This day we were early on the streets of Vietri to catch the bus to Napoli, the biggest city of the region.
We passed by many suburbs of Napoli, including one part which was really close to the only volcano active in continental Europe. Fuck, how can they live there like that? with a Giant steaming lava phalic thing ready to jerk off right in the mouth of their homes? If I was poor I would move anyway.I guess it was nice to live a month there, but not your whole life.
When we got to Napoli half of us went to the soup kitchen to do voluntary work there, were poor people go to eat.we met Fernando there, which was going to be our guide through the city.I saw the people coming into the soup kitchen.I have to say that 95% of them didn't even look poor.They dressed normaly and some were even nice dressed.I asked Fernando why was that and he told me that they dressed for ocasion to this kind of thing.But I was still confused.My task there was to rapidly clean the plates with a kind of piassaba so other volunteer could wash them in the water before he puts the plates into the dish washing device.And one thing that got me a bit sad and confused was that I even had to throw some pasta away!were this people actualy poor?Poor people eat the pasta, lick what's left of it,lick their fingers and start eating the plate too!
We waited a bit outside and I talked to some guys in the group about the soup kitchen, but then the conversasion got happier and more superficial and I asked one of the Polish guys how was the night last day.He said it was great, that in the disco there was a group of models which were passing salerno.They got free drinks and they danced with them.Fuck it!I wish I could have been there, i'ven if i was half-zombie.We meet with with some Italians and a blond busty woman with really big boobs.I wondered if they were real.I asked a female friend and she didnt know because they were covered in clothe.But she said the best way is to look for consistency.The fake ones dont wobble as much.mmm. Interesting. We went to the church in the same block as the soup kitchen, and sure thing the priests lived well in Napoli.The church had a lot of golden ornaments and expensive paintings.In the back of the altar there were a lot of silver adornaments organized gently in glass, the similar staying next to each other.There were more than 400 of these silver adornaments-some represented chests, others backs, some were arms or legs, there were even soldiers and children.I asked what was their purpose and Fernando said that If you made a prair and the prair would be true, then you would ask a mettalworker to make an adornament simbolizing the miracle that happenend and you gave the thing to the church.Some had their backs healed, their vision came back from blindness, their suns came alive from the war.
Then we went for a walk in the city, supossedly the poor parts but not the poorest,but something that resembled true poverty there was minimal.there were frenetic motorcicles, good and bad cars, people in the streets talking,trash here and there,people selling things in the streets.We saw a monastery of nuns in the centre of the city.The nuns were renegades from armania.They manly left the country there 500 years ago because of the inquisition.What?Inquisition persecuting small catholic nuns?mmmm...
Spent one hour walking in Napoli then we went to an organization that helped the poor by education.They shot a movie there at a conference room.I saw a really beutiful girl sat in the front, probabily from the organization.The most funny thing about it was that half of us were fast asleep after 10 mins!Someone took photos and I'll post them too.But who can judge them?they were partying for 4 days straight getting up at 8 am.
After the extensive and interesting video,we had a snack and I seated next to the portuguese girls, and ocasionally the blond busty woman stood just right of me.I found out she was Ausie, and she complemented my english fluency.She must have a hard time in Italy, I though.after a nice small talk I found out she was really nice person, really educated and not formal, but formal in an nice informal kind of way.People have personalities behind their maked-up crust, but our animality doesn't let us see that.What if we didn't had crusts or outside shells?What if we were just gases?How would we like each other?I wondered.We could literally bond with the other person if in gaseous form.
We went for a walk again.I talked to Fernando a bit, and for my astonishment he sang a portuguese song "menina estas a janela"(girl you're at the window) correctly with lyrics!he said he was in a band and sometimes sang portuguese and brazilian music. Funny,last time I spoke that song was on the street, at night, nealed singing it to an old lady by the window.He also played the clarinet but droped it as I did too.

We didn't went there and we walked straight till we got to the royal palace and the plebescito, a huge arced church with lots of colums to stand it's weight.I texted them saying I would be here in the plaza in front of the royal palace, and so they were not there so we went to the next cafe in the plaza, Gambrinus, because they said the cofe was exelent.I din't had no money, so alessandra wanted to pay me the cofe and I got a litle embarrased by that.She drank it like a shot so I did the same.It was a strong expresso.
I wanted to pee, so I went to the bathroom downstairs.No one was there and I found it a bit odd, such a popular place and noone uses it's clean, poshy bathroom.I closed and latched the door and sat on the toilet to defecate, semi-solids and liquids. Then the scariest thing happened.The lights from the little bathroom were I was in went out, and I only saw the light from the outside bathroom through 3 horizontal gaps for natural ventilation down in the door.And then I heard a loud hoarse rusty voice from the outside, and it looked like the thing that had that voice was speaking just up from the gaps.I went into panic when I saw a shadow in the gaps and the thick rusty voice speaking again.It was uncompreensible Italian.I don't want to get out but I don't want to stay in either!I will get ass raped by the mosnter , that's for sure!trembling a bit, i tryied 3 quick times to clumsily open the door knob but it would'nt open!"MA QUESTO,QUE COSA?"-the mosnter said something like that, crawling with his voice.Then the inside light just turned on.Wtf man, the latch was locked!you had locked the door!that's why it would'nt open!Now, what do I do?do I open the door and see what's out there, or I stay inside until I die from starvation?The monster was speaking impatiently now, and I started to notice that it's voice had a familiar feeling to it.I unsteadily open the door and to my surprise it was only a normal bathroom old maid talking with her torned out rusty voice.She was waving her right hand and looking at me like asking for money, and I quickly ran away from that scene, more because I didn't had no money than for fear.
I told the girls the story and they said she was there for quite sometime, that she stayed with her voice like that when she was operated when a child.They said it was normal to ask money only to tourists.
10 minutes later, the tired herd of international tourists finally arrived to the plaza where we were.The Italians did a game where they put 2 persons blindfold in front of the palace, and they're goal was to walk straight in the huge plaza till they get to the library.It looks easier that it is.i saw 6 people doing it and only one managed to do it.The others got desoriented and went to the right or the left.From seeing them playing I discovered a trick.When I was blindfolded i started to walk.When i felt a slope, I knew that I had arrived to one of many line of concave stones paralel to the church, and the end of each stone it makes a gap line wich is perpendicular to the church, so I had only to feel that gap and follow that direction.
Slideshow of Napoli
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