Thursday, 30 September 2010

20 of Setember- Peakocks , Trucks and dogs

    The harsh morning sunrays that escaped through the semi open window of my bedroom travelled my room at lightspeed , just to hit my semi-woken half-dead ugly face in the morning, which led to me to defenitely get out of bed."Today is the day"- I said to myself.The house looked awkardly silent, the clock was lazily on the 8:16 , my feet slinkily walked on the wooden pavement, after a short sightseeing though the house I found out that my brother and mother had already left the place.I wanted to say goodbye to my mother,she defenitely wouldn't leave the place without saying goodbye to me, because I told her the night before what were my plans for today.She must be pretty pissed to leave home without saying goodbye, I though to myself while remembering the talk 5 hours ago about how rot my decision was and what would my father do to me if he was alive.

    "No mom, my father would never punish me or beat me because of this decision I made!"- I uttered, closing my bedroon door in front of the point of the nose of my mother.

  That was the last thing I said to my mother, 5 hours ago.Now here I was, in my house, with the company of morning city sounds and the construction noises of a nearby building.I got a strangling feeling all over my body and I quickly realized this - I have to get out of this!Chop-Chop and hit the road, Jack!

    My mind accelarreted my drowsy body in a matter of seconds, no need for coffe.There were 3 big breads in the kitchen, chiken leftovers from the last day and a dirty cloth in the counter of my kitchen.I ripped the chiken apart and put it inside the 2 cut breads, and with the other one I quickly made an hotdog with the sausages in the fridge and some  Pala-Pala chips.I wrapped the 3 sandwiches in transparent cooking wrapping paper, then headed to my bedroom and put it all inside the backpack, together with the clothes.I also Put 2 noodles on the side so not to break them with the weight of the bag.I had a dry cereal with chololate milk promptly breakfast and looked again in the kitchen closet for an extra meal to carry.I curved myself to see if there was any Nutella left from yesterday, and I got the blues when I saw that it was neatly cleaned on the inside by a gluttonous finger.Damn, I sighted.And when I lay down the empty cup back in the place I see another full 400grms Nutella glass that was behind the empty one!!Fuck YEah!!I cheared out loud in joy.The day is starting good, I wondered while putting the heavy backpack on my bag.

         Got out of the house and spent 25 seconds in the busstop as I see the bus aproaching.didn't had any pre-paid ticket, so I vexedly paid the 1,50euro cost of the boar ticket,for sorrow of my Jewish Dybbuk inside me.

    Had some time to rest in the bus before exiting it in Calvario, Next to the bridge.I found out a carbox and cut the biggest rectangle of it with my black penknife my aunt had given to me.

    With the cardboard on my hand and the backpack on ,I climbed up the hill, through the neighbourhood close to the bridge, walked under it till I get to the spot where I first hitchhiked.I saw a open van with é guys seated on the opening and one standing.I went to the men and asked them if they were going to the other side of the bridge.The nice working man said that the Van of their was out of refrigirating liquid, so a van of the same company was coming to attest the deposit with liquid.They might had a spot in their van, but I had to wait,he said sympathetically."I have all the time in the world"- I said, smilling to the man.I waited with them some time, reading my book and then the helper van came.

  They opened the front of the van and started to suffocate the refrigirating compartment of the van, only when they stopped choking her the van had time to breathe ,so I saw the air bubbles coming out of the reservoir.After being fully attested, I asked the short bearded guy if it was possible for me to go with them, and he agreed to let me off in Almada.

  I was taken to the end of Almada as they said, and I took off the backpack from their trunk, while waving at them.

  Went to the bathroom at a local bar-restaurant,and then went to the last traffic light in almada, writting "Setubal" with a thick black marker on the cardboard.Started to put my left thumb up by the zebra crossing.It was 10:46 am and I was Full of energy.15 Minutes later I got a ride, but I was glad I suddently realized he was going in the opposite direction.Thanked him and came back to the spot ,where 18 minutes later I heard somebody whisteling, looked around and saw a guy getting himself ready at a carpark nearby, waving at me.I quickly came to him and he said he could take me near setubal.I accepted the ride and off we go to the highway.The 40 year old bald guy was really nice, he had been a hitchhiker himself when he was about my age,and he did artwork on ortrich eggs.He droped me at a roundabout in a national road.

     I stuck my thumb there and after 5 minutes a woman Picked me up; saying she passed twice there, qnd she got pitty of me because I could be the age of her son.She was nice qnd heavily maked up,she was about the age of my mother.She took me to the entrance of the highway and wished me good luck; but I didn't had any luck there so I snaily walked 500 meters to a roundabout of a national road, with dry earthsand, restaurants and a chicken farm around me.HItchhicked there for a bit with a sign saying "badajoz",the spanish city near the border.became full of joy when a truck stopped in my back,hearding it because of the loud noise of the suspension stopping:"SHHHHHHHHHhhh!".

   "Cam'on in!"- he said in a southern portuguese accent.He was a young, skinny truck driver who had the same first name as I, Joao.Right after we parted he readily offered me a rectangular slice of pizza he had ther, and I couldn't refuse.We had a nice journey of 3 and a half hours till he left me in a gas station at the end of the town of Badajoz."Well, see you around Joao, and I gUess I'll still see you when I load and go, 3 hours from now."he said, joking with me."No way!, I will get a ride right away!"and with this I left,taking a small cement sidwalk, with wild vegetation groing from it,that was leading to the highway.

   With a sign sayng "MADRID!", I had a boring tima hitchhiking there, thinking about a place to sleep there in the dry grassland fields just outside of town if I didn't get a ride.I was standing at the end of a spanish road with 300 meters, and I could see the cars at the right turning to the left; deflecting me and staying away from me 250meters in advance.FFFFFFffssshit.It's going to be a loooong day in the spanish plains.

     When I was loosing moral and ready to quit, a spanish guy stopped saying he was not going to Madrd, be he was going the way of Madrd, and he could drop me at a service station 9km outside of town.Yeah, anything is better than this lousy place!, I though ."ok, vamonos!"- I said and jumed to his car.He was a fun positive spanish driver, he had hitchhiked and grabbed a few guys, and when we were at the gas station I left him with the couchsurfing site and "zeitgeist" written on a sheet of papper.

    4:18 pm - I was full of energy and positivism, so I started to ask the truckdrivers, one by one, if they were going to Madrid or north of spain and if they could take me.There were not few trucks but not as many, the quantity I like.I would look the truck's plate first and then talk to the driver in his respective language.There were a lot of Portuguese Truckdrivers, so I thought I would get lucky, but as the time went by, I only get awnsers like "No" ,"going the opposite diirection lad, sorry" or "I'll go there, but I can't take you".I had asked all the truckdrivers in the area, so i went to the service station's bar-restaurant, no luck there too.Now I was tinking: apart of the boredom of staying here for a night ,I would be pretty fine.As I depleted all my sources for transportation, I went for a walk, where behind the restaurant I began to see funny birds-Peackoks! what the hell?Lying in the concrete there were a big family of orage beak ducks, that were all staring at me.I got a bit ansious, and when I start walking to them I heard a big barking dog.Fiew, glad it's inside a fence.then another even bigger dog jumps in the scene, next to the peockoks, barking even louder.This dog wasnt inside the fence but had a leash.I didn't know the actual range of the metal chain leash, so I carefully kept my distance.I went back to the resttaurant and it was now 

 9:45.With the mind already set to stay there, I searched in the backpack for the chiken bread I had prepared and ate it.After I began to read a book called the monk and the executive.After a while it began to look like a lot of bestseller bullshit, so I went again to ask the drivers, again with no luck.

  11:39- i quit from asking and began to search a spot to sleep.I found out I could have done this earlier with the light of the sun, now with artificial light only iluminaating the service station I wouldn't adventure further.There were a big line of trucks parked, and as I walk the line i saw a sweet small sheltered spot, between 2 giant trucks and equidistant of the 2 nearest sources of light, so It was the darkest spot available-Nice.I put my backpack on the ground, withdraw the matress and the sleeping bacg and had an average night of camper's sleep.


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