3rth day in Lisbon.
Last 2 nights were pretty crazy but chilled out, with the company of some of my best friends,just hanging out and ceising the day.I told my mother I wanted to ask for a refund or a change for my backpack which was rippen of at the airport.I wanted to go to the place I bought it, so when my mother came from work we went there with my brother too.In the store they said they would send it to the manufactor, and they would probabily get me another one, but it would take time.I wasn't expecting this and i got exalted in the moment, because I had plans to leave Lisbon soon.What the hell, I'll have to buy another one,or i'll ask to my cousin if she can lend me the one she has.
We went to a near place to dinner, and we choose a pizzeria.My mother knew what I wanted to do, but we only began to talk about it at the end of the conversation, and every time we talk about this it doesn't end well.By the time we got home, my mother was sobbing and sayng I should have had been beaten more when I was a child, that I wasn't worthy of all the things she gave to me.
Glad I had plans, but I guess I would quickly made them up just to get out of the house ,to escape my mother's sorrowful eyes.
I went to etnology museum, were the guys said they would be.There was almost everybody there from the closest friends,some would come later and only Carlos would miss the night because he had to go with her parents to visit his grandma.We were 8 there, and after a while Salvador came to save us from boredom, and Nuno and "the Boss" made each one a spliff to start the night.we changed the spot to the old one, the stairs by the museum, and Nuno Recicled the half drunk Ice tea carton and put inside it a strong but nice mix of warm beaverages.Then Mike came with his two girls, Mariana and Vera, and Morroida suddently appeared out of nothing, just like a Pokémon.
The Modifiyng Conciousness Consumable Items were being passed in circles throughout the group,circling ,swinging, turning, like they were racing with each other in a circuit till they die.
The Last one to die was the liquid, the ice tea bottle, much bigger and substancial than his solid state burning mates.
Tomas, the youngest one, was the last to arrive. we greet him and decided to go down to meet Carlota which lived next to nuno's house, and It was still a long way there, but we were in a good mood so it passed quickly till we got to Belém.The group was scattered and had breaken up into 2 groups, so the first one waited a bit for the other in the center of Belém.We had to make a praxe to the youngest one so while waiting for the others, we though tomas was still pretty sober, so he drank 6 shots from the vodka bottle cover. He said he could take even more, so when all the group had arrived we told tomas to lie down and when we were all around him, Nuno put the vodka bottle turned down right above Toma's mouth, and the poor thing had to swallow all that was being offered to him.He gave some nice 4 gulps and we stopped.That guy is going to be fucked up tonight alright, we said to each other.
Now that everybody was in a good mood, we went to Nuno's neighbourhood, and me, him and Morroida went to meet Carlota at the park.She said she was going to be there, but instead there was only one brother of her that Nuno had meet."Hi,what's up? have you seen Carlota?"nuno, asked, greeting him with a dude handshake"I think she's at home, let me check"and the pleasant dude did us the favor of going there to see if his sister was home".We waited a bit with his friends, and I noticed that there were two guys with 2 earings and strange manners.Mmmm.I hope their house is near.He came back after 15 minutes, saiyng his sister was not at home.

We were standing next to a stopped slow train ."tchhhhhk-tchhhhk.TchhhHPFFF"- the train's engine starts moving, dragging along his carriges, accelaratting very slowly. Mike arose and yelled running- "Let's GO!".Half of the group joined him and cought the empty train in acellerated movement..I was one of the last,having troubles getting in because there was no stair in sight.I jump on the oppen plataform putting my upper body part on the empty goods's train and just dragged and pulled my legs upwards.I stood up on the train while it was getting speed, and my adrenaline runned faster too.I felt the wind blowing stronger every second,its wheels rustly accelareting at a steady passe, I saw mike jumping out ,so I did the same.The train wasn't slow at the time of the jump, so I gently squanted and jumped to the concrete line separating the rails, and my body strongly leaned forward, I had to continue to run and dorcing my body up as to not to fall down.I managed to stand up after a few seconds.Now everybody was out of the train, exept the rotten drunk Tomas, which was happily jumping on the Train, like a fool.He bounced a bit, before jumping badly out of the train, falling with the two legs together, with his back to the train, causing him to fall harshily to the right, with his face on the ground.AAAAWWw!!I laughed so hard until I couldn't , but then I realised that this wasn't a youtube video and I quickly runned to aid him(we should have taped it.).
He was fucking drunk, so the pain would only come tomorrow, but he was felling pretty sick from alchool so when we came back to the circle we told them what had happened.Tomas was seating on the grass,in a funny position like .We noticed he was very pale and after a while he began to throw up.I really like Tomas, he is a really nice true friend, but at the time the situation only made me laugh!!why am I laughing so hard?When he was over he pulled himself up, but I don't know why but his pants and underpants didn't arise with him, so he stood walking with his ass showing!!I kept laughing and laughing until i couldn't!I knew Tomas was passing through a hard time(which I had passed many times, some even worse that his), but I couldn't keep quiet.then he came back from his short walk, realized his pants were down and lifted his dirty trousers up, and then nealed himself while leaning his chest forward with his arms awkwardly bent and his face dull has a cow.HAHAHAH!!It was one of the strangest positions to stand, I though, it looks like he's meditating!
Carlota dá cambalhota!