paper and put some sand in it, wrapping it around with scotch tape.Then, we had the brilliant idea to put the balls inside cut balloons, and we put 2 cut ballons of 2 diferent colors, green and red in each ball so it would make the portuguese flag.
We also had brought a lot of tradicional food:chourizo, portuguese bloodpig sausage, ham, cheese, wine, moscatel, paté, so the ones we had to prepare we did it in the afternoon.
With wine, apples, peaches, pears, grapes, sprite grape juice, a 20 gallon recipient and the imense help of the nuns we made Sangria.We asked the nuns if they could put it in the fridge till after dinner, and they said ok.It was all set, so We had a lovely dinner of pasta and we started to put all the things in the big central highceiling room.It was an epic journey from the kitchen when I had to lift the 20 gallons of fresh sangria to the big room.I though I wouldn't make it,
I would splatter all that drink on the floor,all the floor was red,the people would start laughing at me and I would start laughing at myself, and everyone would thirstly start to slurp the drink from the ground, sucking and licking the drink like starving drunken man,all our clothes were stained with blood like color from our position of be lyied down on the floor drinking sangria.If a nun would see that, a bunch of european people with their clothes soaking in blood I think she would die from an hearth attack.but I was slow delivering it, step, by step, and in the end I managed not to let that show happen.
Now it was the Time of the French Presentation:there was a power point general info about france, Maria singing edith Piaf to the surprise of everyone and in the end, magrot sat on top of Mathilde, with mathilde faking the arms of margrot, and she started talking about the tradinional food and drinks from france, while mathilde would put the food she was saying wildly in margrot's mouth, or make silly moves, or drinking from the bottle.It was really funny.
We started with me introducing portugal as the fairy tale's land, and then I signaled daniele to turn off the light and we runned this:
Is that the country where I live?I want to go there!
After that we did the ball throwing game and the winners would get 2 cups of sangria.After that game we did one where you had to search with your mouth on a plate of flour for a candy.Haha those white covered silly faces!
In the end everyone was drinking sangria, champagne, porto wine and eating the food!only one thing was left on the table at the end- the apple alcoolik drink of the french- LHIERK!
We had nice stereo sound there so the music was on! everyone was having a good time.At the end of the night we drunkily went to the beach, and I went swimming while the ladies were naked swimming to the boat.Maria, the brazilian girl got me home safe.I was seeing the world spinning arround,i went to bed like that and the door only stopped spinning when I throwed up right of the bed.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”
Mark twain
Mark twain
5 of Setember - Poor man's Food to waste
This day we were early on the streets of Vietri to catch the bus to Napoli, the biggest city of the region.
We passed by many suburbs of Napoli, including one part which was really close to the only volcano active in continental Europe. Fuck, how can they live there like that? with a Giant steaming lava phalic thing ready to jerk off right in the mouth of their homes? If I was poor I would move anyway.I guess it was nice to live a month there, but not your whole life.
When we got to Napoli half of us went to the soup kitchen to do voluntary work there, were poor people go to eat.we met Fernando there, which was going to be our guide through the city.I saw the people coming into the soup kitchen.I have to say that 95% of them didn't even look poor.They dressed normaly and some were even nice dressed.I asked Fernando why was that and he told me that they dressed for ocasion to this kind of thing.But I was still confused.My task there was to rapidly clean the plates with a kind of piassaba so other volunteer could wash them in the water before he puts the plates into the dish washing device.And one thing that got me a bit sad and confused was that I even had to throw some pasta away!were this people actualy poor?Poor people eat the pasta, lick what's left of it,lick their fingers and start eating the plate too!
We waited a bit outside and I talked to some guys in the group about the soup kitchen, but then the conversasion got happier and more superficial and I asked one of the Polish guys how was the night last day.He said it was great, that in the disco there was a group of models which were passing salerno.They got free drinks and they danced with them.Fuck it!I wish I could have been there, i'ven if i was half-zombie.We meet with with some Italians and a blond busty woman with really big boobs.I wondered if they were real.I asked a female friend and she didnt know because they were covered in clothe.But she said the best way is to look for consistency.The fake ones dont wobble as much.mmm. Interesting. We went to the church in the same block as the soup kitchen, and sure thing the priests lived well in Napoli.The church had a lot of golden ornaments and expensive paintings.In the back of the altar there were a lot of silver adornaments organized gently in glass, the similar staying next to each other.There were more than 400 of these silver adornaments-some represented chests, others backs, some were arms or legs, there were even soldiers and children.I asked what was their purpose and Fernando said that If you made a prair and the prair would be true, then you would ask a mettalworker to make an adornament simbolizing the miracle that happenend and you gave the thing to the church.Some had their backs healed, their vision came back from blindness, their suns came alive from the war.
Then we went for a walk in the city, supossedly the poor parts but not the poorest,but something that resembled true poverty there was minimal.there were frenetic motorcicles, good and bad cars, people in the streets talking,trash here and there,people selling things in the streets.We saw a monastery of nuns in the centre of the city.The nuns were renegades from armania.They manly left the country there 500 years ago because of the inquisition.What?Inquisition persecuting small catholic nuns?mmmm...
Spent one hour walking in Napoli then we went to an organization that helped the poor by education.They shot a movie there at a conference room.I saw a really beutiful girl sat in the front, probabily from the organization.The most funny thing about it was that half of us were fast asleep after 10 mins!Someone took photos and I'll post them too.But who can judge them?they were partying for 4 days straight getting up at 8 am.
After the extensive and interesting video,we had a snack and I seated next to the portuguese girls, and ocasionally the blond busty woman stood just right of me.I found out she was Ausie, and she complemented my english fluency.She must have a hard time in Italy, I though.after a nice small talk I found out she was really nice person, really educated and not formal, but formal in an nice informal kind of way.People have personalities behind their maked-up crust, but our animality doesn't let us see that.What if we didn't had crusts or outside shells?What if we were just gases?How would we like each other?I wondered.We could literally bond with the other person if in gaseous form.
We went for a walk again.I talked to Fernando a bit, and for my astonishment he sang a portuguese song "menina estas a janela"(girl you're at the window) correctly with lyrics!he said he was in a band and sometimes sang portuguese and brazilian music. Funny,last time I spoke that song was on the street, at night, nealed singing it to an old lady by the window.He also played the clarinet but droped it as I did too.
Then we started walking through a street that he said that cuts napoli in half.I talked to a nice Girl called Anna, and then the beautiful girl that was at the conference came with us! they were friends and her name was Alessandra. She reminded me of Felipe's older sister, a girl that all our friends in our neigbourhood slobbered for. Some even stole photos and languerie from her room when they were at Felipe's place.She really had some similarities with her. I was happily talking with them when I realized that we had split from the group!I didn't worried because they said they knew Napoli, they study there so I was in good hands. Alessandra spoke well English,way better than the average, and She said she went to british council, same school I had went to.They showed me the spanish neibourhood, that they said it was much poor and dangerous, but I found it very interesting and vivid because of the ornaments and flags between the houses, much like in Portugal when it's time for the popular holiday parties.We walked a bit towards the left and I saw a complex of buildings with a glass proteccion on the top of them and inbetween, just like in milan plaza next to duomo.
We didn't went there and we walked straight till we got to the royal palace and the plebescito, a huge arced church with lots of colums to stand it's weight.I texted them saying I would be here in the plaza in front of the royal palace, and so they were not there so we went to the next cafe in the plaza, Gambrinus, because they said the cofe was exelent.I din't had no money, so alessandra wanted to pay me the cofe and I got a litle embarrased by that.She drank it like a shot so I did the same.It was a strong expresso.
I wanted to pee, so I went to the bathroom downstairs.No one was there and I found it a bit odd, such a popular place and noone uses it's clean, poshy bathroom.I closed and latched the door and sat on the toilet to defecate, semi-solids and liquids. Then the scariest thing happened.The lights from the little bathroom were I was in went out, and I only saw the light from the outside bathroom through 3 horizontal gaps for natural ventilation down in the door.And then I heard a loud hoarse rusty voice from the outside, and it looked like the thing that had that voice was speaking just up from the gaps.I went into panic when I saw a shadow in the gaps and the thick rusty voice speaking again.It was uncompreensible Italian.I don't want to get out but I don't want to stay in either!I will get ass raped by the mosnter , that's for sure!trembling a bit, i tryied 3 quick times to clumsily open the door knob but it would'nt open!"MA QUESTO,QUE COSA?"-the mosnter said something like that, crawling with his voice.Then the inside light just turned on.Wtf man, the latch was locked!you had locked the door!that's why it would'nt open!Now, what do I do?do I open the door and see what's out there, or I stay inside until I die from starvation?The monster was speaking impatiently now, and I started to notice that it's voice had a familiar feeling to it.I unsteadily open the door and to my surprise it was only a normal bathroom old maid talking with her torned out rusty voice.She was waving her right hand and looking at me like asking for money, and I quickly ran away from that scene, more because I didn't had no money than for fear.
I told the girls the story and they said she was there for quite sometime, that she stayed with her voice like that when she was operated when a child.They said it was normal to ask money only to tourists.
10 minutes later, the tired herd of international tourists finally arrived to the plaza where we were.The Italians did a game where they put 2 persons blindfold in front of the palace, and they're goal was to walk straight in the huge plaza till they get to the library.It looks easier that it is.i saw 6 people doing it and only one managed to do it.The others got desoriented and went to the right or the left.From seeing them playing I discovered a trick.When I was blindfolded i started to walk.When i felt a slope, I knew that I had arrived to one of many line of concave stones paralel to the church, and the end of each stone it makes a gap line wich is perpendicular to the church, so I had only to feel that gap and follow that direction.
Slideshow of Napoli
This day we were early on the streets of Vietri to catch the bus to Napoli, the biggest city of the region.
We passed by many suburbs of Napoli, including one part which was really close to the only volcano active in continental Europe. Fuck, how can they live there like that? with a Giant steaming lava phalic thing ready to jerk off right in the mouth of their homes? If I was poor I would move anyway.I guess it was nice to live a month there, but not your whole life.
When we got to Napoli half of us went to the soup kitchen to do voluntary work there, were poor people go to eat.we met Fernando there, which was going to be our guide through the city.I saw the people coming into the soup kitchen.I have to say that 95% of them didn't even look poor.They dressed normaly and some were even nice dressed.I asked Fernando why was that and he told me that they dressed for ocasion to this kind of thing.But I was still confused.My task there was to rapidly clean the plates with a kind of piassaba so other volunteer could wash them in the water before he puts the plates into the dish washing device.And one thing that got me a bit sad and confused was that I even had to throw some pasta away!were this people actualy poor?Poor people eat the pasta, lick what's left of it,lick their fingers and start eating the plate too!
We waited a bit outside and I talked to some guys in the group about the soup kitchen, but then the conversasion got happier and more superficial and I asked one of the Polish guys how was the night last day.He said it was great, that in the disco there was a group of models which were passing salerno.They got free drinks and they danced with them.Fuck it!I wish I could have been there, i'ven if i was half-zombie.We meet with with some Italians and a blond busty woman with really big boobs.I wondered if they were real.I asked a female friend and she didnt know because they were covered in clothe.But she said the best way is to look for consistency.The fake ones dont wobble as much.mmm. Interesting. We went to the church in the same block as the soup kitchen, and sure thing the priests lived well in Napoli.The church had a lot of golden ornaments and expensive paintings.In the back of the altar there were a lot of silver adornaments organized gently in glass, the similar staying next to each other.There were more than 400 of these silver adornaments-some represented chests, others backs, some were arms or legs, there were even soldiers and children.I asked what was their purpose and Fernando said that If you made a prair and the prair would be true, then you would ask a mettalworker to make an adornament simbolizing the miracle that happenend and you gave the thing to the church.Some had their backs healed, their vision came back from blindness, their suns came alive from the war.
Then we went for a walk in the city, supossedly the poor parts but not the poorest,but something that resembled true poverty there was minimal.there were frenetic motorcicles, good and bad cars, people in the streets talking,trash here and there,people selling things in the streets.We saw a monastery of nuns in the centre of the city.The nuns were renegades from armania.They manly left the country there 500 years ago because of the inquisition.What?Inquisition persecuting small catholic nuns?mmmm...
Spent one hour walking in Napoli then we went to an organization that helped the poor by education.They shot a movie there at a conference room.I saw a really beutiful girl sat in the front, probabily from the organization.The most funny thing about it was that half of us were fast asleep after 10 mins!Someone took photos and I'll post them too.But who can judge them?they were partying for 4 days straight getting up at 8 am.
After the extensive and interesting video,we had a snack and I seated next to the portuguese girls, and ocasionally the blond busty woman stood just right of me.I found out she was Ausie, and she complemented my english fluency.She must have a hard time in Italy, I though.after a nice small talk I found out she was really nice person, really educated and not formal, but formal in an nice informal kind of way.People have personalities behind their maked-up crust, but our animality doesn't let us see that.What if we didn't had crusts or outside shells?What if we were just gases?How would we like each other?I wondered.We could literally bond with the other person if in gaseous form.
We went for a walk again.I talked to Fernando a bit, and for my astonishment he sang a portuguese song "menina estas a janela"(girl you're at the window) correctly with lyrics!he said he was in a band and sometimes sang portuguese and brazilian music. Funny,last time I spoke that song was on the street, at night, nealed singing it to an old lady by the window.He also played the clarinet but droped it as I did too.

We didn't went there and we walked straight till we got to the royal palace and the plebescito, a huge arced church with lots of colums to stand it's weight.I texted them saying I would be here in the plaza in front of the royal palace, and so they were not there so we went to the next cafe in the plaza, Gambrinus, because they said the cofe was exelent.I din't had no money, so alessandra wanted to pay me the cofe and I got a litle embarrased by that.She drank it like a shot so I did the same.It was a strong expresso.
I wanted to pee, so I went to the bathroom downstairs.No one was there and I found it a bit odd, such a popular place and noone uses it's clean, poshy bathroom.I closed and latched the door and sat on the toilet to defecate, semi-solids and liquids. Then the scariest thing happened.The lights from the little bathroom were I was in went out, and I only saw the light from the outside bathroom through 3 horizontal gaps for natural ventilation down in the door.And then I heard a loud hoarse rusty voice from the outside, and it looked like the thing that had that voice was speaking just up from the gaps.I went into panic when I saw a shadow in the gaps and the thick rusty voice speaking again.It was uncompreensible Italian.I don't want to get out but I don't want to stay in either!I will get ass raped by the mosnter , that's for sure!trembling a bit, i tryied 3 quick times to clumsily open the door knob but it would'nt open!"MA QUESTO,QUE COSA?"-the mosnter said something like that, crawling with his voice.Then the inside light just turned on.Wtf man, the latch was locked!you had locked the door!that's why it would'nt open!Now, what do I do?do I open the door and see what's out there, or I stay inside until I die from starvation?The monster was speaking impatiently now, and I started to notice that it's voice had a familiar feeling to it.I unsteadily open the door and to my surprise it was only a normal bathroom old maid talking with her torned out rusty voice.She was waving her right hand and looking at me like asking for money, and I quickly ran away from that scene, more because I didn't had no money than for fear.
I told the girls the story and they said she was there for quite sometime, that she stayed with her voice like that when she was operated when a child.They said it was normal to ask money only to tourists.
10 minutes later, the tired herd of international tourists finally arrived to the plaza where we were.The Italians did a game where they put 2 persons blindfold in front of the palace, and they're goal was to walk straight in the huge plaza till they get to the library.It looks easier that it is.i saw 6 people doing it and only one managed to do it.The others got desoriented and went to the right or the left.From seeing them playing I discovered a trick.When I was blindfolded i started to walk.When i felt a slope, I knew that I had arrived to one of many line of concave stones paralel to the church, and the end of each stone it makes a gap line wich is perpendicular to the church, so I had only to feel that gap and follow that direction.
Slideshow of Napoli
3 of Setember- Nice medieval night.
We slept til 12 o'clock.It felt good too sleep more than 6 hours, but I would have slept more.We lunched pasta at the nuns's place and we went to the church were a woman taught us a litle about photography (boring shit). Then she gave us a topic to each group and we had to photograph something that resembles it.Our was vanity.So we went to a barber shop.
At night we took a bus to Cava di Tireni, 40 minutes from Vietri.there was a medieval festival going on inside the walls of Cava's castle, so we went there to check it out.It was cool.There were a lot of people dressed up medieval style, signs were covered in haysack's cloth, and we first saw a sword fighting which was pretty realistic.there was ancient music played by a band which had a gnome in it, there were people dancing in funny ways with a jester presenting the show, there were girls weaving (beautiful ones),there were woman hitting white piece of clothesin onto a small wide stone pool (i guess they were trying to show how they washed their clothes),there were men dressed as soldiers, there were man pretending to be midgets trying to hurt each other, there was a fire street performance,where there was a fire breather, women with extended really big nails on fire and with hula-hulas with fire attachements on fire too.they lit up a sign they had made with tinder on fire, and in big flaming words you could see "C A V A" burning on the floor.
After the fire spetacle, I went alone to the range pratice.There was a substancial line to shoot the bow, but at the end of it there were the checs and Mario, so I didn't mind to wait with them.we could only shoot one arrow, and when it was my time, I shot it and it hit the 2 ring of the target, but it fell down.I didn't mind.Now in the future I will try to get my arrows in the midle, and they must not fall down,preferably.If they do, I'll just go pick it up and shoot again with it.
Cava de Tirreni - medieval
In the bus they asked the people that wanted to go to sleep and the people that wanted to go to disco in salerno.I was really tired so I went to Vietri.
We slept til 12 o'clock.It felt good too sleep more than 6 hours, but I would have slept more.We lunched pasta at the nuns's place and we went to the church were a woman taught us a litle about photography (boring shit). Then she gave us a topic to each group and we had to photograph something that resembles it.Our was vanity.So we went to a barber shop.
At night we took a bus to Cava di Tireni, 40 minutes from Vietri.there was a medieval festival going on inside the walls of Cava's castle, so we went there to check it out.It was cool.There were a lot of people dressed up medieval style, signs were covered in haysack's cloth, and we first saw a sword fighting which was pretty realistic.there was ancient music played by a band which had a gnome in it, there were people dancing in funny ways with a jester presenting the show, there were girls weaving (beautiful ones),there were woman hitting white piece of clothesin onto a small wide stone pool (i guess they were trying to show how they washed their clothes),there were men dressed as soldiers, there were man pretending to be midgets trying to hurt each other, there was a fire street performance,where there was a fire breather, women with extended really big nails on fire and with hula-hulas with fire attachements on fire too.they lit up a sign they had made with tinder on fire, and in big flaming words you could see "C A V A" burning on the floor.
After the fire spetacle, I went alone to the range pratice.There was a substancial line to shoot the bow, but at the end of it there were the checs and Mario, so I didn't mind to wait with them.we could only shoot one arrow, and when it was my time, I shot it and it hit the 2 ring of the target, but it fell down.I didn't mind.Now in the future I will try to get my arrows in the midle, and they must not fall down,preferably.If they do, I'll just go pick it up and shoot again with it.
Cava de Tirreni - medieval
In the bus they asked the people that wanted to go to sleep and the people that wanted to go to disco in salerno.I was really tired so I went to Vietri.
2 of August -THAT'S INCORRECT!!
I woke up early and slep like a stone from the long day I had yesterday.No one was up today, so I went to check Vietri alone.
Vietri sul Mare is a small coastal city, but full of personality and life.I started to climb the litle snake street to the centre.There were People going up and down transporting all kinds of things,pallets full of vegetables and fishes,plastic bags,bottles,babies,bikes,boxes; kids playng running arround,people delivering the goods late to the grocer, that created a reaccion in him already deep in his soul to talk loudly in a musical manner while conducting hard expressive handgestures,an italian barber shop where a man is greedily getting a shave by the good mood barber, the old man and woman seated on the entry stairs isntead of the porch as I usualy saw in Lisbon,people looking and talking and observing the food and buyng and smoking and walking.
Vietri as also great cult of ceramic tradition, with a great amount of ceramic art workshops, selling mostly ceramic with sea lifestyle, countryside and local landscape motives.As I was walking through the city, I saw cerâmic works that capted my attention, they were brightly original and diferent ,with vessels of diferent shapes and sizes, with drawings of a jester style kind of man.
I went in the shop and there he was, the artist making the art.I observed him for 10 seconds really built-in on his work until he snaped off of it and greet me up "buongiorno".I greeted him to and started to talk with him.He didn't speak much of Anglo Languange, but I said if he spoke "italiano piano", I would understand.He told me that he was a very fond friend of a portuguese cerâmic artist, that founded a museum in vietri and became very famous for that, Gargaeilio ( only later I found he's name was Manuel Gargaleiro, but I liked more the distorted form of the surname).The artist I was speaking too, Klàus, was pretty famous too, the pope had once visited his store and Klàus gave him one of his works of art.A friend of him came by and for the next 15 minutes we had an enjoyable talk about italian gestures, what they ment,italian vocabulary and italian and portuguese chicas.I learned that the hand expression to say "the food is good" in portuguese, touching the bottom pillow of the ear with the fingers ment "gay" in italian.after an animated talk in his workshop, he gave me a card, saying that if i went to Lisbon to the other museum of Gargaelio, to say to him that I was a friend of Klàus.I said goodbye to both and left the place.

I went through another unkown way to the nuns place.When I got there, the lunch wasn't still ready, so I asked the portuguese girls and the macedonians if they wanted to go with us to visit the beach.they said ok and we left the monastery to go down to the beach.Halfway to the beach, we got to a plaza with a balcony where you could see a beautiful view, with the mountains that surrounded vietri, it's cliffs going all the way down to the water, it's vulcanic rock hit by the water for eternity, now in gravelled sand on the shore to form a litle beach and up there the traditional houses of the region and the church.
We stayed there a couple more so they could take photos for facebook.
We went down in the step hill street, with motorcycles circulating all the time.
When we got to the beach, me and Filipa had a nice talk with a man that in the end said that when we would go to Cava di Tireni he would offer us an Icecream.OKê!
In the nuns place, almost everybody had arrived now, exept the Polish, so we started to make games to break the ice and meet people.One was to write your name in a balloon then throw it away and when music stops you had to catch anothe balloon and give it to that person. When they were in the air, the balloons and the jumping people created a fanfare look in the high ceiling room.
After a "molto buono!" pasta breakfast, we went seeing the next big city, Salermo.When we got there, we recieved a formal welcoming by the mayor and other representatives.It was a pretty interesting time of 1 and a half hour, exept from the fact that I didn't understood shit from what they said, exept from a nice 35 year old lady that spoke a nice compreensible italian.I wondered why.In the end of the lezione , the guy asked if we had any questions, to not be shy, so I went up and asked why I could understand the lady and not the other men, if she was from a diferent region or spoke a diferent dialect.All the people started laughing.The guy said she was from here and made a silly joke about it.
At the front of the mayor's house they gave us a pocket lunch and we ate there.Haha pocket lunch -why? can I stuff this in my pocket?I don't think so.Haha I laughed to myself, this is a lunch inside a plastic bag!
In the afternoon we had a tourist visit around salermo, with bigger houses than in vietri, and some silly small arcs between the short streets that served for the buildings not to collapse on each other.
At the end of the day we went back to vietri to have the Check Estonian Night.It was a lot of fun,presentations that preceded lots of salty food and harsh drinks, and fun drinking game where they would take the strainer off the vodka bottle and put sweet fish gums inside it, and people had to hook the fish in his mouth, while drinking absurd quantities of vodka.Awsome game that got everybody drunk.After that they offered even more drinks and made a litle disco in the outside area that we were in.
After a the starter party, with all the people walking strait in frowning soberty, we quickly walked to the bus that was going to take us to a city witch I cannot remember the name, but was like an hour or more from Vietri.
I was feeling really sick from the complete sober state I was in, so I went to the front of the bus and Marta helped me a lot, and I got to know that she had travelled a lot, she had made erasmus in Hong Kong and went visiting the regions surrounding it.
When we got there, we had to wait a bit till we went to the museum.We were a big group of people, only guided by a female italian guide which I didn't like her face right from the start.I kept quiet listening to her boring descriptions of vessels and ruined pieces of greek culture found there and when she stood right of an european map with arrows from greece pointed only to the inside of the Mediterranian, she said "(...)2500 years before crist the greeks had reached their peak in terms of navigation, arriving to Italy, cartagne, france and the mediterranean islands/"-"That's incorrect!" I said, coming from the croud with a wool smoking,angry and determined."You see,in their peaks the Greeks had passed the Gibraltar straight, arrived to southeast of Spain, Portugal and North of Africa!!"I said, pointing in the map to the areas that weren't even maked in it"they had established trade routes in all of these places!they left a lot of heritage and evidence!!What you're saying is premade bullshit of"- an arm quickly grabs me and pulls me, and I got sucked in to a spot behind the croud.Mario comes to me and says:"letsa go outsida, joáó"-he said calmly.I was pretty pissed of by then.
He offered me a cigarette and I told him why she was wrong.After a while i was calm and I started to say good things and compliments to everybody that now was slwoly leaving the museum.I started to talk a lot, about how much bullshit we listen and have to stand with everyday, how much the world is fucked up and people don't give a fuck and don't think, and how dificult it is for people to really think outside of their mentally exausting routines.
At 4 am we started walking to the show we would see.The entrance was like a disco ,only outside.When we enter the complex, and walked the clandle lit path, me, my cousin and Marta seated together next to the other guys in from of an ancient, beautiful,intact, WoW sized greek temple.The Temple was lit from below, with coroled lights that would change from time to time, but very soft change that most of the people wouldn't notice.After a time of not loud but not silent talks, with neither sober nor drunk people, a perfectly clear sound of a woman speaking beautiful italian like she was speaking to an ear,she told stories about greek gods,apollo and the sun ,the moon, the dances and the skies.It was a bit cold and I had brought 2 jackets but only trousers, so the jacket I wasn't wearing I wrapped around my legs to not feel cold.In the midle of her talk, the statues that were standing on the base of the forefront ionic colums of the temple started to move graciously, slowly,interacting with eachother.I wasn't expecting that and I became stupefied.Then the music paced up and a group of dancers came from the back and they started to dance gallantry, with faster moves,in contemporanic style.The colors changed faster, from cold to warm and vice-versa.I was enjoying the dance, but I was extremely sleepy, and after a while the dance became hypnotic to me and I just felt asleep.Carolina woke me up when the show was over, now the day was borning, and we went to the bus to Vietri to sleep.We said gooday to the nuns.
I woke up early and slep like a stone from the long day I had yesterday.No one was up today, so I went to check Vietri alone.
Vietri sul Mare is a small coastal city, but full of personality and life.I started to climb the litle snake street to the centre.There were People going up and down transporting all kinds of things,pallets full of vegetables and fishes,plastic bags,bottles,babies,bikes,boxes; kids playng running arround,people delivering the goods late to the grocer, that created a reaccion in him already deep in his soul to talk loudly in a musical manner while conducting hard expressive handgestures,an italian barber shop where a man is greedily getting a shave by the good mood barber, the old man and woman seated on the entry stairs isntead of the porch as I usualy saw in Lisbon,people looking and talking and observing the food and buyng and smoking and walking.
Vietri as also great cult of ceramic tradition, with a great amount of ceramic art workshops, selling mostly ceramic with sea lifestyle, countryside and local landscape motives.As I was walking through the city, I saw cerâmic works that capted my attention, they were brightly original and diferent ,with vessels of diferent shapes and sizes, with drawings of a jester style kind of man.
I went in the shop and there he was, the artist making the art.I observed him for 10 seconds really built-in on his work until he snaped off of it and greet me up "buongiorno".I greeted him to and started to talk with him.He didn't speak much of Anglo Languange, but I said if he spoke "italiano piano", I would understand.He told me that he was a very fond friend of a portuguese cerâmic artist, that founded a museum in vietri and became very famous for that, Gargaeilio ( only later I found he's name was Manuel Gargaleiro, but I liked more the distorted form of the surname).The artist I was speaking too, Klàus, was pretty famous too, the pope had once visited his store and Klàus gave him one of his works of art.A friend of him came by and for the next 15 minutes we had an enjoyable talk about italian gestures, what they ment,italian vocabulary and italian and portuguese chicas.I learned that the hand expression to say "the food is good" in portuguese, touching the bottom pillow of the ear with the fingers ment "gay" in italian.after an animated talk in his workshop, he gave me a card, saying that if i went to Lisbon to the other museum of Gargaelio, to say to him that I was a friend of Klàus.I said goodbye to both and left the place.

I went through another unkown way to the nuns place.When I got there, the lunch wasn't still ready, so I asked the portuguese girls and the macedonians if they wanted to go with us to visit the beach.they said ok and we left the monastery to go down to the beach.Halfway to the beach, we got to a plaza with a balcony where you could see a beautiful view, with the mountains that surrounded vietri, it's cliffs going all the way down to the water, it's vulcanic rock hit by the water for eternity, now in gravelled sand on the shore to form a litle beach and up there the traditional houses of the region and the church.
We stayed there a couple more so they could take photos for facebook.
We went down in the step hill street, with motorcycles circulating all the time.
When we got to the beach, me and Filipa had a nice talk with a man that in the end said that when we would go to Cava di Tireni he would offer us an Icecream.OKê!
In the nuns place, almost everybody had arrived now, exept the Polish, so we started to make games to break the ice and meet people.One was to write your name in a balloon then throw it away and when music stops you had to catch anothe balloon and give it to that person. When they were in the air, the balloons and the jumping people created a fanfare look in the high ceiling room.
After a "molto buono!" pasta breakfast, we went seeing the next big city, Salermo.When we got there, we recieved a formal welcoming by the mayor and other representatives.It was a pretty interesting time of 1 and a half hour, exept from the fact that I didn't understood shit from what they said, exept from a nice 35 year old lady that spoke a nice compreensible italian.I wondered why.In the end of the lezione , the guy asked if we had any questions, to not be shy, so I went up and asked why I could understand the lady and not the other men, if she was from a diferent region or spoke a diferent dialect.All the people started laughing.The guy said she was from here and made a silly joke about it.
At the front of the mayor's house they gave us a pocket lunch and we ate there.Haha pocket lunch -why? can I stuff this in my pocket?I don't think so.Haha I laughed to myself, this is a lunch inside a plastic bag!
In the afternoon we had a tourist visit around salermo, with bigger houses than in vietri, and some silly small arcs between the short streets that served for the buildings not to collapse on each other.
At the end of the day we went back to vietri to have the Check Estonian Night.It was a lot of fun,presentations that preceded lots of salty food and harsh drinks, and fun drinking game where they would take the strainer off the vodka bottle and put sweet fish gums inside it, and people had to hook the fish in his mouth, while drinking absurd quantities of vodka.Awsome game that got everybody drunk.After that they offered even more drinks and made a litle disco in the outside area that we were in.
After a the starter party, with all the people walking strait in frowning soberty, we quickly walked to the bus that was going to take us to a city witch I cannot remember the name, but was like an hour or more from Vietri.
I was feeling really sick from the complete sober state I was in, so I went to the front of the bus and Marta helped me a lot, and I got to know that she had travelled a lot, she had made erasmus in Hong Kong and went visiting the regions surrounding it.
When we got there, we had to wait a bit till we went to the museum.We were a big group of people, only guided by a female italian guide which I didn't like her face right from the start.I kept quiet listening to her boring descriptions of vessels and ruined pieces of greek culture found there and when she stood right of an european map with arrows from greece pointed only to the inside of the Mediterranian, she said "(...)2500 years before crist the greeks had reached their peak in terms of navigation, arriving to Italy, cartagne, france and the mediterranean islands/"-"That's incorrect!" I said, coming from the croud with a wool smoking,angry and determined."You see,in their peaks the Greeks had passed the Gibraltar straight, arrived to southeast of Spain, Portugal and North of Africa!!"I said, pointing in the map to the areas that weren't even maked in it"they had established trade routes in all of these places!they left a lot of heritage and evidence!!What you're saying is premade bullshit of"- an arm quickly grabs me and pulls me, and I got sucked in to a spot behind the croud.Mario comes to me and says:"letsa go outsida, joáó"-he said calmly.I was pretty pissed of by then.
He offered me a cigarette and I told him why she was wrong.After a while i was calm and I started to say good things and compliments to everybody that now was slwoly leaving the museum.I started to talk a lot, about how much bullshit we listen and have to stand with everyday, how much the world is fucked up and people don't give a fuck and don't think, and how dificult it is for people to really think outside of their mentally exausting routines.
At 4 am we started walking to the show we would see.The entrance was like a disco ,only outside.When we enter the complex, and walked the clandle lit path, me, my cousin and Marta seated together next to the other guys in from of an ancient, beautiful,intact, WoW sized greek temple.The Temple was lit from below, with coroled lights that would change from time to time, but very soft change that most of the people wouldn't notice.After a time of not loud but not silent talks, with neither sober nor drunk people, a perfectly clear sound of a woman speaking beautiful italian like she was speaking to an ear,she told stories about greek gods,apollo and the sun ,the moon, the dances and the skies.It was a bit cold and I had brought 2 jackets but only trousers, so the jacket I wasn't wearing I wrapped around my legs to not feel cold.In the midle of her talk, the statues that were standing on the base of the forefront ionic colums of the temple started to move graciously, slowly,interacting with eachother.I wasn't expecting that and I became stupefied.Then the music paced up and a group of dancers came from the back and they started to dance gallantry, with faster moves,in contemporanic style.The colors changed faster, from cold to warm and vice-versa.I was enjoying the dance, but I was extremely sleepy, and after a while the dance became hypnotic to me and I just felt asleep.Carolina woke me up when the show was over, now the day was borning, and we went to the bus to Vietri to sleep.We said gooday to the nuns.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
1 of Setembre - Iere I aGO to Italy!
We arrived to the Airport and I was wearing a winter jacket to not to show my marks on my neck.Only after I discovered that it had a meaning.I was feeling very hot, and after a while i though"fuck it" and put the jaket in my bag.the marks were now really ugly, it looked like I had aids or something. we went to check in the bags, and I've found a girl I met when I was couchsurfing in João's Place.She was going to Brazil but first scaling in Madrid like us.We meet Marta and the other two girls, Andreia and Filipa.My mother wasn't happy with me and it showed on her face.
After all I said goodbye to my mother and went to room waiting for the plane.All when well from our flight from Lisbon to Madrid.We had to wait like 2 hours there.We saw some nuns in the airport and the girls started counting them ,gigling once in a while. nun count:3.Madrid Airport was really modern and broad, with curved wooden arcs supported by byforked beams that made a degrade from red to yellow to green.But I questioned the praticallity of that roof and a that beams.Arquitecture is really nice, but in public buildings i ask wheather they would spend less money so they build a more pratical building and have more money for other more important things in society, like health and education.
We flow from Madrid to Rome, and in the ring were they put the bags for people to pick up i saw that my tent was missing.I went to the customer service of Iberia and I reported a complain
nun count:4
We took a Train to the suburbs of Rome to catch a bus in the bus terminal, and what the fuck that we see more nuns there! nun count:8
we waited an hour and a half and we caught the buss at 5:30 pm.I was with food on my hand when I was entering the bus, and the driver sayd I couldn't eat, but when I sat down I saw a woman eating cookies, so why not eat mine?and I start eating them too.the ride was long end exausting, and we got to salerno at 11pm or so, and we got picked up by Henrique and Daniele.Daniele didn't spoke much of english, but you could notice he was a nice guy.when We got there there was only the Macedonian team and the Check Estonian Team.We got welcomed by them and a big Margarita pizza for each on of us!That is a welcome!
We laughed our asses of when we discovered we were sleeping at the monastery with the nuns!!
nun count:uncountable
We arrived to the Airport and I was wearing a winter jacket to not to show my marks on my neck.Only after I discovered that it had a meaning.I was feeling very hot, and after a while i though"fuck it" and put the jaket in my bag.the marks were now really ugly, it looked like I had aids or something. we went to check in the bags, and I've found a girl I met when I was couchsurfing in João's Place.She was going to Brazil but first scaling in Madrid like us.We meet Marta and the other two girls, Andreia and Filipa.My mother wasn't happy with me and it showed on her face.
After all I said goodbye to my mother and went to room waiting for the plane.All when well from our flight from Lisbon to Madrid.We had to wait like 2 hours there.We saw some nuns in the airport and the girls started counting them ,gigling once in a while. nun count:3.Madrid Airport was really modern and broad, with curved wooden arcs supported by byforked beams that made a degrade from red to yellow to green.But I questioned the praticallity of that roof and a that beams.Arquitecture is really nice, but in public buildings i ask wheather they would spend less money so they build a more pratical building and have more money for other more important things in society, like health and education.
We flow from Madrid to Rome, and in the ring were they put the bags for people to pick up i saw that my tent was missing.I went to the customer service of Iberia and I reported a complain
nun count:4
We took a Train to the suburbs of Rome to catch a bus in the bus terminal, and what the fuck that we see more nuns there! nun count:8
we waited an hour and a half and we caught the buss at 5:30 pm.I was with food on my hand when I was entering the bus, and the driver sayd I couldn't eat, but when I sat down I saw a woman eating cookies, so why not eat mine?and I start eating them too.the ride was long end exausting, and we got to salerno at 11pm or so, and we got picked up by Henrique and Daniele.Daniele didn't spoke much of english, but you could notice he was a nice guy.when We got there there was only the Macedonian team and the Check Estonian Team.We got welcomed by them and a big Margarita pizza for each on of us!That is a welcome!
We laughed our asses of when we discovered we were sleeping at the monastery with the nuns!!
nun count:uncountable
27-30 of August- Last Days In Lisbon
These days were all about party in Restelo with the guys and the girls.
On the 27 we had a party next to the museum with only the guys from the camp, then the 28th and 29th Mariana and vera came and we told happy birthday to Chi through the phone.She was having her birthday party on the 2nd, but i could go because I was in Italy.
I was in a dilemma with myself for quite some time but now it was reaching climatic proportions.I was leaving to Italy on the 1st of Setember, And I had to tell my mother before it that after it I would continue on my journey to France and then throughout europe,for a year, Hitchhiking and couchsurfing, meeting new people, doing some work now and then, and visiting awsome places and not so awsome ones. The thing was that I had told my mother already about this, but she though I was joking the majority of times and didn't even pay attention to what i was sayng, and when she though I wasn't joking she slapped me in the face, sayng to not to joke with her, with tears on her eyes.
Maybe I won't tell her about what I want to do.Maybe It's better.I talked with my friends about this and they said the oposite, that was better to tell her sooner as possible.I told them this was probabily the hardest thing I will have done in all my life.Because I feel like i'm backstabing my mother when i'll tell her i'll do this.A woman that gave me everything, and now I don't behave to her expectations. There is a chinese proverb which says that the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.I guess it can be applied to this situation now.But It's a fukin hard task to plant this tree.The soil is old, hard,already made, and the water flows through it like sand.but I have to do It.Tomorrow for sure.I have to drop the flood.
So on the 30th of Setembre of 2010 I told my mother at lunch I wanted to talk with her when she gets back from work.This gave time for me and my mother to prepare mentaly for the talk, at least a bit.
When she got back from work, She asked me what I wanted to talk with her so we sat on her bed, and after she said something like "Start talking,what is it" I was silent for 10 seconds, then trying to do a serious look so she could believe I wasn't joking I looked her in the eyes and said what were my plans for the next year, talking for like 5 minutes for what would I do this, where would I go to and how would I do this.Of course she started a rampage.But It wasn't the same kind I was used too, It was the kind like "do what you want" and then "if you think its better to [RAMPAGE] ,then do it".
After that my mother leisurely grabbed a black beer from the fridge than sat on the round table of our living room, looking at the sunset behind the buildings and the trees and the palace of Pena,far away from our house, drinking beer from a crystal wine glass, with crossed legs, a cigarette in her bent hand, humid melancholyc eyes whatching these hole scene.
Crap.I felt really bad for this and I went to Felipe's house.I think my mother felt really dissapointed of me and i think she gave up a bit.But In a way I think it could have been much worse.Anyway,I just wanted to forget it.We waited there seeing a sci-fi movie with his father and his new fixed surround Speakers until all the guys were there, most of them brought drinks so we were really full of them.
We went with them outside to a park from the museum with gravel on the floor and wooden structures were you could climb them.Mariana came after a while with a friend and Madalena came after that too.We started to play Rings of Fire with alchoolic drinks, of course, vodka ,cream liquor, cola,lemon juice.I drank a lot that day.I secretly throw up so I could drink more with more effect, hehehe.And I drank more!In the end we were all in a good mood, and the ones with the best mood climbed up "the tower" to drink vodka shots with the cover of the bottle.after some shots Madalena bite me in the neck.That shit really hurt! I bite her back for revenge.Then she bite another one.Then he bite her and another one.In the end almost everyone at the top was biten!We had a fun time there.After a while Madalena said she had to go home, so I went with her to the bus station and while waiting for the bus we kissed each other.Then when the bus came I came back to the complex,and said goodbye to Mariana and Pedro.Now only the old friends were there, and they started to give me advices for my next year,advices I'll remember and put to good use.We went to Felipe's house again because he had some stash left.we got out of his house and went to the stairs right of the square near Sale's old house and put the last of the stash on the cup to good use.
At the end of it I asked for hours.5:10 am of 1 of Septembre.I had to "get up" at 5:30.I said goodbye to each of them and Tomas escorted me to my house.Good yougnster that guy is.I see a future behind that Harry Potter looking boy!
When I got home my mother woke up after a bit, and it was a weird atmosphere there.I was hungry and I ate 6 huge toasts with butter and honey on it.MmMMmmm!! I live for this!
I had my backpack ready, so I tightened the straps around the waist and went to the car with my mother to pick up my cousin, which was coming to Italy with me.
These days were all about party in Restelo with the guys and the girls.
On the 27 we had a party next to the museum with only the guys from the camp, then the 28th and 29th Mariana and vera came and we told happy birthday to Chi through the phone.She was having her birthday party on the 2nd, but i could go because I was in Italy.
I was in a dilemma with myself for quite some time but now it was reaching climatic proportions.I was leaving to Italy on the 1st of Setember, And I had to tell my mother before it that after it I would continue on my journey to France and then throughout europe,for a year, Hitchhiking and couchsurfing, meeting new people, doing some work now and then, and visiting awsome places and not so awsome ones. The thing was that I had told my mother already about this, but she though I was joking the majority of times and didn't even pay attention to what i was sayng, and when she though I wasn't joking she slapped me in the face, sayng to not to joke with her, with tears on her eyes.
Maybe I won't tell her about what I want to do.Maybe It's better.I talked with my friends about this and they said the oposite, that was better to tell her sooner as possible.I told them this was probabily the hardest thing I will have done in all my life.Because I feel like i'm backstabing my mother when i'll tell her i'll do this.A woman that gave me everything, and now I don't behave to her expectations. There is a chinese proverb which says that the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.I guess it can be applied to this situation now.But It's a fukin hard task to plant this tree.The soil is old, hard,already made, and the water flows through it like sand.but I have to do It.Tomorrow for sure.I have to drop the flood.
So on the 30th of Setembre of 2010 I told my mother at lunch I wanted to talk with her when she gets back from work.This gave time for me and my mother to prepare mentaly for the talk, at least a bit.
When she got back from work, She asked me what I wanted to talk with her so we sat on her bed, and after she said something like "Start talking,what is it" I was silent for 10 seconds, then trying to do a serious look so she could believe I wasn't joking I looked her in the eyes and said what were my plans for the next year, talking for like 5 minutes for what would I do this, where would I go to and how would I do this.Of course she started a rampage.But It wasn't the same kind I was used too, It was the kind like "do what you want" and then "if you think its better to [RAMPAGE] ,then do it".
After that my mother leisurely grabbed a black beer from the fridge than sat on the round table of our living room, looking at the sunset behind the buildings and the trees and the palace of Pena,far away from our house, drinking beer from a crystal wine glass, with crossed legs, a cigarette in her bent hand, humid melancholyc eyes whatching these hole scene.
Crap.I felt really bad for this and I went to Felipe's house.I think my mother felt really dissapointed of me and i think she gave up a bit.But In a way I think it could have been much worse.Anyway,I just wanted to forget it.We waited there seeing a sci-fi movie with his father and his new fixed surround Speakers until all the guys were there, most of them brought drinks so we were really full of them.
We went with them outside to a park from the museum with gravel on the floor and wooden structures were you could climb them.Mariana came after a while with a friend and Madalena came after that too.We started to play Rings of Fire with alchoolic drinks, of course, vodka ,cream liquor, cola,lemon juice.I drank a lot that day.I secretly throw up so I could drink more with more effect, hehehe.And I drank more!In the end we were all in a good mood, and the ones with the best mood climbed up "the tower" to drink vodka shots with the cover of the bottle.after some shots Madalena bite me in the neck.That shit really hurt! I bite her back for revenge.Then she bite another one.Then he bite her and another one.In the end almost everyone at the top was biten!We had a fun time there.After a while Madalena said she had to go home, so I went with her to the bus station and while waiting for the bus we kissed each other.Then when the bus came I came back to the complex,and said goodbye to Mariana and Pedro.Now only the old friends were there, and they started to give me advices for my next year,advices I'll remember and put to good use.We went to Felipe's house again because he had some stash left.we got out of his house and went to the stairs right of the square near Sale's old house and put the last of the stash on the cup to good use.
At the end of it I asked for hours.5:10 am of 1 of Septembre.I had to "get up" at 5:30.I said goodbye to each of them and Tomas escorted me to my house.Good yougnster that guy is.I see a future behind that Harry Potter looking boy!
When I got home my mother woke up after a bit, and it was a weird atmosphere there.I was hungry and I ate 6 huge toasts with butter and honey on it.MmMMmmm!! I live for this!
I had my backpack ready, so I tightened the straps around the waist and went to the car with my mother to pick up my cousin, which was coming to Italy with me.
23-25 of August - Leaving?We just have started!
I spent the 23 mostly in bed and around the house, taking medicine and eating like a bird.The worst part was over, but I still had all those simtoms apart from vomiting.
On the 24 I was feeling almost ok, and I asked for a bike to my uncle so I could check were they were.I went down to the river beach, but they werent there.Probabily they are at the camp.
I climbed all the way up to Vila Nova do ceira with the bike on my hands and then i let the gravity do it's magic from the way to VN do Ceira to the small village, Cabril, then to their camp.I got a litle bit sad because they werent ther either, but then I knew they could only be in one place:down in the river where the water divides the moutains.It's a really great place because when you're swimming between those clifs you feel like an ant in a huge deep pool with 2 giants looking at you desapointed.then you can climb a bit of the right cliff with an help of a rope and dive into the water.almost nobody knows the place so it's even more beautiful and wild.Almost better than the place is the way to get there from the camp, where the river is very shallow most parts of it, and you have to step from rock to rock, and it's a game of pacience , dexterity and skill.than you get to parts where you can swim a bit.and if you have swimming glasses on you see all this fishes in the water that you though they werent there.towards the end there's a peninsula that is covered by a cliff so it's pratically an island, and you can stay there and you see that there were people who camped there and left fire vestiges. They surely are having fun. I will wait here for them next to the bed of the river, lying on the matress on the rocks reading Dharma bums. After a while ,I started to hear sounds of people screaming in joy-There they are, at the end of the river.I made a pole from a long branch and i stuck my black t-shirt on top of it so I could make a flag so they can see i'm there.I countinued reading and after 15 minutes the fastest ones started to arrive to the small stall by the river, right of me.
I updated them and they updated me, saying they had a lot of fun in the cliffs jumping to the water.They said that they explored a nice cave on top off the cliffs and I wondered how the hell they got up there.we got to the camp and they said that they were leaving tomorow."Leaving?We just have started having fun!"-I said, in a suprise mood."Yeah, but it is for you because you got sick almost right from the start,we exausted ourselves here and in the beach in the village these days"-said Salvador.I guess they're right, but I'm a bit sad because I lost all the fun.And our "fun" supplies were depleted last night they were here in the camp, they said it was a fucking good night.Haha I wished I would had benn better that day so I could spend that night here.Ok, and know there was a an issue.Some people wanted to go to camp by the beach and others wanted to stay in the camp, both arguing that that way they would save more energy for tomorrow to go to the bus.In the end, half of the people went to to camp by the beach near the place they would get on the bus tomorow, and half stayed in the camp.I went with the guys that were going to the beach because I would sleep at my uncle's place which was close .My mother did the favor of picking them up and brought them to the river , while I went by bike.They set up the tents and Ricardo was there, Fishing like a maniac, attaking the river with his buoy, scaring all the fish away.I invited him to dinner with us.Ricardo looks like he's drunk all the time , but he's a nice boy, and we had a fun time with him and his mannered younger brother.I prepared him a huge "tomatada" with tomatoes and onions that a nice old woman had given us when we asked just for salt.I sleep like a baby in my cosy bed that day.
25- i woke up early to say goodbye to them,and went to the centre of the town in front of the church were the bus would come.And there they were, a bit touched by sleep , and I noticed Carlos and Rodrigo Goodlife weren't having a goodtime at all."We got sick last night, we are having similar simptoms to yours" said Carlos, with a sick smile on his face.After a while, Rodrigo throw up next to the bench.They're fucked up alright.I went home and gave them my medicine, and after they went to the pharmacy.The guys which had slept by the beach said they shaved some cold there.We had a nice talk about how fucked up were the russians with the vodka, and after that the bus arrived.I said goodbye to them waving my arms like a maniac on top of the gas cylinders in from of the cafe.After lunch me, Cartridge, my brother and my cousin Carolina went to Lisbon, stoping first in Coimbra to see the bedridden sister of cartucho, Joana, who had been operated a short time ago.Strong woman she is.We payed a doctor visit to her and told her to hold on.It's boring alright to be bedridden, but what can you do when you are like that?Lots of pacience and good mood, and think that better times will come.
Then we went to Lisbon, cheking the internet on the car till the laptop fades.
I spent the 23 mostly in bed and around the house, taking medicine and eating like a bird.The worst part was over, but I still had all those simtoms apart from vomiting.
On the 24 I was feeling almost ok, and I asked for a bike to my uncle so I could check were they were.I went down to the river beach, but they werent there.Probabily they are at the camp.
I climbed all the way up to Vila Nova do ceira with the bike on my hands and then i let the gravity do it's magic from the way to VN do Ceira to the small village, Cabril, then to their camp.I got a litle bit sad because they werent ther either, but then I knew they could only be in one place:down in the river where the water divides the moutains.It's a really great place because when you're swimming between those clifs you feel like an ant in a huge deep pool with 2 giants looking at you desapointed.then you can climb a bit of the right cliff with an help of a rope and dive into the water.almost nobody knows the place so it's even more beautiful and wild.Almost better than the place is the way to get there from the camp, where the river is very shallow most parts of it, and you have to step from rock to rock, and it's a game of pacience , dexterity and skill.than you get to parts where you can swim a bit.and if you have swimming glasses on you see all this fishes in the water that you though they werent there.towards the end there's a peninsula that is covered by a cliff so it's pratically an island, and you can stay there and you see that there were people who camped there and left fire vestiges. They surely are having fun. I will wait here for them next to the bed of the river, lying on the matress on the rocks reading Dharma bums. After a while ,I started to hear sounds of people screaming in joy-There they are, at the end of the river.I made a pole from a long branch and i stuck my black t-shirt on top of it so I could make a flag so they can see i'm there.I countinued reading and after 15 minutes the fastest ones started to arrive to the small stall by the river, right of me.
I updated them and they updated me, saying they had a lot of fun in the cliffs jumping to the water.They said that they explored a nice cave on top off the cliffs and I wondered how the hell they got up there.we got to the camp and they said that they were leaving tomorow."Leaving?We just have started having fun!"-I said, in a suprise mood."Yeah, but it is for you because you got sick almost right from the start,we exausted ourselves here and in the beach in the village these days"-said Salvador.I guess they're right, but I'm a bit sad because I lost all the fun.And our "fun" supplies were depleted last night they were here in the camp, they said it was a fucking good night.Haha I wished I would had benn better that day so I could spend that night here.Ok, and know there was a an issue.Some people wanted to go to camp by the beach and others wanted to stay in the camp, both arguing that that way they would save more energy for tomorrow to go to the bus.In the end, half of the people went to to camp by the beach near the place they would get on the bus tomorow, and half stayed in the camp.I went with the guys that were going to the beach because I would sleep at my uncle's place which was close .My mother did the favor of picking them up and brought them to the river , while I went by bike.They set up the tents and Ricardo was there, Fishing like a maniac, attaking the river with his buoy, scaring all the fish away.I invited him to dinner with us.Ricardo looks like he's drunk all the time , but he's a nice boy, and we had a fun time with him and his mannered younger brother.I prepared him a huge "tomatada" with tomatoes and onions that a nice old woman had given us when we asked just for salt.I sleep like a baby in my cosy bed that day.
25- i woke up early to say goodbye to them,and went to the centre of the town in front of the church were the bus would come.And there they were, a bit touched by sleep , and I noticed Carlos and Rodrigo Goodlife weren't having a goodtime at all."We got sick last night, we are having similar simptoms to yours" said Carlos, with a sick smile on his face.After a while, Rodrigo throw up next to the bench.They're fucked up alright.I went home and gave them my medicine, and after they went to the pharmacy.The guys which had slept by the beach said they shaved some cold there.We had a nice talk about how fucked up were the russians with the vodka, and after that the bus arrived.I said goodbye to them waving my arms like a maniac on top of the gas cylinders in from of the cafe.After lunch me, Cartridge, my brother and my cousin Carolina went to Lisbon, stoping first in Coimbra to see the bedridden sister of cartucho, Joana, who had been operated a short time ago.Strong woman she is.We payed a doctor visit to her and told her to hold on.It's boring alright to be bedridden, but what can you do when you are like that?Lots of pacience and good mood, and think that better times will come.
Then we went to Lisbon, cheking the internet on the car till the laptop fades.
22 of August- Tragic Smelly Apoteose
I woke up feeling like shit trapped inside a shit jar. Tumultuous sleep I was in, where the air smelled like putrid liver diharrea and my body was colapsing at an unsuspected rate.I had nightmares where I materialized the desiese, flying giant tentacles binding my soul onto eternity.This night felt like a week of constant pain in the darkness.I stood up to smell the coffe in the morning, such coffe of my own defeated body, such body that was going to be beaten again.
My stomach rolled upside down .I felt nausea, a nausea that ment that something would change in my body, and that was that someting would leave my mouth for good.I accepted that.But denied it to my friends and in a hurry, with a bottle on my left hand, I told to the half of the camp, half waked up half baked that i was going to get some water.Lies.I couldn't handle the preassure for much longer.When I saw that they werent in sight, I just squatted down with my head down and just let go."BRAGHLHGHGH!"-the first spasm of vomit went down even before I squatted, staying below the gravel of the forest, composed of pine tree bark and dried leaves, worms and bacteria on and under it, who will love my newly old digested guts.That unpleasant sound ment that in a period of 20 seconds, at a random time, a much bigger spasm would happen."BRAAAAAAGHLSHHSTROWWBLHSH!!"-and so it was. This was probabily my strongest spasm of vomit I had ever felt.It was green, yellow and red, mixed with beans and tunafish from the last dinner, and cokies and bread from before.It lasted 4 seconds and It completedly knocked down my body.I felt like fainting, all my muscles were trembling, screaming for rest.I was sweating all over,my muscles just completely let go, including my anus muscle that relaxed himself, resulting in me shitting my swim shorts all over with liquid diahrrea that streamed down with ease on my hairy legs.My whole body,my mind,my soul and heart were asking for mercy:But it wasnt coming soon, and I throwed up a couple of times after that.And I throwed a lot more after.
Great!I had a perfumed liquid pouring down from my ass to my legs, passing my shorts,I had another sweet gelatine like water leaking down from my mouth onto my chin onto my t-shirt, my head was the oposite of the worst headache,my muscles couldnt be better and I could jump and run like a superhuman!!I hand't hangover and my eyesight was better than a hawk!
In that state of being, I walked like a zombie to the nearest village,with a blurry vision which hardly distinguished shades from light, vomiting and diahriing now and then.Shit, I had to found a place to clean myself.When I got to the village A woman aproached me, unaware of my state, and started talking to me about the fruits that we had stolen from the farms, that we had throwed some all over the floor, that if it was for eating it was ok but it wasnt' for that, and that she had to grab and clean from the floor all the grapes we dropped. Without her noticing,she was skinning me down, layer by layer, each one with a diferent kind of pain till I got fucking insane.Why isn't she aware of my state?or scent?I think she's inside my diharea smell radius.maybe she can't smell that good.With all my left strenghts, I kindly apologized to the woman, saying that the fruits we took were only for eating,and that only one member of our team dropped the fruit without our aproval and that we would repreend him in an harsh way.She was ok with me now, and she started to talk a bit more.Fuck! she wont shut up!.After a 5 minutes of an ultra interesting talk, about what we were doing here, the organization we belong and that her shitty son was studing some shit in some shitty place she finally let me off, and I continued my way down, rubbing my jerked shorts in my legs and ass ,irritating the belly of my legs .If she looked back she would see my shorts all brown in the ass area, and my legs more tanned than usual.
Just down of the road I got lucky.There was a tiny bridge with a poluted stream flowing underneath, and I went down to the stream and undressed myself to clean me up from my body liquids.I stepped down into the muddy bottom stream and started to wash myself.when I started to wash my red shorts, I started to see an insect flying around me, maybe a bee or something.5 seconds later I was stung by it 5 times, neck, finger, face, back and leg."HAAUU!..HAU.HAU.HAU...HAAAAUU!!!!PUTA DO CARALH(..)"-I cursed the wasp and it´s whole relatives till the fucking primitive bacteria that had started it all.It fucking hurt like hell, adding to the hell i was in already.I panicked with the angry wasp that was defending his territory and i quickly grabbed my stuff and nakedly walked away into the road.2 cars passed by seeing me in my birthday suit, but I didn't care and walked like this to the next river, 100 meters onwards, and I finished my cleaning with cold water and dressed myself in the wet swiming shorts and the baby blue shirt with a big smile on it.I still had the bottle so I went to the fountain and filled it, then asked a old granny wich i knew already for a benu-ron or something to relieve me from my headache and feveral state.She gave me an aspirin and i spent 10 minutes with her all fucked up and her talking about how drugs are bad for youngsters.She probabily assumed I had shot myself with heroin and had an almost-overdose or something.I looked like that at least.
I went to the camp and the guys didn´t suspect nothing.They said they were going to the fluvial beach and asked me if I wanted to go too, but i explained my condition and asked carlos if i could make a siesta on his rubber air matress.I slept there but after 5 hours of rolling over and sweating and diahrrea I told myself I had to go to the hospital.I called my mother and asked her if she could pick me up in Cabril so She could take me to the hospital.She said yes and I went to Cabril, where I saw the guys coming from the beach.they stayed there until my mother and uncle picked me up in his jeep bmw.When I got in the car I got really sick again and asked my uncle if he could stop so I could throw up.I did that and was a bit better again.When we got to the hospital in Gois the doctor said I got a gastrointritis, that a lot of people had gotten the same simptoms i had last week, probabily from the water or food.They put a needle in my arm with serum flowing throw it for 15 minutes and I felt a hole lot better, but still i wasn't hungry and had headache.My mother said it would be better for me to sleep in a spare bedroom at my uncle's place, where my aunt and her where sleeping too.As usual, my mother tryied to penance food inside myself, but I really hadn't stomach for that kind of thing.I went to sleep early with 39º of fever.
I woke up feeling like shit trapped inside a shit jar. Tumultuous sleep I was in, where the air smelled like putrid liver diharrea and my body was colapsing at an unsuspected rate.I had nightmares where I materialized the desiese, flying giant tentacles binding my soul onto eternity.This night felt like a week of constant pain in the darkness.I stood up to smell the coffe in the morning, such coffe of my own defeated body, such body that was going to be beaten again.
My stomach rolled upside down .I felt nausea, a nausea that ment that something would change in my body, and that was that someting would leave my mouth for good.I accepted that.But denied it to my friends and in a hurry, with a bottle on my left hand, I told to the half of the camp, half waked up half baked that i was going to get some water.Lies.I couldn't handle the preassure for much longer.When I saw that they werent in sight, I just squatted down with my head down and just let go."BRAGHLHGHGH!"-the first spasm of vomit went down even before I squatted, staying below the gravel of the forest, composed of pine tree bark and dried leaves, worms and bacteria on and under it, who will love my newly old digested guts.That unpleasant sound ment that in a period of 20 seconds, at a random time, a much bigger spasm would happen."BRAAAAAAGHLSHHSTROWWBLHSH!!"-and so it was. This was probabily my strongest spasm of vomit I had ever felt.It was green, yellow and red, mixed with beans and tunafish from the last dinner, and cokies and bread from before.It lasted 4 seconds and It completedly knocked down my body.I felt like fainting, all my muscles were trembling, screaming for rest.I was sweating all over,my muscles just completely let go, including my anus muscle that relaxed himself, resulting in me shitting my swim shorts all over with liquid diahrrea that streamed down with ease on my hairy legs.My whole body,my mind,my soul and heart were asking for mercy:But it wasnt coming soon, and I throwed up a couple of times after that.And I throwed a lot more after.
Great!I had a perfumed liquid pouring down from my ass to my legs, passing my shorts,I had another sweet gelatine like water leaking down from my mouth onto my chin onto my t-shirt, my head was the oposite of the worst headache,my muscles couldnt be better and I could jump and run like a superhuman!!I hand't hangover and my eyesight was better than a hawk!
In that state of being, I walked like a zombie to the nearest village,with a blurry vision which hardly distinguished shades from light, vomiting and diahriing now and then.Shit, I had to found a place to clean myself.When I got to the village A woman aproached me, unaware of my state, and started talking to me about the fruits that we had stolen from the farms, that we had throwed some all over the floor, that if it was for eating it was ok but it wasnt' for that, and that she had to grab and clean from the floor all the grapes we dropped. Without her noticing,she was skinning me down, layer by layer, each one with a diferent kind of pain till I got fucking insane.Why isn't she aware of my state?or scent?I think she's inside my diharea smell radius.maybe she can't smell that good.With all my left strenghts, I kindly apologized to the woman, saying that the fruits we took were only for eating,and that only one member of our team dropped the fruit without our aproval and that we would repreend him in an harsh way.She was ok with me now, and she started to talk a bit more.Fuck! she wont shut up!.After a 5 minutes of an ultra interesting talk, about what we were doing here, the organization we belong and that her shitty son was studing some shit in some shitty place she finally let me off, and I continued my way down, rubbing my jerked shorts in my legs and ass ,irritating the belly of my legs .If she looked back she would see my shorts all brown in the ass area, and my legs more tanned than usual.
Just down of the road I got lucky.There was a tiny bridge with a poluted stream flowing underneath, and I went down to the stream and undressed myself to clean me up from my body liquids.I stepped down into the muddy bottom stream and started to wash myself.when I started to wash my red shorts, I started to see an insect flying around me, maybe a bee or something.5 seconds later I was stung by it 5 times, neck, finger, face, back and leg."HAAUU!..HAU.HAU.HAU...HAAAAUU!!!!PUTA DO CARALH(..)"-I cursed the wasp and it´s whole relatives till the fucking primitive bacteria that had started it all.It fucking hurt like hell, adding to the hell i was in already.I panicked with the angry wasp that was defending his territory and i quickly grabbed my stuff and nakedly walked away into the road.2 cars passed by seeing me in my birthday suit, but I didn't care and walked like this to the next river, 100 meters onwards, and I finished my cleaning with cold water and dressed myself in the wet swiming shorts and the baby blue shirt with a big smile on it.I still had the bottle so I went to the fountain and filled it, then asked a old granny wich i knew already for a benu-ron or something to relieve me from my headache and feveral state.She gave me an aspirin and i spent 10 minutes with her all fucked up and her talking about how drugs are bad for youngsters.She probabily assumed I had shot myself with heroin and had an almost-overdose or something.I looked like that at least.
I went to the camp and the guys didn´t suspect nothing.They said they were going to the fluvial beach and asked me if I wanted to go too, but i explained my condition and asked carlos if i could make a siesta on his rubber air matress.I slept there but after 5 hours of rolling over and sweating and diahrrea I told myself I had to go to the hospital.I called my mother and asked her if she could pick me up in Cabril so She could take me to the hospital.She said yes and I went to Cabril, where I saw the guys coming from the beach.they stayed there until my mother and uncle picked me up in his jeep bmw.When I got in the car I got really sick again and asked my uncle if he could stop so I could throw up.I did that and was a bit better again.When we got to the hospital in Gois the doctor said I got a gastrointritis, that a lot of people had gotten the same simptoms i had last week, probabily from the water or food.They put a needle in my arm with serum flowing throw it for 15 minutes and I felt a hole lot better, but still i wasn't hungry and had headache.My mother said it would be better for me to sleep in a spare bedroom at my uncle's place, where my aunt and her where sleeping too.As usual, my mother tryied to penance food inside myself, but I really hadn't stomach for that kind of thing.I went to sleep early with 39º of fever.
"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
Albert Einstein
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
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