"Joao, wake up!"-said a strange familiar voice.I was drowsy, feeling an awkward taste in my mouth. I was seeing everything very strangely.I took 10 seconds to focus my eyes to see the person."daniele..."I lazely replied, stuffing my head in my pillow again."-"come on Joao, only 5 minutes left till breakfast!" he insited.He won.My hungry kami inside me was craving for food, and I had to obey.I quickly dress myself in yesterday clothes and I notice my swimming shorts were wet, and that sensation quickly dawned in my memory some of the ongoings from last night.I felt a substancial weight on the poket of my shorts.I open them and I see that my phone is wet.Fuck! I went swimming last night with my phone!After a sad moment, I grinned for a bit.
These summer, I had went to swimming and From that I had already lost 2 phones, 15 euros in notes and 5 euros in coins.I'm really dumb or I have a really fucked up memory.Well, I have to get another one.With half of my pupils showing and my salty messy hair I went downstairs and quickly filled up my cup and took some bread and crackers.When I sat down I realised that I was still a bit drunk from last night.I put coffe inside the cup and juice inside the bowl.I told people what had happened with my phone.Some felt sorry for me, and my cousin said she had 2 phones and that she would give one to me.
After the breakfast I went a bit to the living room to chill a bit and talk to people.Luca, my roomate and the organizator of the exchange told me in front of everybody I had throwed up last night right of my bed and to clean it.I felt really embarased.Why the hell didn't I noticed it? I went upstairs to the room and cheked the vomit there.I saw a brown line stained in the pillow, but no vomit was on sight.After a while , I discovered where it was.Almost under my bed, an almost transparent, odorless liquid rested.That's why I didn't noticed, it's because it's too litle and didn't smell!I quickly cleaned that with a mop and cleaned also the pillow and the comon bathroom, which by now had a sty like pavement on it.I put the pillow drying next to my socks outside, and I paused there for a bit to enjoy the calm mediterranean view from the balcony.
We went to the bus to go and check other breathtaking villages and landscapes in the region,Ravello and Amalfi, Vincenso's hometown.We went through big sunny cliffs, we passed gorgeous Forests covering mountains to the top(why aren't they burned?) we saw imense plains after the mountains we were in, we saw giant peaks that would continue till their support rocks would fall on the blue, sunshined water,were the fisherman of the village bellow throws his net with a short, muted blessing.
We went through small roads in the thin air of mountains of napoli,where the bus had to wait so the cars which were coming in the oposite direction would pass by, so the bus could continue through the small road with 2 ways but only space for 1 venhicle.
To see more photos from ravello, click the above link.
When we got to the bus, a french woman which I hadn't met yet seated next to me, with her legs bent supported by the back of the frontchair.She was optimistic and smiling all the time.Her name was Alicia, and I found out she was 27 and had done volunteer work in a foster's home in armenia for 9 months. I asked what sign was she and she replied virgin in french, and i said I was pisces.I asked her if she believed in that and she said so-so."Then tell me how fishes are!" I said ,joking."Well, fishes are creative, unstable,they are scatterbrains- their heads are in the clouds most of the time,and they listen to others"Alicia said.Mmm, interesting.
She wore big glasses so I couldn't see her eyes, but I noticed when she started talking again she went rigid with her mouth "It will seem a bit strange to you, but I notice when I see you that you have some kind of problems haunting you, you seem confused.Like you said, you speak with everybody, but nobody knows you, you hide something true from others, and inside you fight with yourself."Her mouth started to deform in a frowning kind of manner "I don't have this connection with all the people, I only had it with four, five people, and some I didn't even told what I felt because some were my colege workers, it would be too awkward.I was unsure whether or not I would tell to you, but I think you ought to know that.for me it's really dificult to say this"-she said.I was surprised with this sudent change in her conversation, and she noted that and said "Are you scared?do you think I'm crazy?"she said , with a grin in the end.
"No,not at all, I'm just surprised and very confused.How can you know all this.You seem to know me but you don't know me, you know?"-I asked,feeling funny."Yeah, it's kind of strange.But I don't get this with all the people.Most of the people I can see only..."while she was talking she was waving her arm creating an horizontal plan."Superficialy?""Yes Superficialy!"-she'd agreed"Most people I can only see superficially, but you, you I can see that you strugle on the inside, you're like shattered(she told me , gesturing her hands like she was ripping something appart).You feel like you're the only one going through this , but there are many more - children, people with your age or even older that feel lost in this world, are struggling with themselves and feel alianated.I saw a boy at the orphanage which had so much issues, he had had such a hard background"she said with a clear sad look on her face.
"But how can you know all this?why am I struggling and shatered?"I asked."I don't know how exactly, but I can feel it and I see it in your expression that you are triving with a problem and you haven't found the solution, you're lost.".After moment, I opened myself and told her my problems and issues, what I was going through and my plans for travelling throughout this year.I asked her what was her opinion about this and she said "I think you are confused, and you'll have a long path in life till that fades.the period which you are passing through will not cease tomorrow, it will take time, but you will find your way in life, that I'm sure.I think your travel will be the best you do, you can't stay in your house with your family like that,you will stay angry, it will harm you and them"she said ,determined."I think you are kind, you can't hurt or be violent to others on purpose, but with you, with yourself,you can be harsh and cold,and that's not good for you".
I was very surprised with this, and I talked to her, asking a bit more about her sayings.I had a rational way of thinking, and the only rational way that what she had been saying was true was that she was a very good people's reader.I asked her if she was a psicologist and she told she had read a lot about it about it.
We stopped in a area of pre-made houses that were used to shelter the people that lost their houses from the last erupcion of Mt. Vesuvius, near Pompei.The houses were made of wood and were in bad condition.There wasn't anybody there, so we continued our way to Cava de' Tireni, where we got a huge traffic jam, but the time went quickly because we had a fun time listening to Henrique's jokes and 10 ways to say dick in napolitan.We listen to Vincenzo singing the old version of Papa Americano to Maria singing I will survive (better then tremulant Vincenzo)
We went to a 55 chair pizza restaurant for us.It was the last time I've ever sat in the midle of a group of Italians.Next time, I seat at the corner with an mp3 in hand or a book or something,because i don't capito nothing when italians talk to each other at the speed of lightening.To compensate the boredom and fretness of the moment, I had a good time eating pizzas and drinking red wine.in Itally, they eat pizza in a peculiar way-they grab the pizza slice and they bend it in the midle, grabing it by the bread.I ate a total of 3 pizzas.Pizzas kept cominng, two at a time, and at the end of 10 seconds they were gone.I tasted 5 or 6 diferent flavors of pizzas, including the traditional most popular pizza in italy-margaritta, to a pizza whithout tomato, only cheese and potatos and sausages, to pizzas with anchovies and olives.The Italians next to me started to rais the tone of the conversation,and the more wine I drank the more strange their conversation seemed.In the end, I only saw a bunch of mild angry italian guys praying and waving their hands to each other while talking loudly.I felt like I was going through a roller coaster when they talked.
After the dinner,we got on the bus , but Vincenzo asked the litle pen he used in his pda that he had lent to me, and I said I had left it in the restaurant, so I went there really fast because everyone was waiting for me.I was already a bit happy, but I managed to go there and find the little pen.There was a full glass of wine standed next to the pen.I was very full, but i said Fuck it to myself and drank it all at once.Trying to look normal, I went back to the bus, and everybody clapped at me, because they though i was missing.
The bus stopped in front of a complex all lit up, and we went there to the youth association in Cava, where the party would be.There were some Italians which I already knew there, and we had a good time there dancing and enjoyng the last true night out in the napolitan region to us.
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