Tuesday, 14 September 2010

27-30 of August- Last Days In Lisbon

     These days were all about party in Restelo with the guys and the girls.

    On the 27 we had a party next to the museum with only the guys from the camp, then the 28th and 29th Mariana and vera came and we  told happy birthday to Chi through the phone.She was having her birthday party on the 2nd, but i could go because I was in Italy.

     I was in a dilemma with myself for quite some time but now it was reaching climatic proportions.I was leaving to Italy on the 1st of Setember, And I had to tell my mother before it that after it I would continue on my journey to France and then throughout europe,for a year, Hitchhiking and couchsurfing, meeting new people, doing some work now and then, and visiting awsome places and not so awsome ones. The thing was that I had told my mother already about this, but she though I was joking the majority of times and didn't even pay attention to what i was sayng, and when she though I wasn't joking she slapped me in the face, sayng to not to joke  with her, with tears on her eyes.

    Maybe I won't tell her about what I want to do.Maybe It's better.I talked with my friends about this and they said the oposite, that was  better to tell her sooner as possible.I told them this was probabily the hardest thing I will have done in all my life.Because I feel like i'm backstabing my mother when i'll tell her i'll do this.A woman that gave me everything, and now I don't behave to her expectations. There is a chinese proverb which says that the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.I guess it can be applied to this situation now.But It's a fukin hard task to plant this tree.The soil is old, hard,already made, and the water flows through it like sand.but I have to do It.Tomorrow for sure.I have to drop the flood.

    So on the 30th of Setembre of 2010 I told my mother at lunch I wanted to talk with her when she gets back from work.This gave time for me and my mother to prepare mentaly for the talk, at least a bit.
    When she got back from work, She asked me what I wanted to talk with her so we sat on her bed, and after she said something like "Start talking,what is it" I was silent for 10 seconds, then  trying to do a serious look so she could believe I wasn't joking I looked her in the eyes and said what were my plans for the next year, talking for like 5 minutes for what would I do this, where would I go to and how would I do this.Of course she started a rampage.But It wasn't the same kind I was used too, It was the kind like "do what you want" and then "if you think its better to [RAMPAGE] ,then do it".

     After that my mother leisurely grabbed a black beer from the fridge than sat on the round table of our living room, looking at the sunset behind the buildings and the trees and the palace of Pena,far away from our house,  drinking beer from a crystal wine glass, with crossed legs, a cigarette in her bent hand, humid melancholyc eyes whatching these hole scene.

     Crap.I felt really bad for this and I went to Felipe's house.I think my mother felt really dissapointed of me and i think she gave up a bit.But In a way I think it could have been much worse.Anyway,I just wanted to forget it.We waited there seeing a sci-fi movie with his father and his new fixed surround Speakers until all the guys were there, most of them brought drinks so we were really full of them.

   We went with them outside to a park from the museum with gravel on the floor and wooden structures were you could climb them.Mariana came after a while with a friend and Madalena came after that too.We started to play Rings of Fire with alchoolic drinks, of course, vodka ,cream liquor, cola,lemon juice.I drank a lot that day.I secretly throw up so I could drink more with more effect, hehehe.And I drank more!In the end we were all in a good mood, and the ones with the best mood climbed up "the tower" to drink vodka shots with the cover of the bottle.after some shots Madalena bite me in the neck.That shit really hurt! I bite her back for revenge.Then she bite another one.Then he bite her and another one.In the end almost everyone at the top was biten!We had a fun time there.After a while Madalena said she had to go home, so I went with her to the bus station and while waiting for the bus we kissed each other.Then when the bus came I came back to the complex,and said goodbye to Mariana and Pedro.Now only the old friends were there, and they started to give me advices for my next year,advices I'll remember and put to good use.We went to Felipe's house again because he had some stash left.we got out of his house and went to the stairs right of the square near Sale's old house and put the last of the stash on the cup to good use.

  At the end of it I asked for hours.5:10 am of 1 of Septembre.I had to "get up" at 5:30.I said goodbye to each of them and Tomas escorted me to my house.Good yougnster that guy is.I see a future behind that Harry Potter looking boy!

  When I got home my mother woke up after a bit, and it was a weird atmosphere there.I was hungry and I ate 6 huge toasts with butter and honey on it.MmMMmmm!! I live for this!

I had my backpack ready, so I tightened the straps around the waist and went to the car with my mother to pick up my cousin, which was coming to Italy with me.

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